"use strict"; exports["config.json"] = validate43; const schema13 = { "$id": "config.json", "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#", "type": "object", "properties": { "border": { "$ref": "shared.json#/definitions/borders" }, "header": { "type": "object", "properties": { "content": { "type": "string" }, "alignment": { "$ref": "shared.json#/definitions/alignment" }, "wrapWord": { "type": "boolean" }, "truncate": { "type": "integer" }, "paddingLeft": { "type": "integer" }, "paddingRight": { "type": "integer" } }, "required": ["content"], "additionalProperties": false }, "columns": { "$ref": "shared.json#/definitions/columns" }, "columnDefault": { "$ref": "shared.json#/definitions/column" }, "drawVerticalLine": { "typeof": "function" }, "drawHorizontalLine": { "typeof": "function" }, "singleLine": { "typeof": "boolean" }, "spanningCells": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "object", "properties": { "col": { "type": "integer", "minimum": 0 }, "row": { "type": "integer", "minimum": 0 }, "colSpan": { "type": "integer", "minimum": 1 }, "rowSpan": { "type": "integer", "minimum": 1 }, "alignment": { "$ref": "shared.json#/definitions/alignment" }, "verticalAlignment": { "$ref": "shared.json#/definitions/verticalAlignment" }, "wrapWord": { "type": "boolean" }, "truncate": { "type": "integer" }, "paddingLeft": { "type": "integer" }, "paddingRight": { "type": "integer" } }, "required": ["row", "col"], "additionalProperties": false } } }, "additionalProperties": false }; const schema15 = { "type": "object", "properties": { "topBody": { "$ref": "#/definitions/border" }, "topJoin": { "$ref": "#/definitions/border" }, "topLeft": { "$ref": "#/definitions/border" }, "topRight": { "$ref": "#/definitions/border" }, "bottomBody": { "$ref": "#/definitions/border" }, "bottomJoin": { "$ref": "#/definitions/border" }, "bottomLeft": { "$ref": "#/definitions/border" }, "bottomRight": { "$ref": "#/definitions/border" }, "bodyLeft": { "$ref": "#/definitions/border" }, "bodyRight": { "$ref": "#/definitions/border" }, "bodyJoin": { "$ref": "#/definitions/border" }, "headerJoin": { "$ref": "#/definitions/border" }, "joinBody": { "$ref": "#/definitions/border" }, "joinLeft": { "$ref": "#/definitions/border" }, "joinRight": { "$ref": "#/definitions/border" }, "joinJoin": { "$ref": "#/definitions/border" }, "joinMiddleUp": { "$ref": "#/definitions/border" }, "joinMiddleDown": { "$ref": "#/definitions/border" }, "joinMiddleLeft": { "$ref": "#/definitions/border" }, "joinMiddleRight": { "$ref": "#/definitions/border" } }, "additionalProperties": false }; const func8 = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; const schema16 = { "type": "string" }; function validate46(data, { instancePath = "", parentData, parentDataProperty, rootData = data } = {}) { let vErrors = null; let errors = 0; if (typeof data !== "string") { const err0 = { instancePath, schemaPath: "#/type", keyword: "type", params: { type: "string" }, message: "must be string" }; if (vErrors === null) { vErrors = [err0]; } else { vErrors.push(err0); } errors++; } validate46.errors = vErrors; return errors === 0; } function validate45(data, { instancePath = "", parentData, parentDataProperty, rootData = data } = {}) { let vErrors = null; let errors = 0; if (data && typeof data == "object" && !Array.isArray(data)) { for (const key0 in data) { if (!(func8.call(schema15.properties, key0))) { const err0 = { instancePath, schemaPath: "#/additionalProperties", keyword: "additionalProperties", params: { additionalProperty: key0 }, message: "must NOT have additional properties" }; if (vErrors === null) { vErrors = [err0]; } else { vErrors.push(err0); } errors++; } } if (data.topBody !== undefined) { if (!(validate46(data.topBody, { instancePath: instancePath + "/topBody", parentData: data, parentDataProperty: "topBody", rootData }))) { vErrors = vErrors === null ? validate46.errors : vErrors.concat(validate46.errors); errors = vErrors.length; } } if (data.topJoin !== undefined) { if (!(validate46(data.topJoin, { instancePath: instancePath + "/topJoin", parentData: data, parentDataProperty: "topJoin", rootData }))) { vErrors = vErrors === null ? validate46.errors : vErrors.concat(validate46.errors); errors = vErrors.length; } } if (data.topLeft !== undefined) { if (!(validate46(data.topLeft, { instancePath: instancePath + "/topLeft", parentData: data, parentDataProperty: "topLeft", rootData }))) { vErrors = vErrors === null ? validate46.errors : vErrors.concat(validate46.errors); errors = vErrors.length; } } if (data.topRight !== undefined) { if (!(validate46(data.topRight, { instancePath: instancePath + "/topRight", parentData: data, parentDataProperty: "topRight", rootData }))) { vErrors = vErrors === null ? validate46.errors : vErrors.concat(validate46.errors); errors = vErrors.length; } } if (data.bottomBody !== undefined) { if (!(validate46(data.bottomBody, { instancePath: instancePath + "/bottomBody", parentData: data, parentDataProperty: "bottomBody", rootData }))) { vErrors = vErrors === null ? validate46.errors : vErrors.concat(validate46.errors); errors = vErrors.length; } } if (data.bottomJoin !== undefined) { if (!(validate46(data.bottomJoin, { instancePath: instancePath + "/bottomJoin", parentData: data, parentDataProperty: "bottomJoin", rootData }))) { vErrors = vErrors === null ? validate46.errors : vErrors.concat(validate46.errors); errors = vErrors.length; } } if (data.bottomLeft !== undefined) { if (!(validate46(data.bottomLeft, { instancePath: instancePath + "/bottomLeft", parentData: data, parentDataProperty: "bottomLeft", rootData }))) { vErrors = vErrors === null ? validate46.errors : vErrors.concat(validate46.errors); errors = vErrors.length; } } if (data.bottomRight !== undefined) { if (!(validate46(data.bottomRight, { instancePath: instancePath + "/bottomRight", parentData: data, parentDataProperty: "bottomRight", rootData }))) { vErrors = vErrors === null ? validate46.errors : vErrors.concat(validate46.errors); errors = vErrors.length; } } if (data.bodyLeft !== undefined) { if (!(validate46(data.bodyLeft, { instancePath: instancePath + "/bodyLeft", parentData: data, parentDataProperty: "bodyLeft", rootData }))) { vErrors = vErrors === null ? validate46.errors : vErrors.concat(validate46.errors); errors = vErrors.length; } } if (data.bodyRight !== undefined) { if (!(validate46(data.bodyRight, { instancePath: instancePath + "/bodyRight", parentData: data, parentDataProperty: "bodyRight", rootData }))) { vErrors = vErrors === null ? validate46.errors : vErrors.concat(validate46.errors); errors = vErrors.length; } } if (data.bodyJoin !== undefined) { if (!(validate46(data.bodyJoin, { instancePath: instancePath + "/bodyJoin", parentData: data, parentDataProperty: "bodyJoin", rootData }))) { vErrors = vErrors === null ? validate46.errors : vErrors.concat(validate46.errors); errors = vErrors.length; } } if (data.headerJoin !== undefined) { if (!