require 'open3' #require_relative('./array.rb') #require_relative('./hash.rb') #require_relative('./timer.rb') BUFFER_SIZE=1024 if(!defined?(BUFFER_SIZE)) # = Command # # execution of system commands # # = Keys # # - :input The input of the commands. # - :timeout The timeout in seconds. # a value of zero is to infinite timeout. # defaults to zero # - :directory The working directory for the command. # defaults to the current directory # - :exit_code The exit code of the command # - :output The output contains the stdout output of the command # - :error The error contains stderr output of the command # - :machine The name of the machine the command executed on # - :user The user name # - :start_time # - :end_time # class Command < Hash def initialize command self[:input] = '' self[:timeout] = 0 self[:directory] = '' self[:exit_code] = 0 self[:output] = '' self[:error] = '' self[:machine] = '' self[:user] = '' self[:start_time] = nil self[:end_time] = nil if(command.kind_of?(String)) self[:input] = command end if(command.kind_of?(Hash)) command.each{|k,v| self[k.to_sym]=v } end end def quiet? (self.has_key?(:quiet) && self[:quiet]) end def execute value=nil if(!value.nil? && value.is_a?(Hash)) value.each{|k,v|self[k]=v} end pwd=Dir.pwd self[:directory] = pwd if(!self.has_key?(:directory) || self[:directory].length==0) if(self[:timeout] > 0) puts "#{self[:input]} (#{self[:directory]}) timeout #{self[:timeout].to_s}" if(!quiet?) else puts "#{self[:input]} (#{self[:directory]})" if(!quiet?) end self[:machine] = Command.machine self[:user] = Command.user self[:start_time] Dir.chdir(self[:directory]) do if self[:input].include?('<%') && self[:input].include?('%>') ruby = self[:input].gsub("<%","").gsub("%>","") begin self[:output]=eval(ruby) rescue self[:exit_code]=1 self[:error]="unable to eval(#{ruby})" end self[:elapsed] = timer.elapsed_str self[:end_time] = else begin if(self[:timeout] <= 0) self[:output],self[:error],status= Open3.capture3(self[:input]) self[:exit_code]=status.to_i self[:elapsed] = timer.elapsed_str self[:end_time] = else require_relative 'timeout.rb' #puts run_with_timeout(self[:input], self[:timeout], 1).to_s #self[:output] = run_with_timeout(self[:input], self[:timeout], 1) result=run_with_timeout2(self[:directory],self[:input], self[:timeout], 2) self[:output]=result[0] self[:error]=result[1] self[:exit_code]=result[2] self[:elapsed] = timer.elapsed_str self[:end_time] = if(timer.elapsed >= self[:timeout]) self[:exit_code]=1 self[:error] = self[:error] + "timed out" end end rescue Exception => e self[:elapsed] = timer.elapsed_str self[:end_time] = self[:error] = "Exception: " + e.to_s self[:exit_code]=1 end end end if(self[:exit_code] != 0) if(!quiet?) puts "exit_code=#{self[:exit_code]}" puts self[:output] puts self[:error] end if(!self.has_key?(:ignore_failure) || !self[:ignore_failure]) raise "#{self[:input]} failed" end #unless (self.has_key?(:ignore_failure) && self[:ignore_failure]==true) end end def self.machine if !ENV['COMPUTERNAME'].nil? return ENV['COMPUTERNAME'] end machine = `hostname` machine = machine.split('.')[0] if machine.include?('.') return machine.strip end def self.user ENV['USER'].nil? ? ENV['USERNAME'] : ENV['USER'] end def self.home ["USERPROFILE","HOME"].each {|v| return ENV[v].gsub('\\','/') unless ENV[v].nil? } dir="~" dir=ENV["HOME"] unless ENV["HOME"].nil? dir=ENV["USERPROFILE"].gsub('\\','/') unless ENV["USERPROFILE"].nil? return dir end def self.dev_root ["DEV_HOME","DEV_ROOT"].each {|v| return ENV[v].gsub('\\','/') unless ENV[v].nil? } dir=home #dir=ENV["DEV_ROOT"].gsub('\\','/') unless ENV["DEV_ROOT"].nil? return dir end def self.exit_code command cmd = cmd[:ignore_failure]=true cmd[:quiet]=true cmd.execute cmd[:exit_code] end def self.output command cmd = cmd[:ignore_failure]=true cmd[:quiet]=true cmd.execute cmd[:output] end def getFormattedTimeSpan timespan seconds = timespan seconds.to_s + " sec" end def summary duration="" duration=getFormattedTimeSpan(self[:end_time]-[:start_time]) + " - " if(!self[:end_time].nil?) duration + "#{self[:exit_code].to_s} #{self[:input]} (#{self[:directory]})" end def to_html if self[:exit_code] == 0 [ '
