memcached An interface to the libmemcached C client. == License Copyright 2008 Cloudburst, LLC. Licensed under the AFL 3. See the included LICENSE file. Portions copyright 2008 TangentOrg, Brian Aker, licensed under the BSD license, and used with permission. The public certificate for the gem is here[]. If you like this software, please {make a donation}[], or {recommend Evan}[] at Working with Rails. == Status Very new. Risky in production. == Features * clean API * robust access to all memcached features * multiple hashing modes, including consistent hashing * ludicrous speed, including optional non-blocking IO == Requirements * {libmemcached 0.13}[] Other versions of libmemcached are not supported. Extract the tarball, then for Linux, run: ./configure make && sudo make install For OS X/MacPorts, run: ./configure --prefix=/opt/local make && sudo make install == Usage Whatever! == Reporting problems The support forum is here[]. Patches and contributions are very welcome. Please note that contributors are required to assign copyright for their additions to Cloudburst, LLC. == Further resources Whatever!