(validate46(data.headerJoin, { instancePath: instancePath + "/headerJoin", parentData: data, parentDataProperty: "headerJoin", rootData }))) { vErrors = vErrors === null ? validate46.errors : vErrors.concat(validate46.errors); errors = vErrors.length; } } if (data.joinBody !== undefined) { if (!(validate46(data.joinBody, { instancePath: instancePath + "/joinBody", parentData: data, parentDataProperty: "joinBody", rootData }))) { vErrors = vErrors === null ? validate46.errors : vErrors.concat(validate46.errors); errors = vErrors.length; } } if (data.joinLeft !== undefined) { if (!(validate46(data.joinLeft, { instancePath: instancePath + "/joinLeft", parentData: data, parentDataProperty: "joinLeft", rootData }))) { vErrors = vErrors === null ? validate46.errors : vErrors.concat(validate46.errors); errors = vErrors.length; } } if (data.joinRight !== undefined) { if (!(validate46(data.joinRight, { instancePath: instancePath + "/joinRight", parentData: data, parentDataProperty: "joinRight", rootData }))) { vErrors = vErrors === null ? validate46.errors : vErrors.concat(validate46.errors); errors = vErrors.length; } } if (data.joinJoin !== undefined) { if (!(validate46(data.joinJoin, { instancePath: instancePath + "/joinJoin", parentData: data, parentDataProperty: "joinJoin", rootData }))) { vErrors = vErrors === null ? validate46.errors : vErrors.concat(validate46.errors); errors = vErrors.length; } } if (data.joinMiddleUp !== undefined) { if (!(validate46(data.joinMiddleUp, { instancePath: instancePath + "/joinMiddleUp", parentData: data, parentDataProperty: "joinMiddleUp", rootData }))) { vErrors = vErrors === null ? validate46.errors : vErrors.concat(validate46.errors); errors = vErrors.length; } } if (data.joinMiddleDown !== undefined) { if (!(validate46(data.joinMiddleDown, { instancePath: instancePath + "/joinMiddleDown", parentData: data, parentDataProperty: "joinMiddleDown", rootData }))) { vErrors = vErrors === null ? validate46.errors : vErrors.concat(validate46.errors); errors = vErrors.length; } } if (data.joinMiddleLeft !== undefined) { if (!(validate46(data.joinMiddleLeft, { instancePath: instancePath + "/joinMiddleLeft", parentData: data, parentDataProperty: "joinMiddleLeft", rootData }))) { vErrors = vErrors === null ? validate46.errors : vErrors.concat(validate46.errors); errors = vErrors.length; } } if (data.joinMiddleRight !== undefined) { if (!(validate46(data.joinMiddleRight, { instancePath: instancePath + "/joinMiddleRight", parentData: data, parentDataProperty: "joinMiddleRight", rootData }))) { vErrors = vErrors === null ? validate46.errors : vErrors.concat(validate46.errors); errors = vErrors.length; } } } else { const err1 = { instancePath, schemaPath: "#/type", keyword: "type", params: { type: "object" }, message: "must be object" }; if (vErrors === null) { vErrors = [err1]; } else { vErrors.push(err1); } errors++; } validate45.errors = vErrors; return errors === 0; } const schema17 = { "type": "string", "enum": ["left", "right", "center", "justify"] }; const func0 = require("ajv/dist/runtime/equal").default; function validate68(data, { instancePath = "", parentData, parentDataProperty, rootData = data } = {}) { let vErrors = null; let errors = 0; if (typeof data !== "string") { const err0 = { instancePath, schemaPath: "#/type", keyword: "type", params: { type: "string" }, message: "must be string" }; if (vErrors === null) { vErrors = [err0]; } else { vErrors.push(err0); } errors++; } if (!((((data === "left") || (data === "right")) || (data === "center")) || (data === "justify"))) { const err1 = { instancePath, schemaPath: "#/enum", keyword: "enum", params: { allowedValues: schema17.enum }, message: "must be equal to one of the allowed values" }; if (vErrors === null) { vErrors = [err1]; } else { vErrors.push(err1); } errors++; } validate68.errors = vErrors; return errors === 0; } const schema18 = { "oneOf": [{ "type": "object", "patternProperties": { "^[0-9]+$": { "$ref": "#/definitions/column" } }, "additionalProperties": false }, { "type": "array", "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/column" } }] }; const pattern0 = new RegExp("^[0-9]+$", "u"); const schema19 = { "type": "object", "properties": { "alignment": { "$ref": "#/definitions/alignment" }, "verticalAlignment": { "$ref": "#/definitions/verticalAlignment" }, "width": { "type": "integer", "minimum": 1 }, "wrapWord": { "type": "boolean" }, "truncate": { "type": "integer" }, "paddingLeft": { "type": "integer" }, "paddingRight": { "type": "integer" } }, "additionalProperties": false }; function validate72(data, { instancePath = "", parentData, parentDataProperty, rootData = data } = {}) { let vErrors = null; let errors = 0; if (typeof data !== "string") { const err0 = { instancePath, schemaPath: "#/type", keyword: "type", params: { type: "string" }, message: "must be string" }; if (vErrors === null) { vErrors = [err0]; } else { vErrors.push(err0); } errors++; } if (!((((data === "left") || (data === "right")) || (data === "center")) || (data === "justify"))) { const err1 = { instancePath, schemaPath: "#/enum", keyword: "enum", params: { allowedValues: schema17.enum }, message: "must be equal to one of the allowed values" }; if (vErrors === null) { vErrors = [err1]; } else { vErrors.push(err1); } errors++; } validate72.errors = vErrors; return errors === 0; } const schema21 = { "type": "string", "enum": ["top", "middle", "bottom"] }; function validate74(data, { instancePath = "", parentData, parentDataProperty, rootData = data } = {}) { let vErrors = null; let errors = 0; if (typeof data !== "string") { const err0 = { instancePath, schemaPath: "#/type", keyword: "type", params: { type: "string" }, message: "must be string" }; if (vErrors === null) { vErrors = [err0]; } else { vErrors.push(err0); } errors++; } if (!(((data === "top") || (data === "middle")) || (data === "bottom"))) { const err1 = { instancePath, schemaPath: "#/enum", keyword: "enum", params: { allowedValues: schema21.enum }, message: "must be equal to one of the allowed values" }; if (vErrors === null) { vErrors = [err1]; } else { vErrors.push(err1); } errors++; } validate74.errors = vErrors; return errors === 0; } function validate71(data, { instancePath = "", parentData, parentDataProperty, rootData = data } = {}) { let vErrors = null; let errors = 0; if (data && typeof data == "object" && !Array.isArray(data)) { for (const key0 in data) { if (!(((((((key0 === "alignment") || (key0 === "verticalAlignment")) || (key0 === "width")) || (key0 === "wrapWord")) || (key0 === "truncate")) || (key0 === "paddingLeft")) || (key0 === "paddingRight"))) { const err0 = { instancePath, schemaPath: "#/additionalProperties", keyword: "additionalProperties", params: { additionalProperty: key0 }, message: "must NOT have additional properties" }; if (vErrors === null) { vErrors = [err0]; } else { vErrors.push(err0); } errors++; } } if (data.alignment !== undefined) { if (!(validate72(data.alignment, { instancePath: instancePath + "/alignment", parentData: data, parentDataProperty: "alignment", rootData }))) { vErrors = vErrors === null ? validate72.errors : vErrors.concat(validate72.errors); errors = vErrors.length; } } if (data.verticalAlignment !