' ].join else [ '
', map { |k, v| ["", v.respond_to?(:to_html) ? v.to_html : ""] }, '
', '
' ].join end end end class Add < Array def update if(File.exists?('.git') && File.exists?('.gitignore')) add 'git add --all' else if(defined?(SOURCE)) if(File.exists?('.svn')) SOURCE.each{|f| add "svn add #{f} --parents" if Command.output("svn status #{f}").include?('?') add "svn add #{f} --parents" if Command.exit_code("svn status #{f}") != 0 } end if(File.exists?('.git')) SOURCE.each{|f| add "git add #{f} -v" if `git status #{f}`.include?('untracked') } end end end end end class Analyze < Array def update if(`gem list countloc`.include?('countloc (')) FileUtils.mkdir('doc') if(!File.exists?('doc')) add 'countloc -r * --html doc/countloc.html' end end end class Array def execute value=nil i=0 while i < self.length self[i][i]) if(self[i].is_a?(String)) self[i][i]) if(self[i].is_a?(Hash) && !self[i].is_a?(Command)) if(!value.nil? && value.is_a?(Hash)) value.each{|k,v|self[i][k]=v} end self[i].execute if(self[i].is_a?(Command)) i=i+1 end end def add command self << command if(!include?(command)) end def to_html html << '
' self.each{|e| html << e.to_html if e.respond_to?(:to_html) } html << '
' html.join end end require 'rake''*.sln','*/*.sln','*/*/*.sln') class Build < Array def update changed = true #changed = Git.has_changes? if(File.exists?('.git') && defined?(Git)) #changed = Svn.has_changes? if(File.exists?('.svn') && defined?(Svn)) if(changed) Dir.glob('*.gemspec'){|gemspec| add "gem build #{gemspec}" if !File.exist?(Gemspec.gemfile gemspec) } SLN_FILES.each{|sln_file| vs_version=MSBuild.get_vs_version(sln_file) if(MSBuild.has_version?(vs_version)) MSBuild.get_configurations(sln_file).each{ |configuration| MSBuild.get_platforms(sln_file).each{|platform| #Console.debug "configuration='#{configuration}', platform='#{platform}'" self.add "\"#{MSBuild.get_version(vs_version)}\" \"#{sln_file}\" /nologo /p:Configuration=#{configuration} /p:Platform=\"#{platform}\"" } } else "puts version #{vs_version} not found for MsBuild" end } end end end class Clean < Array def update ['.yardoc','log','tmp','obj'].each{|dir| CLEAN.include(dir) if File.exists?(dir) } CLEAN.include('*.{suo,sdf}') #add '<%Rake::Task[:clean].reenable%>' add '<%Rake::Task[:clean].invoke%>' end end class Clobber < Array def update ['bin'].each{|dir| CLOBBER.include(dir) if File.exists?(dir) } clean.update CLOBBER.include('*.gem') #add '<%Rake::Task[:clobber].reenable%>' add '<%Rake::Task[:clobber].invoke%>' end end require 'open3' #require_relative('./array.rb') #require_relative('./hash.rb') #require_relative('./timer.rb') BUFFER_SIZE=1024 if(!defined?(BUFFER_SIZE)) # = Command # # execution of system commands # # = Keys # # - :input The input of the commands. # - :timeout The timeout in seconds. # a value of zero is to infinite timeout. # defaults to zero # - :directory The working directory for the command. # defaults to the current directory # - :exit_code The exit code of the command # - :output The output contains the stdout output of the command # - :error The error contains stderr output of the command # - :machine The name of the machine the command executed on # - :user The user name # - :start_time # - :end_time # class Command < Hash def initialize command self[:input] = '' self[:timeout] = 0 self[:directory] = '' self[:exit_code] = 0 self[:output] = '' self[:error] = '' self[:machine] = '' self[:user] = '' self[:start_time] = nil self[:end_time] = nil if(command.kind_of?(String)) self[:input] = command end if(command.kind_of?(Hash)) command.each{|k,v| self[k.to_sym]=v } end end def quiet? (self.has_key?