2.4.1 (2011-12-08) ------------------ * Ensure optional arguments are returned correctly 2.4.0 (2011-11-26) ------------------ * Avoid `define_method` for checking an options presence (and caching it) #37 * Ensure the short option allows an appended `=` for accepting arguments * Implement `respond_to?` 2.3.1 (2011-11-11) ------------------ * Return `nil` for any options using casting which don't expect arguments (#33) * Fix parenthesis warning on 1.8.7 (@shevegen) * Ensure long argument is a string before attempting to use `#[]` method on it 2.3.0 (2011-11-04) ------------------ * Allow flags to have suffixed `=` char for options which accept an argument 2.2.0 (2011-11-02) ------------------ * Support `bup.options` style optspec parsing * http://apenwarr.ca/log/?m=201111 * Allow `:as` to accept a `count` value (Conrad Irwin): `on :v, :verbose, :as => :count # -vv; opts[:verbose] #=> 2` 2.1.0 (2011-08-03) ------------------ * Added `Slop#missing` for returning a list of missing options parsed * Allow `Slop#present?` to accept multiple arguments * Added `:all_accept_arguments` to Slop configuration options, this saves having to specify that every option takes an argument * Added `Slop#to_struct` for building new classes from options 2.0.0 (2011-07-07) ------------------ * Deprecations: * Removed `Slop::Options#to_hash` continue using `Slop#to_hash` directly. This method also now returns symbols by default instead of strings. If you want strings use `opts.to_hash(false)` * `:multiple_switches` is now enabled by default, to parse `fbar` as the option `f` with value `bar` you must disable `:multiple_switches` * Removed `Slop::Options#to_help` and merged its contents into `Slop#help` * Removed `lib/slop/options.rb` and merged `Slop::Options` into slop.rb * Removed `lib/slop/option.rb` and merged `Slop::Option` into slop.rb * These changes make Slop much easier to vendor in libraries * `Slop::Option` now inherits from `Struct.new` * Added Slop::Error subclassing from StandardError which all exception classes should inherit from * Added Slop::MissingOptionError and `:required` option to Slop::Option. This exception is raised when a mandatory option is not used 1.9.1 (2011-06-16) ------------------ * Ensure optional items with no arguments still return true when searching for presence 1.9.0 (2011-06-15) ------------------ * Add command completion and support for an error message when ambiguous commands are used * Add command aliases * Fix: Ensure parsed elements are removed from original arguments when using `:multiple_switches` * Ensure anything after `--` is parsed as an argument and not option even if prefixed with `/--?/` * Performance improvements when making many calls to `Slop#option?` for checking an options presence (Rob Gleeson) * Ensure `execute` passes command arguments to the block * Support for summary and description (Denis Defreyne) 1.8.0 (2011-06-12) ------------------ * Added `execute` method to Slop for commands. This block will be invoked when a specific command is used. The Slop object will be yielded to the block * Allow passing a class name to `on` to be used as an `:as` option. ie: `on :people, 'Some people', Array` * Get smart with parsing options optparse style: `on '--name NAME'` and `on 'password [OPTIONAL]'` * Feature: `:arguments` setting to enable argument passing for all options 1.7.0 (2011-06-06) ------------------ * Feature: Autocreate (auto create options at parse time, making assumptions) * Feature: When parsing options as arrays, push multiple arguments into a single array 1.6.1 (2011-06-01) ------------------ * Fix tests and using a temporary Array for ARGV, fixes RubyGems Test issues * General cleanup of code 1.6.0 (2011-05-18) ------------------ * Add `:ignore_case` to Slop options for case insensitive option matching * Add `:on_noopts` for triggering an event when the arguments contain no options * Add `:unless` to Slop::Option for omitting execution of the Options block when this object exists in the Array of items passed to Slop.new * Bugfix: Do not parse negative integers as options. A valid option must start with an alphabet character * Bugfix: Allow a Range to accept a negative Integer at either end 1.5.5 (2011-05-03) ------------------ * Bugfix: only attempt to extract options prefixed with `-` 1.5.4 (2011-05-01) ------------------ * Bugfix: `parse!` should not remove items with the same value as items used in option arguments. Fixes #22 (Utkarsh Kukreti) 1.5.3 (2011-04-22) ------------------ * Bugfix: Use integers when fetching array indexes, not strings 1.5.2 (2011-04-17) ------------------ * Bugfix: Ensure `ARGV` is empty when using the `on_empty` event 1.5.0 (2011-04-15) ------------------ * Add `Slop#get` as alias to `Slop#[]` * Add `Slop#present?` as alias for `Slop#