== undefined) { if (!(validate74(data.verticalAlignment, { instancePath: instancePath + "/verticalAlignment", parentData: data, parentDataProperty: "verticalAlignment", rootData }))) { vErrors = vErrors === null ? validate74.errors : vErrors.concat(validate74.errors); errors = vErrors.length; } } if (data.width !== undefined) { let data2 = data.width; if (!(((typeof data2 == "number") && (!(data2 % 1) && !isNaN(data2))) && (isFinite(data2)))) { const err1 = { instancePath: instancePath + "/width", schemaPath: "#/properties/width/type", keyword: "type", params: { type: "integer" }, message: "must be integer" }; if (vErrors === null) { vErrors = [err1]; } else { vErrors.push(err1); } errors++; } if ((typeof data2 == "number") && (isFinite(data2))) { if (data2 < 1 || isNaN(data2)) { const err2 = { instancePath: instancePath + "/width", schemaPath: "#/properties/width/minimum", keyword: "minimum", params: { comparison: ">=", limit: 1 }, message: "must be >= 1" }; if (vErrors === null) { vErrors = [err2]; } else { vErrors.push(err2); } errors++; } } } if (data.wrapWord !== undefined) { if (typeof data.wrapWord !== "boolean") { const err3 = { instancePath: instancePath + "/wrapWord", schemaPath: "#/properties/wrapWord/type", keyword: "type", params: { type: "boolean" }, message: "must be boolean" }; if (vErrors === null) { vErrors = [err3]; } else { vErrors.push(err3); } errors++; } } if (data.truncate !== undefined) { let data4 = data.truncate; if (!(((typeof data4 == "number") && (!(data4 % 1) && !isNaN(data4))) && (isFinite(data4)))) { const err4 = { instancePath: instancePath + "/truncate", schemaPath: "#/properties/truncate/type", keyword: "type", params: { type: "integer" }, message: "must be integer" }; if (vErrors === null) { vErrors = [err4]; } else { vErrors.push(err4); } errors++; } } if (data.paddingLeft !== undefined) { let data5 = data.paddingLeft; if (!(((typeof data5 == "number") && (!(data5 % 1) && !isNaN(data5))) && (isFinite(data5)))) { const err5 = { instancePath: instancePath + "/paddingLeft", schemaPath: "#/properties/paddingLeft/type", keyword: "type", params: { type: "integer" }, message: "must be integer" }; if (vErrors === null) { vErrors = [err5]; } else { vErrors.push(err5); } errors++; } } if (data.paddingRight !== undefined) { let data6 = data.paddingRight; if (!(((typeof data6 == "number") && (!(data6 % 1) && !isNaN(data6))) && (isFinite(data6)))) { const err6 = { instancePath: instancePath + "/paddingRight", schemaPath: "#/properties/paddingRight/type", keyword: "type", params: { type: "integer" }, message: "must be integer" }; if (vErrors === null) { vErrors = [err6]; } else { vErrors.push(err6); } errors++; } } } else { const err7 = { instancePath, schemaPath: "#/type", keyword: "type", params: { type: "object" }, message: "must be object" }; if (vErrors === null) { vErrors = [err7]; } else { vErrors.push(err7); } errors++; } validate71.errors = vErrors; return errors === 0; } function validate70(data, { instancePath = "", parentData, parentDataProperty, rootData = data } = {}) { let vErrors = null; let errors = 0; const _errs0 = errors; let valid0 = false; let passing0 = null; const _errs1 = errors; if (data && typeof data == "object" && !Array.isArray(data)) { for (const key0 in data) { if (!(pattern0.test(key0))) { const err0 = { instancePath, schemaPath: "#/oneOf/0/additionalProperties", keyword: "additionalProperties", params: { additionalProperty: key0 }, message: "must NOT have additional properties" }; if (vErrors === null) { vErrors = [err0]; } else { vErrors.push(err0); } errors++; } } for (const key1 in data) { if (pattern0.test(key1)) { if (!(validate71(data[key1], { instancePath: instancePath + "/" + key1.replace(/~/g, "~0").replace(/\//g, "~1"), parentData: data, parentDataProperty: key1, rootData }))) { vErrors = vErrors === null ? validate71.errors : vErrors.concat(validate71.errors); errors = vErrors.length; } } } } else { const err1 = { instancePath, schemaPath: "#/oneOf/0/type", keyword: "type", params: { type: "object" }, message: "must be object" }; if (vErrors === null) { vErrors = [err1]; } else { vErrors.push(err1); } errors++; } var _valid0 = _errs1 === errors; if (_valid0) { valid0 = true; passing0 = 0; } const _errs5 = errors; if (Array.isArray(data)) { const len0 = data.length; for (let i0 = 0; i0 < len0; i0++) { if (!(validate71(data[i0], { instancePath: instancePath + "/" + i0, parentData: data, parentDataProperty: i0, rootData }))) { vErrors = vErrors === null ? validate71.errors : vErrors.concat(validate71.errors); errors = vErrors.length; } } } else { const err2 = { instancePath, schemaPath: "#/oneOf/1/type", keyword: "type", params: { type: "array" }, message: "must be array" }; if (vErrors === null) { vErrors = [err2]; } else { vErrors.push(err2); } errors++; } var _valid0 = _errs5 === errors; if (_valid0 && valid0) { valid0 = false; passing0 = [passing0, 1]; } else { if (_valid0) { valid0 = true; passing0 = 1; } } if (!valid0) { const err3 = { instancePath, schemaPath: "#/oneOf", keyword: "oneOf", params: { passingSchemas: passing0 }, message: "must match exactly one schema in oneOf" }; if (vErrors === null) { vErrors = [err3]; } else { vErrors.push(err3); } errors++; } else { errors = _errs0; if (vErrors !== null) { if (_errs0) { vErrors.length = _errs0; } else { vErrors = null; } } } validate70.errors = vErrors; return errors === 0; } function validate79(data, { instancePath = "", parentData, parentDataProperty, rootData = data } = {}) { let vErrors = null; let errors = 0; if (data && typeof data == "object" && !Array.isArray(data)) { for (const key0 in data) { if (!(((((((key0 === "alignment") || (key0 === "verticalAlignment")) || (key0 === "width")) || (key0 === "wrapWord")) || (key0 === "truncate")) || (key0 === "paddingLeft")) || (key0 === "paddingRight"))) { const err0 = { instancePath, schemaPath: "#/additionalProperties", keyword: "additionalProperties", params: { additionalProperty: key0 }, message: "must NOT have additional properties" }; if (vErrors === null) { vErrors = [err0]; } else { vErrors.push(err0); } errors++; } } if (data.alignment !== undefined) { if (!(validate72(data.alignment, { instancePath: instancePath + "/alignment", parentData: data, parentDataProperty: "alignment", rootData }))) { vErrors = vErrors === null ? validate72.errors : vErrors.concat(validate72.errors); errors = vErrors.length; } } if (data.verticalAlignment !== undefined) { if (!(validate74(data.verticalAlignment, { instancePath: instancePath + "/verticalAlignment", parentData: data, parentDataProperty: "verticalAlignment", rootData }))) { vErrors = vErrors === null ? validate74.errors : vErrors.concat(validate74.errors); errors = vErrors.length; } } if (data.width !== undefined) { let data2 = data.width; if (!(((typeof data2 == "number") && (!