(:quiet) && self[:quiet]) end def execute value=nil if(!value.nil? && value.is_a?(Hash)) value.each{|k,v|self[k]=v} end pwd=Dir.pwd self[:directory] = pwd if(!self.has_key?(:directory) || self[:directory].length==0) if(self[:timeout] > 0) puts "#{self[:input]} (#{self[:directory]}) timeout #{self[:timeout].to_s}" if(!quiet?) else puts "#{self[:input]} (#{self[:directory]})" if(!quiet?) end self[:machine] = Command.machine self[:user] = Command.user self[:start_time] Dir.chdir(self[:directory]) do if self[:input].include?('<%') && self[:input].include?('%>') ruby = self[:input].gsub("<%","").gsub("%>","") begin self[:output]=eval(ruby) rescue self[:exit_code]=1 self[:error]="unable to eval(#{ruby})" end self[:elapsed] = timer.elapsed_str self[:end_time] = else begin if(self[:timeout] <= 0) self[:output],self[:error],status= Open3.capture3(self[:input]) self[:exit_code]=status.to_i self[:elapsed] = timer.elapsed_str self[:end_time] = else require_relative 'timeout.rb' #puts run_with_timeout(self[:input], self[:timeout], 1).to_s #self[:output] = run_with_timeout(self[:input], self[:timeout], 1) result=run_with_timeout2(self[:directory],self[:input], self[:timeout], 2) self[:output]=result[0] self[:error]=result[1] self[:exit_code]=result[2] self[:elapsed] = timer.elapsed_str self[:end_time] = if(timer.elapsed >= self[:timeout]) self[:exit_code]=1 self[:error] = self[:error] + "timed out" end end rescue Exception => e self[:elapsed] = timer.elapsed_str self[:end_time] = self[:error] = "Exception: " + e.to_s self[:exit_code]=1 end end end if(self[:exit_code] != 0) if(!quiet?) puts "exit_code=#{self[:exit_code]}" puts self[:output] puts self[:error] end if(!self.has_key?(:ignore_failure) || !self[:ignore_failure]) raise "#{self[:input]} failed" end #unless (self.has_key?(:ignore_failure) && self[:ignore_failure]==true) end end def self.machine if !ENV['COMPUTERNAME'].nil? return ENV['COMPUTERNAME'] end machine = `hostname` machine = machine.split('.')[0] if machine.include?('.') return machine.strip end def self.user ENV['USER'].nil? ? ENV['USERNAME'] : ENV['USER'] end def self.home ["USERPROFILE","HOME"].each {|v| return ENV[v].gsub('\\','/') unless ENV[v].nil? } dir="~" dir=ENV["HOME"] unless ENV["HOME"].nil? dir=ENV["USERPROFILE"].gsub('\\','/') unless ENV["USERPROFILE"].nil? return dir end def self.dev_root ["DEV_HOME","DEV_ROOT"].each {|v| return ENV[v].gsub('\\','/') unless ENV[v].nil? } dir=home #dir=ENV["DEV_ROOT"].gsub('\\','/') unless ENV["DEV_ROOT"].nil? return dir end def self.exit_code command cmd = cmd[:ignore_failure]=true cmd[:quiet]=true cmd.execute cmd[:exit_code] end def self.output command cmd = cmd[:ignore_failure]=true cmd[:quiet]=true cmd.execute cmd[:output] end def getFormattedTimeSpan timespan seconds = timespan seconds.to_s + " sec" end def self.execute command cmd - cmd.execute cmd[:exit_code] end def summary duration="" duration=getFormattedTimeSpan(self[:end_time]-self[:start_time]) + " - " if(!self[:end_time].nil?) duration + "#{self[:exit_code].to_s} #{self[:input]} (#{self[:directory]})" end def to_html if self[:exit_code] == 0 [ '
' ].join else [ '
', map { |k, v| ["", v.respond_to?(:to_html) ? v.to_html : ""] }, '
', '
' ].join end end end #require_relative('hash.rb') #require_relative('pull.rb') #require_relative('update.rb') #require_relative('setup.rb') #require_relative('build.rb') #require_relative('test.rb') #require_relative('analyze.rb') #require_relative('publish.rb') #require_relative('doc.rb') #require_relative('clean.rb') #require_relative('clobber.rb') #require_relative('add.rb') #require_relative('commit.rb') #require_relative('push.rb') class Commands < Hash def initialize directory=Dir.pwd Dir.chdir(directory) do self[:pull] self[:update] self[:setup] self[:build] self[:test] self[:analyze] self[:doc] self[:clean] self[:publish] self[:clobber] self[:add] self[:commit] self[:push] end end end #require_relative('internet.rb') class Commit < Array def update if(File.exists?