/* -------------------------------------------------------------- Blueprint CSS Framework Screen Styles * Version: 0.5 (28/8/2007) * Website: http://code.google.com/p/blueprintcss/ This is the main CSS-file for the framework. Include this in the of every page. See the Readme file in this directory for further instructions. -------------------------------------------------------------- */ @import 'lib/reset.css'; @import 'lib/typography.css'; @import 'lib/grid.css'; @import 'lib/buttons.css'; /* Compressed version (re-compress if you change the core files): [http://teenage.cz/acidofil/tools/cssformat.php] Comment out @import statements above, and add this line instead, when your site has launched (compresses ca 60% of the core files in BP): @import 'lib/compressed.css'; */ /* Uncomment the line below to see the grid and baseline. */ /* .container { background: url(lib/img/grid.png); } */ /* .container { background: url(lib/img/baseline.png); } */