(data2 % 1) && !isNaN(data2))) && (isFinite(data2)))) { const err1 = { instancePath: instancePath + "/width", schemaPath: "#/properties/width/type", keyword: "type", params: { type: "integer" }, message: "must be integer" }; if (vErrors === null) { vErrors = [err1]; } else { vErrors.push(err1); } errors++; } if ((typeof data2 == "number") && (isFinite(data2))) { if (data2 < 1 || isNaN(data2)) { const err2 = { instancePath: instancePath + "/width", schemaPath: "#/properties/width/minimum", keyword: "minimum", params: { comparison: ">=", limit: 1 }, message: "must be >= 1" }; if (vErrors === null) { vErrors = [err2]; } else { vErrors.push(err2); } errors++; } } } if (data.wrapWord !== undefined) { if (typeof data.wrapWord !== "boolean") { const err3 = { instancePath: instancePath + "/wrapWord", schemaPath: "#/properties/wrapWord/type", keyword: "type", params: { type: "boolean" }, message: "must be boolean" }; if (vErrors === null) { vErrors = [err3]; } else { vErrors.push(err3); } errors++; } } if (data.truncate !== undefined) { let data4 = data.truncate; if (!(((typeof data4 == "number") && (!(data4 % 1) && !isNaN(data4))) && (isFinite(data4)))) { const err4 = { instancePath: instancePath + "/truncate", schemaPath: "#/properties/truncate/type", keyword: "type", params: { type: "integer" }, message: "must be integer" }; if (vErrors === null) { vErrors = [err4]; } else { vErrors.push(err4); } errors++; } } if (data.paddingLeft !== undefined) { let data5 = data.paddingLeft; if (!(((typeof data5 == "number") && (!(data5 % 1) && !isNaN(data5))) && (isFinite(data5)))) { const err5 = { instancePath: instancePath + "/paddingLeft", schemaPath: "#/properties/paddingLeft/type", keyword: "type", params: { type: "integer" }, message: "must be integer" }; if (vErrors === null) { vErrors = [err5]; } else { vErrors.push(err5); } errors++; } } if (data.paddingRight !== undefined) { let data6 = data.paddingRight; if (!(((typeof data6 == "number") && (!(data6 % 1) && !isNaN(data6))) && (isFinite(data6)))) { const err6 = { instancePath: instancePath + "/paddingRight", schemaPath: "#/properties/paddingRight/type", keyword: "type", params: { type: "integer" }, message: "must be integer" }; if (vErrors === null) { vErrors = [err6]; } else { vErrors.push(err6); } errors++; } } } else { const err7 = { instancePath, schemaPath: "#/type", keyword: "type", params: { type: "object" }, message: "must be object" }; if (vErrors === null) { vErrors = [err7]; } else { vErrors.push(err7); } errors++; } validate79.errors = vErrors; return errors === 0; } function validate84(data, { instancePath = "", parentData, parentDataProperty, rootData = data } = {}) { let vErrors = null; let errors = 0; if (typeof data !== "string") { const err0 = { instancePath, schemaPath: "#/type", keyword: "type", params: { type: "string" }, message: "must be string" }; if (vErrors === null) { vErrors = [err0]; } else { vErrors.push(err0); } errors++; } if (!(((data === "top") || (data === "middle")) || (data === "bottom"))) { const err1 = { instancePath, schemaPath: "#/enum", keyword: "enum", params: { allowedValues: schema21.enum }, message: "must be equal to one of the allowed values" }; if (vErrors === null) { vErrors = [err1]; } else { vErrors.push(err1); } errors++; } validate84.errors = vErrors; return errors === 0; } function validate43(data, { instancePath = "", parentData, parentDataProperty, rootData = data } = {}) { /*# sourceURL="config.json" */ ; let vErrors = null; let errors = 0; if (data && typeof data == "object" && !Array.isArray(data)) { for (const key0 in data) { if (!((((((((key0 === "border") || (key0 === "header")) || (key0 === "columns")) || (key0 === "columnDefault")) || (key0 === "drawVerticalLine")) || (key0 === "drawHorizontalLine")) || (key0 === "singleLine")) || (key0 === "spanningCells"))) { const err0 = { instancePath, schemaPath: "#/additionalProperties", keyword: "additionalProperties", params: { additionalProperty: key0 }, message: "must NOT have additional properties" }; if (vErrors === null) { vErrors = [err0]; } else { vErrors.push(err0); } errors++; } } if (data.border !== undefined) { if (!(validate45(data.border, { instancePath: instancePath + "/border", parentData: data, parentDataProperty: "border", rootData }))) { vErrors = vErrors === null ? validate45.errors : vErrors.concat(validate45.errors); errors = vErrors.length; } } if (data.header !== undefined) { let data1 = data.header; if (data1 && typeof data1 == "object" && !Array.isArray(data1)) { if (data1.content === undefined) { const err1 = { instancePath: instancePath + "/header", schemaPath: "#/properties/header/required", keyword: "required", params: { missingProperty: "content" }, message: "must have required property '" + "content" + "'" }; if (vErrors === null) { vErrors = [err1]; } else { vErrors.push(err1); } errors++; } for (const key1 in data1) { if (!((((((key1 === "content") || (key1 === "alignment")) || (key1 === "wrapWord")) || (key1 === "truncate")) || (key1 === "paddingLeft")) || (key1 === "paddingRight"))) { const err2 = { instancePath: instancePath + "/header", schemaPath: "#/properties/header/additionalProperties", keyword: "additionalProperties", params: { additionalProperty: key1 }, message: "must NOT have additional properties" }; if (vErrors === null) { vErrors = [err2]; } else { vErrors.push(err2); } errors++; } } if (data1.content !== undefined) { if (typeof data1.content !== "string") { const err3 = { instancePath: instancePath + "/header/content", schemaPath: "#/properties/header/properties/content/type", keyword: "type", params: { type: "string" }, message: "must be string" }; if (vErrors === null) { vErrors = [err3]; } else { vErrors.push(err3); } errors++; } } if (data1.alignment !== undefined) { if (!(validate68(data1.alignment, { instancePath: instancePath + "/header/alignment", parentData: data1, parentDataProperty: "alignment", rootData }))) { vErrors = vErrors === null ? validate68.errors : vErrors.concat(validate68.errors); errors = vErrors.length; } } if (data1.wrapWord !== undefined) { if (typeof data1.wrapWord !== "boolean") { const err4 = { instancePath: instancePath + "/header/wrapWord", schemaPath: "#/properties/header/properties/wrapWord/type", keyword: "type", params: { type: "boolean" }, message: "must be boolean" }; if (vErrors === null) { vErrors = [err4]; } else { vErrors.push(err4); } errors++; } } if (data1.truncate !== undefined) { let data5 = data1.truncate; if (!(((typeof data5 == "number") && (!(data5 % 1) && !isNaN(data5))) && (isFinite(data5)))) { const err5 = { instancePath: instancePath + "/header/truncate", schemaPath: "#/properties/header/properties/truncate/type", keyword: "type", params: { type: "integer" }, message: "must be integer" }; if (vErrors === null) { vErrors = [err5]; } else { vErrors.push(err5); } errors++; } } if (data1.paddingLeft !== undefined) { let data6 = data1.paddingLeft; if (!(((typeof data6 == "number") && (!(data6 % 1) && !isNaN(data6))) && (isFinite(data6)))) { const err6 = { instancePath: instancePath + "/header/paddingLeft", schemaPath: "#/properties/header/properties/paddingLeft/type", keyword: "type", params: { type: "integer" }, message: "must be integer" }; if (vErrors === null) { vErrors = [err6]; } else { vErrors.push(err6); } errors++; } } if (data1.paddingRight !