module Trailblazer # Operation-specific circuit rendering. This is optimized for a linear railway circuit. # # @private # # NOTE: this is absolutely to be considered as prototyping and acts more like a test helper ATM as # Inspect is not a mission-critical part. class Operation def self.introspect(*args) Operation::Inspect.(*args) end end module Operation::Inspect module_function def call(operation, options={ style: :line }) # TODO: better introspection API. alterations = Activity::Magnetic::Builder::Finalizer.adds_to_alterations(operation.to_h[:adds]) # DISCUSS: any other way to retrieve the Alterations? # pp alterations railway = alterations.instance_variable_get(:@groups).instance_variable_get(:@groups)[:main] rows = railway.each_with_index.collect do |element, i| magnetic_to, task, plus_poles = element.configuration created_by = if magnetic_to == [:failure] :fail elsif plus_poles.size > 1 plus_poles[0].color == plus_poles[1].color ? :pass : :step else :pass # this is wrong for Nested, sometimes end [ i, [ created_by, ] ] end return inspect_line(rows) if options[:style] == :line return inspect_rows(rows) end def inspect_func(step) @inspect[step] end Operator = { :fail => "<<", :pass => ">>", :step => ">"} def inspect_line(names) string = names.collect { |i, (end_of_edge, name)| "#{Operator[end_of_edge]}#{name}" }.join(",") "[#{string}]" end def inspect_rows(names) string = names.collect do |i, (end_of_edge, name)| operator = Operator[end_of_edge] op = "#{operator}#{name}" padding = 38 proc = if operator == "<<" sprintf("%- #{padding}s", op) elsif [">", ">>", "&"].include?(operator.to_s) sprintf("% #{padding}s", op) else pad = " " * ((padding - op.length) / 2) "#{pad}#{op}#{pad}" end proc = proc.gsub(" ", "=") sprintf("%2d %s", i, proc) end.join("\n") "\n#{string}" end end end