# frozen_string_literal: true require 'webmock' require 'webmock/rspec' require 'avro_turf/test/fake_confluent_schema_registry_server' require 'rimless' require 'rimless/rspec/helpers' require 'rimless/rspec/matchers' require 'karafka/testing/rspec/helpers' # RSpec 1.x and 2.x compatibility # # @see http://bit.ly/2GbAYsU raise 'No RSPEC_CONFIGURER is defined, webmock is missing?' \ unless defined?(RSPEC_CONFIGURER) # rubocop:disable Metrics/BlockLength because we have to configure # RSpec properly RSPEC_CONFIGURER.configure do |config| config.include Rimless::RSpec::Helpers config.include Rimless::RSpec::Matchers # Set the custom +consumer+ type for consumer spec files config.define_derived_metadata(file_path: %r{/spec/consumers/}) do |meta| meta[:type] = :consumer end # Take care of the initial test configuration. config.before(:suite) do # This allows parallel test execution without race conditions on the # compiled Apache Avro schemas. So when each test have its own compiled # schema repository it cannot conflict while refreshing it. unless ENV['TEST_ENV_NUMBER'].nil? Rimless.configure do |conf| num = ENV['TEST_ENV_NUMBER'] num = '1' if num.empty? conf.compiled_avro_schema_path = \ conf.compiled_avro_schema_path.join("test-worker-#{num}") end end end # Stub all Confluent Schema Registry requests and handle them gracefully with # the help of the faked (inlined) Schema Registry server. This allows us to # perform the actual Apache Avro message encoding/decoding without the need # to have a Schema Registry up and running. config.before(:each) do |example| # Get the Excon connection from the AvroTurf instance connection = Rimless.avro.instance_variable_get(:@registry) .instance_variable_get(:@upstream) .instance_variable_get(:@connection) .instance_variable_get(:@data) # Enable WebMock on the already instantiated # Confluent Schema Registry Excon connection connection[:mock] = true # Grab all Confluent Schema Registry requests and send # them to the faked (inlined) Schema Registry stub_request(:any, %r{^http://#{connection[:hostname]}}) .to_rack(FakeConfluentSchemaRegistryServer) # Clear any cached data FakeConfluentSchemaRegistryServer.clear # Reconfigure the Rimless AvroTurf instance Rimless.configure_avro_turf # When the example type is a Kafka consumer, we must initialize # the Karafka framework first. Rimless.consumer.initialize! if example.metadata[:type] == :consumer end end # rubocop:enable Metrics/BlockLength