== undefined) { let data7 = data1.paddingRight; if (!(((typeof data7 == "number") && (!(data7 % 1) && !isNaN(data7))) && (isFinite(data7)))) { const err7 = { instancePath: instancePath + "/header/paddingRight", schemaPath: "#/properties/header/properties/paddingRight/type", keyword: "type", params: { type: "integer" }, message: "must be integer" }; if (vErrors === null) { vErrors = [err7]; } else { vErrors.push(err7); } errors++; } } } else { const err8 = { instancePath: instancePath + "/header", schemaPath: "#/properties/header/type", keyword: "type", params: { type: "object" }, message: "must be object" }; if (vErrors === null) { vErrors = [err8]; } else { vErrors.push(err8); } errors++; } } if (data.columns !== undefined) { if (!(validate70(data.columns, { instancePath: instancePath + "/columns", parentData: data, parentDataProperty: "columns", rootData }))) { vErrors = vErrors === null ? validate70.errors : vErrors.concat(validate70.errors); errors = vErrors.length; } } if (data.columnDefault !== undefined) { if (!(validate79(data.columnDefault, { instancePath: instancePath + "/columnDefault", parentData: data, parentDataProperty: "columnDefault", rootData }))) { vErrors = vErrors === null ? validate79.errors : vErrors.concat(validate79.errors); errors = vErrors.length; } } if (data.drawVerticalLine !== undefined) { if (typeof data.drawVerticalLine != "function") { const err9 = { instancePath: instancePath + "/drawVerticalLine", schemaPath: "#/properties/drawVerticalLine/typeof", keyword: "typeof", params: {}, message: "must pass \"typeof\" keyword validation" }; if (vErrors === null) { vErrors = [err9]; } else { vErrors.push(err9); } errors++; } } if (data.drawHorizontalLine !== undefined) { if (typeof data.drawHorizontalLine != "function") { const err10 = { instancePath: instancePath + "/drawHorizontalLine", schemaPath: "#/properties/drawHorizontalLine/typeof", keyword: "typeof", params: {}, message: "must pass \"typeof\" keyword validation" }; if (vErrors === null) { vErrors = [err10]; } else { vErrors.push(err10); } errors++; } } if (data.singleLine !== undefined) { if (typeof data.singleLine != "boolean") { const err11 = { instancePath: instancePath + "/singleLine", schemaPath: "#/properties/singleLine/typeof", keyword: "typeof", params: {}, message: "must pass \"typeof\" keyword validation" }; if (vErrors === null) { vErrors = [err11]; } else { vErrors.push(err11); } errors++; } } if (data.spanningCells !== undefined) { let data13 = data.spanningCells; if (Array.isArray(data13)) { const len0 = data13.length; for (let i0 = 0; i0 < len0; i0++) { let data14 = data13[i0]; if (data14 && typeof data14 == "object" && !Array.isArray(data14)) { if (data14.row === undefined) { const err12 = { instancePath: instancePath + "/spanningCells/" + i0, schemaPath: "#/properties/spanningCells/items/required", keyword: "required", params: { missingProperty: "row" }, message: "must have required property '" + "row" + "'" }; if (vErrors === null) { vErrors = [err12]; } else { vErrors.push(err12); } errors++; } if (data14.col === undefined) { const err13 = { instancePath: instancePath + "/spanningCells/" + i0, schemaPath: "#/properties/spanningCells/items/required", keyword: "required", params: { missingProperty: "col" }, message: "must have required property '" + "col" + "'" }; if (vErrors === null) { vErrors = [err13]; } else { vErrors.push(err13); } errors++; } for (const key2 in data14) { if (!(func8.call(schema13.properties.spanningCells.items.properties, key2))) { const err14 = { instancePath: instancePath + "/spanningCells/" + i0, schemaPath: "#/properties/spanningCells/items/additionalProperties", keyword: "additionalProperties", params: { additionalProperty: key2 }, message: "must NOT have additional properties" }; if (vErrors === null) { vErrors = [err14]; } else { vErrors.push(err14); } errors++; } } if (data14.col !== undefined) { let data15 = data14.col; if (!(((typeof data15 == "number") && (!(data15 % 1) && !isNaN(data15))) && (isFinite(data15)))) { const err15 = { instancePath: instancePath + "/spanningCells/" + i0 + "/col", schemaPath: "#/properties/spanningCells/items/properties/col/type", keyword: "type", params: { type: "integer" }, message: "must be integer" }; if (vErrors === null) { vErrors = [err15]; } else { vErrors.push(err15); } errors++; } if ((typeof data15 == "number") && (isFinite(data15))) { if (data15 < 0 || isNaN(data15)) { const err16 = { instancePath: instancePath + "/spanningCells/" + i0 + "/col", schemaPath: "#/properties/spanningCells/items/properties/col/minimum", keyword: "minimum", params: { comparison: ">=", limit: 0 }, message: "must be >= 0" }; if (vErrors === null) { vErrors = [err16]; } else { vErrors.push(err16); } errors++; } } } if (data14.row !== undefined) { let data16 = data14.row; if (!(((typeof data16 == "number") && (!(data16 % 1) && !isNaN(data16))) && (isFinite(data16)))) { const err17 = { instancePath: instancePath + "/spanningCells/" + i0 + "/row", schemaPath: "#/properties/spanningCells/items/properties/row/type", keyword: "type", params: { type: "integer" }, message: "must be integer" }; if (vErrors === null) { vErrors = [err17]; } else { vErrors.push(err17); } errors++; } if ((typeof data16 == "number") && (isFinite(data16))) { if (data16 < 0 || isNaN(data16)) { const err18 = { instancePath: instancePath + "/spanningCells/" + i0 + "/row", schemaPath: "#/properties/spanningCells/items/properties/row/minimum", keyword: "minimum", params: { comparison: ">=", limit: 0 }, message: "must be >= 0" }; if (vErrors === null) { vErrors = [err18]; } else { vErrors.push(err18); } errors++; } } } if (data14.colSpan !== undefined) { let data17 = data14.colSpan; if (!(((typeof data17 == "number") && (!(data17 % 1) && !isNaN(data17))) && (isFinite(data17)))) { const err19 = { instancePath: instancePath + "/spanningCells/" + i0 + "/colSpan", schemaPath: "#/properties/spanningCells/items/properties/colSpan/type", keyword: "type", params: { type: "integer" }, message: "must be integer" }; if (vErrors === null) { vErrors = [err19]; } else { vErrors.push(err19); } errors++; } if ((typeof data17 == "number") && (isFinite(data17))) { if (data17 < 1 || isNaN(data17)) { const err20 = { instancePath: instancePath + "/spanningCells/" + i0 + "/colSpan", schemaPath: "#/properties/spanningCells/items/properties/colSpan/minimum", keyword: "minimum", params: { comparison: ">=", limit: 1 }, message: "must be >= 1" }; if (vErrors === null) { vErrors = [err20]; } else { vErrors.push(err20); } errors++; } } } if (data14.rowSpan !== undefined) { let data18 = data14.rowSpan; if (!(((typeof data18 == "number") && (!(data18 % 1) && !isNaN(data18))) && (isFinite(data18)))) { const err21 = { instancePath: instancePath + "/spanningCells/" + i0 + "/rowSpan", schemaPath: "#/properties/spanningCells/items/properties/rowSpan/type", keyword: "type", params: { type: "integer" }, message: "must be integer" }; if (vErrors === null) { vErrors = [err21]; } else { vErrors.push(err21); } errors++; } if ((typeof data18 == "number") && (isFinite(data18))) { if (data18 < 1 || isNaN(data18)) { const err22 = { instancePath: instancePath + "/spanningCells/" + i0 + "/rowSpan", schemaPath: "#/properties/spanningCells/items/properties/rowSpan/minimum", keyword: "minimum", params: { comparison: ">=", limit: 1 }, message: "must be >= 1" }; if (vErrors === null) { vErrors = [err22]; } else { vErrors.push(err22); } errors++; } } } if (data14.alignment !