('.git') && `git config --list`.include?('')) if(!`git status`.include?('nothing to commit') && !`git status`.include?('untracked files present')) if(File.exists?('commit.message') &&'commit.message').gsub(/\s+/,"").length >0) add "git commit -a -v -m \"#{'commit.message')}\"" else add "git commit -m'all'" end add "<%FileUtils.rm('commit.message')%>" if File.exists?('commit.message') end end if(File.exists?('.svn') && Internet.available?) add 'svn commit -m"commit all"' end end end class Doc < Array def update ({ :input => 'yard --version', :ignore_failure => true}) #cmd.execute if(Command.exit_code('yard --version')) add 'yard doc - LICENSE' if File.exists?('') && File.exists?('LICENSE') end end end class Gemspec def self.update gemspec_file Text.replace_in_file gemspec_file, /('\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}')/, "'#{'%Y-%m-%d')}'" end def self.gemfile gemspec_file spec=Gem::Specification.load(gemspec_file) return "#{}-#{spec.version}.gem" if !spec.nil? return "" end def self.version gemspec_file spec=Gem::Specification.load(gemspec_file) return spec.version.to_s end def self.published_version gemspec_file published_version='' spec=Gem::Specification.load(gemspec_file) begin published_version = `gem list -r #{}`.scan(/\((\d+.\d+.\d+)\)/)[0][0] rescue published_version='' end published_version end def self.published? gemspec_file published_version(gemspec_file)==version(gemspec_file) ? true : false end def self.normalize gemspec_file spec=Gem::Specification.load(gemspec_file),'w'){|f|f.write(spec.to_ruby)} end def self.upgrade gemspec_file end end class Git def self.branch begin `git branch`.scan(/\* ([.\w-]+)/)[0][0] rescue '' end end def self.remote_origin directory='' url='' directory=Dir.pwd if directory.length == 0 Dir.chdir(directory) do begin url=`git remote show origin`.scan(/Fetch URL: ([\.\-:\/\w\d]+)/)[0] rescue url='' end end url end end class Hash def execute value=nil self.each{|k,v| v.update if v.respond_to?(:update) if(v.is_a?(Array) && v.length==0) self.delete k else #puts "executing #{k}" v.execute(value) if v.respond_to?(:execute) end } end def to_html [ '
', map { |k, v| ["
#{k}", v.respond_to?(:to_html) ? v.to_html : "#{v}

"] }, '
' ].join end end #require_relative 'array.rb' require 'open-uri' #require 'net/http' require 'timeout' class Internet @@available=true def self.available? return @@available if !@@available.nil? begin index=open('').read if index.include?('Google') @@available = true else puts "open('') returned false" end rescue Exception => e puts "open('') raised an exception: #{e.to_s}" @@available = false end @@available end end # Visual Studio 2008 version 9.0, solution format version 10.00 # Visual Studio 2010 version 10.0, solution format version 11.00 # Visual Studio 2012 version 11.0, solution format version 12.00 # Visual Studio 2013 version 12.0, solution format version 12.00 class MSBuild < Hash def initialize self[:vs9]="C:\\Windows\\Microsoft.NET\\Framework\\v3.5\\msbuild.exe" if(File.exists?("C:\\Windows\\Microsoft.NET\\Framework\\v3.5\\msbuild.exe")) self[:vs12]="C:\\Program Files (x86)\\MSBuild\\12.0\\bin\\msbuild.exe" if(File.exists?("C:\\Program Files (x86)\\MSBuild\\12.0\\bin\\msbuild.exe")) end def self.has_version? version if(defined?(MSBUILD)) MSBUILD.has_key?(version) else return msb.has_key? version end end def self.get_version version if(defined?(MSBUILD)) MSBUILD[version] else return msb[version] end end def self.get_vs_version(sln_filename),:encoding=>'UTF-8') return :vs9 if sln_text.include?('Format Version 10.00') return :vs12 end def self.get_configurations(sln_filename),:encoding=>'UTF-8') sln_text.scan( /= ([\w]+)\|/ ).each{|m| c=m.first.to_s configs << c if !configs.include?