Then /^the data for row "([^\"]*)" should be "([^\"]*)" and "([^\"]*)"$/ do |row, col1, col2| row = (row.to_i - 1) if row.to_i > 0 table_row = @element[row] table_row[0].text.should == col1 table_row[1].text.should == col2 end When /^I retrieve the data from the table cell$/ do @cell_data = @page.cell_id end Then /^the cell data should be '([^"]*)'$/ do |expected| @cell_data.should == expected end When /^I retrieve a table element by "([^\"]*)"$/ do |how| @element = @page.send "table_#{how}_element" end When /^I retrieve a table element by "([^\"]*)" and "([^\"]*)"$/ do |param1, param2| @element = @page.send "table_#{param1}_#{param2}_element" end When /^I retrieve a table element while the script is executing$/ do @element = @page.table_element(:id => 'table_id') end Then /^the data for the first row should be "([^\"]*)" and "([^\"]*)"$/ do |col1, col2| @element.first_row[0].text.should == col1 @element.first_row[1].text.should == col2 end Then /^the data for the last row should be "([^\"]*)" and "([^\"]*)"$/ do |col1, col2| @element.last_row[0].text.should == col1 @element.last_row[1].text.should == col2 end Then /^I should see that the table exists$/ do @page.table_id?.should == true end Then /^the data for column "([^\"]*)" and row "([^\"]*)" should be "([^\"]*)"$/ do |column, row, value| @element[row.to_i - 1][column].text.should == value end Then /^the data for row "([^\"]*)" and column "([^\"]*)" should be "([^\"]*)"$/ do |row, column, value| @element[row][column].text.should == value end