== undefined) { if (!(validate68(data14.alignment, { instancePath: instancePath + "/spanningCells/" + i0 + "/alignment", parentData: data14, parentDataProperty: "alignment", rootData }))) { vErrors = vErrors === null ? validate68.errors : vErrors.concat(validate68.errors); errors = vErrors.length; } } if (data14.verticalAlignment !== undefined) { if (!(validate84(data14.verticalAlignment, { instancePath: instancePath + "/spanningCells/" + i0 + "/verticalAlignment", parentData: data14, parentDataProperty: "verticalAlignment", rootData }))) { vErrors = vErrors === null ? validate84.errors : vErrors.concat(validate84.errors); errors = vErrors.length; } } if (data14.wrapWord !== undefined) { if (typeof data14.wrapWord !== "boolean") { const err23 = { instancePath: instancePath + "/spanningCells/" + i0 + "/wrapWord", schemaPath: "#/properties/spanningCells/items/properties/wrapWord/type", keyword: "type", params: { type: "boolean" }, message: "must be boolean" }; if (vErrors === null) { vErrors = [err23]; } else { vErrors.push(err23); } errors++; } } if (data14.truncate !== undefined) { let data22 = data14.truncate; if (!(((typeof data22 == "number") && (!(data22 % 1) && !isNaN(data22))) && (isFinite(data22)))) { const err24 = { instancePath: instancePath + "/spanningCells/" + i0 + "/truncate", schemaPath: "#/properties/spanningCells/items/properties/truncate/type", keyword: "type", params: { type: "integer" }, message: "must be integer" }; if (vErrors === null) { vErrors = [err24]; } else { vErrors.push(err24); } errors++; } } if (data14.paddingLeft !== undefined) { let data23 = data14.paddingLeft; if (!(((typeof data23 == "number") && (!(data23 % 1) && !isNaN(data23))) && (isFinite(data23)))) { const err25 = { instancePath: instancePath + "/spanningCells/" + i0 + "/paddingLeft", schemaPath: "#/properties/spanningCells/items/properties/paddingLeft/type", keyword: "type", params: { type: "integer" }, message: "must be integer" }; if (vErrors === null) { vErrors = [err25]; } else { vErrors.push(err25); } errors++; } } if (data14.paddingRight !== undefined) { let data24 = data14.paddingRight; if (!(((typeof data24 == "number") && (!(data24 % 1) && !isNaN(data24))) && (isFinite(data24)))) { const err26 = { instancePath: instancePath + "/spanningCells/" + i0 + "/paddingRight", schemaPath: "#/properties/spanningCells/items/properties/paddingRight/type", keyword: "type", params: { type: "integer" }, message: "must be integer" }; if (vErrors === null) { vErrors = [err26]; } else { vErrors.push(err26); } errors++; } } } else { const err27 = { instancePath: instancePath + "/spanningCells/" + i0, schemaPath: "#/properties/spanningCells/items/type", keyword: "type", params: { type: "object" }, message: "must be object" }; if (vErrors === null) { vErrors = [err27]; } else { vErrors.push(err27); } errors++; } } } else { const err28 = { instancePath: instancePath + "/spanningCells", schemaPath: "#/properties/spanningCells/type", keyword: "type", params: { type: "array" }, message: "must be array" }; if (vErrors === null) { vErrors = [err28]; } else { vErrors.push(err28); } errors++; } } } else { const err29 = { instancePath, schemaPath: "#/type", keyword: "type", params: { type: "object" }, message: "must be object" }; if (vErrors === null) { vErrors = [err29]; } else { vErrors.push(err29); } errors++; } validate43.errors = vErrors; return errors === 0; } exports["streamConfig.json"] = validate86; const schema24 = { "$id": "streamConfig.json", "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#", "type": "object", "properties": { "border": { "$ref": "shared.json#/definitions/borders" }, "columns": { "$ref": "shared.json#/definitions/columns" }, "columnDefault": { "$ref": "shared.json#/definitions/column" }, "columnCount": { "type": "integer", "minimum": 1 }, "drawVerticalLine": { "typeof": "function" } }, "required": ["columnDefault", "columnCount"], "additionalProperties": false }; function validate87(data, { instancePath = "", parentData, parentDataProperty, rootData = data } = {}) { let vErrors = null; let errors = 0; if (data && typeof data == "object" && !Array.isArray(data)) { for (const key0 in data) { if (!(func8.call(schema15.properties, key0))) { const err0 = { instancePath, schemaPath: "#/additionalProperties", keyword: "additionalProperties", params: { additionalProperty: key0 }, message: "must NOT have additional properties" }; if (vErrors === null) { vErrors = [err0]; } else { vErrors.push(err0); } errors++; } } if (data.topBody !== undefined) { if (!(validate46(data.topBody, { instancePath: instancePath + "/topBody", parentData: data, parentDataProperty: "topBody", rootData }))) { vErrors = vErrors === null ? validate46.errors : vErrors.concat(validate46.errors); errors = vErrors.length; } } if (data.topJoin !== undefined) { if (!(validate46(data.topJoin, { instancePath: instancePath + "/topJoin", parentData: data, parentDataProperty: "topJoin", rootData }))) { vErrors = vErrors === null ? validate46.errors : vErrors.concat(validate46.errors); errors = vErrors.length; } } if (data.topLeft !== undefined) { if (!(validate46(data.topLeft, { instancePath: instancePath + "/topLeft", parentData: data, parentDataProperty: "topLeft", rootData }))) { vErrors = vErrors === null ? validate46.errors : vErrors.concat(validate46.errors); errors = vErrors.length; } } if (data.topRight !== undefined) { if (!(validate46(data.topRight, { instancePath: instancePath + "/topRight", parentData: data, parentDataProperty: "topRight", rootData }))) { vErrors = vErrors === null ? validate46.errors : vErrors.concat(validate46.errors); errors = vErrors.length; } } if (data.bottomBody !== undefined) { if (!(validate46(data.bottomBody, { instancePath: instancePath + "/bottomBody", parentData: data, parentDataProperty: "bottomBody", rootData }))) { vErrors = vErrors === null ? validate46.errors : vErrors.concat(validate46.errors); errors = vErrors.length; } } if (data.bottomJoin !== undefined) { if (!(validate46(data.bottomJoin, { instancePath: instancePath + "/bottomJoin", parentData: data, parentDataProperty: "bottomJoin", rootData }))) { vErrors = vErrors === null ? validate46.errors : vErrors.concat(validate46.errors); errors = vErrors.length; } } if (data.bottomLeft !== undefined) { if (!(validate46(data.bottomLeft, { instancePath: instancePath + "/bottomLeft", parentData: data, parentDataProperty: "bottomLeft", rootData }))) { vErrors = vErrors === null ? validate46.errors : vErrors.concat(validate46.errors); errors = vErrors.length; } } if (data.bottomRight !== undefined) { if (!