module Mongoid #:nodoc: module Associations #:nodoc: class Accessor #:nodoc: class << self # Gets an association, based on the type provided and # passes the name and document into the newly instantiated # association. def get(type, name, document, options = {}) document ?, document, options) : nil end # Set an object association. This is used to set the parent reference # in a +BelongsTo+, a child reference in a +HasOne+, or many child # references in a +HasMany+. # # Options: # # type: The association type # name: The name of the association # document: The base document to handle the access for. # object: The object that was passed in to the setter method. # options: optional options. def set(type, name, document, object, options ={}) type.update(object, document, name) end end end end end