(c) } return configs end def self.get_platforms(sln_filename),:encoding=>"UTF-8") sln_text.scan( /= [\w]+\|([\w ]+)/ ).each{|m| p=m.first.to_s platforms << p if !platforms.include?(p) } return platforms end end #require_relative('internet.rb') class Publish < Array def update if(Internet.available?) if(File.exists?('.git')) if(`git branch`.include?('* master')) Dir.glob('*.gemspec').each{|gemspec_file| add "gem push #{Gemspec.gemfile(gemspec_file)}" if !Gemspec.published? gemspec_file } end end if(File.exists?('.svn')) if(`svn info`.include?('/trunk')) Dir.glob('*.gemspec').each{|gemspec_file| add "gem push #{Gemspec.gemfile(gemspec_file)}" if !Gemspec.published? gemspec_file } end end end end end #require_relative('git.rb') #require_relative('internet.rb') class Pull < Array def update if(Internet.available?) if(File.exists?('.git') && `git config --list`.include?('')) self << 'git pull' if Git.branch != 'develop' end end end end class Push < Array def update if(File.exists?('.git') && `git config --list`.include?('')) self << 'git push' self << 'git push --tags'# if Git.branch != 'develop' && Internet.available? end end end # # use the SVN_EXPORTS hash to define svn exports destined for DEV_ROOT/dep # # SVN_EXPORT={ 'System.Data.SQLite/' => '' } # class Setup < Array def update add 'bundle install' if(File.exists?('Gemfile')) Dir.glob('*.gemspec').each{|gemspec_file| add "<%Gemspec.update('#{gemspec_file}')%>" } if(defined?(SVN_EXPORTS)) SVN_EXPORTS.each{|k,v| if(!File.exists?("#{Command.dev_root}/dep/#{k}")) FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname("#{Command.dev_root}/dep/#{k}")) if !File.exists?("#{Command.dev_root}/dep/#{k}") dest="#{Command.dev_root}/dep/#{k}" add "svn export #{v} #{Command.dev_root}/dep/#{k}" if !dest.include?("@") add "svn export #{v} #{Command.dev_root}/dep/#{k}@" if dest.include?("@") end } end if(defined?(GIT_EXPORTS)) GIT_EXPORTS.each{|k,v| directory = "#{Command.dev_root}/dep/#{k}" if(!File.exists?(directory)) if(v.include?('@')) `git clone #{v.split('@')[0]} #{directory}` Dir.chdir(directory) do `git reset --hard #{v.split('@')[1]}` end else add "git clone #{v} #{directory}" end end } end end end class Tag < Array end # # nunit dlls may be specified with #'**/*.Test.dll') # # for nunit dlls that must be run in x86 mode, #'**/*.x86.Test.dll') # class Test < Array def update add 'rspec' if File.exists?('spec') if(defined?(NUNIT)) NUNIT.each{|nunit_dll| add "\"#{Test.nunit_console}\" \"#{Rake.application.original_dir}\\#{nunit_dll}\" /xml:\"#{nunit_dll}.TestResults.xml\"" } end if(defined?(NUNIT_X86)) NUNIT_X86.each{|nunit_dll| add "\"#{Test.nunit_console_x86}\" \"#{Rake.application.original_dir}\\#{nunit_dll}\" /xml:\"#{nunit_dll}.TestResults.xml\"" } end if(defined?(TESTS)) TEST.each{|t| add t} end end @@nunit_console='' def self.nunit_console if(!File.exists?(@@nunit_console)) if(defined?(NUNIT_CONSOLE)) @@nunit_console = NUNIT_CONSOLE end @@nunit_console = "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\NUnit 2.6.4\\bin\\nunit-console.exe" if(!File.exists?(@@nunit_console)) @@nunit_console = "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\NUnit 2.6.3\\bin\\nunit-console.exe" if(!File.exists?(@@nunit_console)) end if(!File.exists?(@@nunit_console)) raise "unable to locate nunit-console.exe, assign NUNIT_CONSOLE to the correct location." end @@nunit_console end @@nunit_console_x86='' def self.nunit_console_x86 if(!File.exists?(@@nunit_console_x86)) if(defined?(NUNIT_CONSOLE_X86)) @@nunit_console_x86 = NUNIT_CONSOLE_X86 end @@nunit_console_x86 = "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\NUnit 2.6.4\\bin\\nunit-console-x86.exe" if(!File.exists?(@@nunit_console_x86)) @@nunit_console_x86 = "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\NUnit 2.6.3\\bin\\nunit-console-x86.exe" if(!File.exists?(@@nunit_console_x86)) end if(!File.exists?