(validate46(data.bottomRight, { instancePath: instancePath + "/bottomRight", parentData: data, parentDataProperty: "bottomRight", rootData }))) { vErrors = vErrors === null ? validate46.errors : vErrors.concat(validate46.errors); errors = vErrors.length; } } if (data.bodyLeft !== undefined) { if (!(validate46(data.bodyLeft, { instancePath: instancePath + "/bodyLeft", parentData: data, parentDataProperty: "bodyLeft", rootData }))) { vErrors = vErrors === null ? validate46.errors : vErrors.concat(validate46.errors); errors = vErrors.length; } } if (data.bodyRight !== undefined) { if (!(validate46(data.bodyRight, { instancePath: instancePath + "/bodyRight", parentData: data, parentDataProperty: "bodyRight", rootData }))) { vErrors = vErrors === null ? validate46.errors : vErrors.concat(validate46.errors); errors = vErrors.length; } } if (data.bodyJoin !== undefined) { if (!(validate46(data.bodyJoin, { instancePath: instancePath + "/bodyJoin", parentData: data, parentDataProperty: "bodyJoin", rootData }))) { vErrors = vErrors === null ? validate46.errors : vErrors.concat(validate46.errors); errors = vErrors.length; } } if (data.headerJoin !== undefined) { if (!(validate46(data.headerJoin, { instancePath: instancePath + "/headerJoin", parentData: data, parentDataProperty: "headerJoin", rootData }))) { vErrors = vErrors === null ? validate46.errors : vErrors.concat(validate46.errors); errors = vErrors.length; } } if (data.joinBody !== undefined) { if (!(validate46(data.joinBody, { instancePath: instancePath + "/joinBody", parentData: data, parentDataProperty: "joinBody", rootData }))) { vErrors = vErrors === null ? validate46.errors : vErrors.concat(validate46.errors); errors = vErrors.length; } } if (data.joinLeft !== undefined) { if (!(validate46(data.joinLeft, { instancePath: instancePath + "/joinLeft", parentData: data, parentDataProperty: "joinLeft", rootData }))) { vErrors = vErrors === null ? validate46.errors : vErrors.concat(validate46.errors); errors = vErrors.length; } } if (data.joinRight !== undefined) { if (!(validate46(data.joinRight, { instancePath: instancePath + "/joinRight", parentData: data, parentDataProperty: "joinRight", rootData }))) { vErrors = vErrors === null ? validate46.errors : vErrors.concat(validate46.errors); errors = vErrors.length; } } if (data.joinJoin !== undefined) { if (!(validate46(data.joinJoin, { instancePath: instancePath + "/joinJoin", parentData: data, parentDataProperty: "joinJoin", rootData }))) { vErrors = vErrors === null ? validate46.errors : vErrors.concat(validate46.errors); errors = vErrors.length; } } if (data.joinMiddleUp !== undefined) { if (!(validate46(data.joinMiddleUp, { instancePath: instancePath + "/joinMiddleUp", parentData: data, parentDataProperty: "joinMiddleUp", rootData }))) { vErrors = vErrors === null ? validate46.errors : vErrors.concat(validate46.errors); errors = vErrors.length; } } if (data.joinMiddleDown !== undefined) { if (!(validate46(data.joinMiddleDown, { instancePath: instancePath + "/joinMiddleDown", parentData: data, parentDataProperty: "joinMiddleDown", rootData }))) { vErrors = vErrors === null ? validate46.errors : vErrors.concat(validate46.errors); errors = vErrors.length; } } if (data.joinMiddleLeft !== undefined) { if (!(validate46(data.joinMiddleLeft, { instancePath: instancePath + "/joinMiddleLeft", parentData: data, parentDataProperty: "joinMiddleLeft", rootData }))) { vErrors = vErrors === null ? validate46.errors : vErrors.concat(validate46.errors); errors = vErrors.length; } } if (data.joinMiddleRight !== undefined) { if (!(validate46(data.joinMiddleRight, { instancePath: instancePath + "/joinMiddleRight", parentData: data, parentDataProperty: "joinMiddleRight", rootData }))) { vErrors = vErrors === null ? validate46.errors : vErrors.concat(validate46.errors); errors = vErrors.length; } } } else { const err1 = { instancePath, schemaPath: "#/type", keyword: "type", params: { type: "object" }, message: "must be object" }; if (vErrors === null) { vErrors = [err1]; } else { vErrors.push(err1); } errors++; } validate87.errors = vErrors; return errors === 0; } function validate109(data, { instancePath = "", parentData, parentDataProperty, rootData = data } = {}) { let vErrors = null; let errors = 0; const _errs0 = errors; let valid0 = false; let passing0 = null; const _errs1 = errors; if (data && typeof data == "object" && !Array.isArray(data)) { for (const key0 in data) { if (!(pattern0.test(key0))) { const err0 = { instancePath, schemaPath: "#/oneOf/0/additionalProperties", keyword: "additionalProperties", params: { additionalProperty: key0 }, message: "must NOT have additional properties" }; if (vErrors === null) { vErrors = [err0]; } else { vErrors.push(err0); } errors++; } } for (const key1 in data) { if (pattern0.test(key1)) { if (!(validate71(data[key1], { instancePath: instancePath + "/" + key1.replace(/~/g, "~0").replace(/\//g, "~1"), parentData: data, parentDataProperty: key1, rootData }))) { vErrors = vErrors === null ? validate71.errors : vErrors.concat(validate71.errors); errors = vErrors.length; } } } } else { const err1 = { instancePath, schemaPath: "#/oneOf/0/type", keyword: "type", params: { type: "object" }, message: "must be object" }; if (vErrors === null) { vErrors = [err1]; } else { vErrors.push(err1); } errors++; } var _valid0 = _errs1 === errors; if (_valid0) { valid0 = true; passing0 = 0; } const _errs5 = errors; if (Array.isArray(data)) { const len0 = data.length; for (let i0 = 0; i0 < len0; i0++) { if (!(validate71(data[i0], { instancePath: instancePath + "/" + i0, parentData: data, parentDataProperty: i0, rootData }))) { vErrors = vErrors === null ? validate71.errors : vErrors.concat(validate71.errors); errors = vErrors.length; } } } else { const err2 = { instancePath, schemaPath: "#/oneOf/1/type", keyword: "type", params: { type: "array" }, message: "must be array" }; if (vErrors === null) { vErrors = [err2]; } else { vErrors.push(err2); } errors++; } var _valid0 = _errs5 === errors; if (_valid0 && valid0) { valid0 = false; passing0 = [passing0, 1]; } else { if (_valid0) { valid0 = true; passing0 = 1; } } if (!valid0) { const err3 = { instancePath, schemaPath: "#/oneOf", keyword: "oneOf", params: { passingSchemas: passing0 }, message: "must match exactly one schema in oneOf" }; if (vErrors === null) { vErrors = [err3]; } else { vErrors.push(err3); } errors++; } else { errors = _errs0; if (vErrors !== null) { if (_errs0) { vErrors.length = _errs0; } else { vErrors = null; } } } validate109.errors = vErrors; return errors === 0; } function validate113(data, { instancePath = "", parentData, parentDataProperty, rootData = data } = {}) { let vErrors = null; let errors = 0; if (data && typeof data == "object" && !Array.isArray(data)) { for (const key0 in data) { if (!(((((((key0 === "alignment") || (key0 === "verticalAlignment")) || (key0 === "width")) || (key0 === "wrapWord")) || (key0 === "truncate")) || (key0 === "paddingLeft")) || (key0 === "paddingRight"))) { const err0 = { instancePath, schemaPath: "#/additionalProperties", keyword: "additionalProperties", params: { additionalProperty: key0 }, message: "must NOT have additional properties" }; if (vErrors === null) { vErrors = [err0]; } else { vErrors.push(err0); } errors++; } } if (data.alignment !== undefined) { if (!(validate72(data.alignment, { instancePath: instancePath + "/alignment", parentData: data, parentDataProperty: "alignment", rootData }))) { vErrors = vErrors === null ? validate72.errors : vErrors.concat(validate72.errors); errors = vErrors.length; } } if (data.verticalAlignment !== undefined) { if (!(validate74(data.verticalAlignment, { instancePath: instancePath + "/verticalAlignment", parentData: data, parentDataProperty: "verticalAlignment", rootData }))) { vErrors = vErrors === null ? validate74.errors : vErrors.concat(validate74.errors); errors = vErrors.length; } } if (data.width !== undefined) { let data2 = data.width; if (!(((typeof data2 == "number") && (!(data2 % 1) && !isNaN(data2))) && (isFinite(data2)))) { const err1 = { instancePath: instancePath + "/width", schemaPath: "#/properties/width/type", keyword: "type", params: { type: "integer" }, message: "must be integer" }; if (vErrors === null) { vErrors = [err1]; } else { vErrors.push(err1); } errors++; } if ((typeof data2 == "number") && (isFinite(data2))) { if (data2 < 1 || isNaN(data2)) { const err2 = { instancePath: instancePath + "/width", schemaPath: "#/properties/width/minimum", keyword: "minimum", params: { comparison: ">=", limit: 1 }, message: "must be >= 1" }; if (vErrors === null) { vErrors = [err2]; } else { vErrors.push(err2); } errors++; } } } if (data.wrapWord !== undefined) { if (typeof data.wrapWord !== "boolean") { const err3 = { instancePath: instancePath + "/wrapWord", schemaPath: "#/properties/wrapWord/type", keyword: "type", params: { type: "boolean" }, message: "must be boolean" }; if (vErrors === null) { vErrors = [err3]; } else { vErrors.push(err3); } errors++; } } if (data.truncate !== undefined) { let data4 = data.truncate; if (!(((typeof data4 == "number") && (!(data4 % 1) && !isNaN(data4))) && (isFinite(data4)))) { const err4 = { instancePath: instancePath + "/truncate", schemaPath: "#/properties/truncate/type", keyword: "type", params: { type: "integer" }, message: "must be integer" }; if (vErrors === null) { vErrors = [err4]; } else { vErrors.push(err4); } errors++; } } if (data.paddingLeft !== undefined) { let data5 = data.paddingLeft; if (!(((typeof data5 == "number") && (!(data5 % 1) && !isNaN(data5))) && (isFinite(data5)))) { const err5 = { instancePath: instancePath + "/paddingLeft", schemaPath: "#/properties/paddingLeft/type", keyword: "type", params: { type: "integer" }, message: "must be integer" }; if (vErrors === null) { vErrors = [err5]; } else { vErrors.push(err5); } errors++; } } if (data.paddingRight !== undefined) { let data6 = data.paddingRight; if (!(((typeof data6 == "number") && (!(data6 % 1) && !isNaN(data6))) && (isFinite(data6)))) { const err6 = { instancePath: instancePath + "/paddingRight", schemaPath: "#/properties/paddingRight/type", keyword: "type", params: { type: "integer" }, message: "must be integer" }; if (vErrors === null) { vErrors = [err6]; } else { vErrors.push(err6); } errors++; } } } else { const err7 = { instancePath, schemaPath: "#/type", keyword: "type", params: { type: "object" }, message: "must be object" }; if (vErrors === null) { vErrors = [err7]; } else { vErrors.push(err7); } errors++; } validate113.errors = vErrors; return errors === 0; } function validate86(data, { instancePath = "", parentData, parentDataProperty, rootData = data } = {}) { /*# sourceURL="streamConfig.json" */ ; let vErrors = null; let errors = 0; if (data && typeof data == "object" && !Array.isArray(data)) { if (data.columnDefault === undefined) { const err0 = { instancePath, schemaPath: "#/required", keyword: "required", params: { missingProperty: "columnDefault" }, message: "must have required property '" + "columnDefault" + "'" }; if (vErrors === null) { vErrors = [err0]; } else { vErrors.push(err0); } errors++; } if (data.columnCount === undefined) { const err1 = { instancePath, schemaPath: "#/required", keyword: "required", params: { missingProperty: "columnCount" }, message: "must have required property '" + "columnCount" + "'" }; if (vErrors === null) { vErrors = [err1]; } else { vErrors.push(err1); } errors++; } for (const key0 in data) { if (!(((((key0 === "border") || (key0 === "columns")) || (key0 === "columnDefault")) || (key0 === "columnCount")) || (key0 === "drawVerticalLine"))) { const err2 = { instancePath, schemaPath: "#/additionalProperties", keyword: "additionalProperties", params: { additionalProperty: key0 }, message: "must NOT have additional properties" }; if (vErrors === null) { vErrors = [err2]; } else { vErrors.push(err2); } errors++; } } if (data.border !== undefined) { if (!(validate87(data.border, { instancePath: instancePath + "/border", parentData: data, parentDataProperty: "border", rootData }))) { vErrors = vErrors === null ? validate87.errors : vErrors.concat(validate87.errors); errors = vErrors.length; } } if (data.columns !== undefined) { if (!(validate109(data.columns, { instancePath: instancePath + "/columns", parentData: data, parentDataProperty: "columns", rootData }))) { vErrors = vErrors === null ? validate109.errors : vErrors.concat(validate109.errors); errors = vErrors.length; } } if (data.columnDefault !== undefined) { if (!(validate113(data.columnDefault, { instancePath: instancePath + "/columnDefault", parentData: data, parentDataProperty: "columnDefault", rootData }))) { vErrors = vErrors === null ? validate113.errors : vErrors.concat(validate113.errors); errors = vErrors.length; } } if (data.columnCount !== undefined) { let data3 = data.columnCount; if (!(((typeof data3 == "number") && (!(data3 % 1) && !isNaN(data3))) && (isFinite(data3)))) { const err3 = { instancePath: instancePath + "/columnCount", schemaPath: "#/properties/columnCount/type", keyword: "type", params: { type: "integer" }, message: "must be integer" }; if (vErrors === null) { vErrors = [err3]; } else { vErrors.push(err3); } errors++; } if ((typeof data3 == "number") && (isFinite(data3))) { if (data3 < 1 || isNaN(data3)) { const err4 = { instancePath: instancePath + "/columnCount", schemaPath: "#/properties/columnCount/minimum", keyword: "minimum", params: { comparison: ">=", limit: 1 }, message: "must be >= 1" }; if (vErrors === null) { vErrors = [err4]; } else { vErrors.push(err4); } errors++; } } } if (data.drawVerticalLine !== undefined) { if (typeof data.drawVerticalLine != "function") { const err5 = { instancePath: instancePath + "/drawVerticalLine", schemaPath: "#/properties/drawVerticalLine/typeof", keyword: "typeof", params: {}, message: "must pass \"typeof\" keyword validation" }; if (vErrors === null) { vErrors = [err5]; } else { vErrors.push(err5); } errors++; } } } else { const err6 = { instancePath, schemaPath: "#/type", keyword: "type", params: { type: "object" }, message: "must be object" }; if (vErrors === null) { vErrors = [err6]; } else { vErrors.push(err6); } errors++; } validate86.errors = vErrors; return errors === 0; } //# sourceMappingURL=validators.js.map