(@@nunit_console_x86)) raise "unable to locate nunit-console-x86.exe, assign NUNIT_CONSOLE_X86 to the correct location." end @@nunit_console_x86 end end'bin/**/*.Test.dll') class Text def self.replace_in_glob(glob,search,replace) Dir.glob(glob).each{ |f| replace_in_file(f,search,replace) } end def self.replace_in_file(filename,search,replace) text1 = text2 = text1.gsub(search) { |str| str=replace } unless text1==text2,"w") { |f| f.puts text2 } return true end false end end ############################################################################ # The following code is based on code originally copied from # # Gist title: lpar/timeout.rb ############################################################################ # Runs a specified shell command in a separate thread. # If it exceeds the given timeout in seconds, kills it. # Returns any output produced by the command (stdout or stderr) as a String. # Uses to wait up to the tick length (in seconds) between # checks on the command's status # # If you've got a cleaner way of doing this, I'd be interested to see it. # If you think you can do it with Ruby's Timeout module, think again. def run_with_timeout(directory,command, timeout, tick) output = '' exit_code=1 begin # Start task in another thread, which spawns a process stdin, stderrout, thread = Open3.popen2e(command, :chdir=>directory) # Get the pid of the spawned process pid = thread[:pid] start = while ( - start) < timeout and thread.alive? # Wait up to `tick` seconds for output/error data[stderrout], nil, nil, tick) # Try to read the data begin output << stderrout.read_nonblock(BUFFER_SIZE) rescue IO::WaitReadable # A read would block, so loop around for another select rescue EOFError # Command has completed, not really an error... break end end # Give Ruby time to clean up the other thread sleep 1 if thread.alive? # We need to kill the process, because killing the thread leaves # the process alive but detached, annoyingly enough. Process.kill("TERM", pid) else exit_code=thread.value sleep 1 end ensure stdin.close if stdin stderrout.close if stderrout end return [output,exit_code] end require 'timeout' def run_with_timeout2(directory,command,timeout) # stdout, stderr pipes rout, wout = IO.pipe rerr, werr = IO.pipe output='' error='' exit_code=1 pid = Process.spawn(command, :chdir => directory, :out => wout, :err => werr) begin Timeout.timeout(timeout) do exit_code = Process.wait2(pid) output = rout.readlines.join("\n") error = rerr.readlines.join("\n") end rescue Proces.kill('TERM',pid) output = output + 'timeout occurred.' ensure rout.close rerr.close end [output,exit_code] end class Timer attr_accessor :start_time def initialize end def elapsed # in seconds return end def elapsed_str elapsed_str="[" + "%.0f" %(elapsed) + "s]" end def self.elapsed_exceeds?(name,duration_seconds) if(Timer.get_elapsed(name).nil? || Timer.get_elapsed(name) > duration_seconds) return true end return false end def self.get_elapsed(name) timestamp=get_timestamp(name) return if(!timestamp.nil?) nil end def self.get_timestamp(name) dir=Rake.application.original_dir if(File.exists?("#{DEV[:dev_root]}/log/#{name}.timestamp")) return Time.parse("#{DEV[:dev_root]}/log/#{name}.timestamp").strip) end nil end def self.set_timestamp(name) Dir.mkdir("#{DEV_TASKS[:dev_root]}/log") if(!Dir.exists?("#{DEV_TASKS[:dev_root]}/log"))"#{DEV_TASKS[:dev_root]}/log/#{name}.timestamp",'w'){|f|f.puts(} end end class Update < Array def update self .add 'svn update' if File.exists?('.svn') && Internet.available? end end class Upgrade < Array def update if(File.exists?('Gemfile')) end end end require 'json' require 'rake/clean' CLOBBER.include('*.gem')'LICENSE','README','',"Gemfile") SOURCE.include('*.{gitignore,yml,gemspec,rb}') SOURCE.include('*.{cs}') SOURCE.include('*.{c,h}') SOURCE.include('*.{cpp,hpp}') Dir.glob("#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/commands/*.rb").each{|rb| require(rb) }