CKEditor 4 Changelog ==================== ## CKEditor 4.1.2 * Added new translation: Sinhala. * [#10339]( Fixed: Error thrown when inserted data totally stripped out after filtering and processing. * [#10298]( Fixed: Data processor breaks attributes containing protected parts. * [#10367]( Fixed: `editable#insertText` loses characters when `RegExp` replace controls are being inserted. * [#10165]( [IE] Access denied error when `document.domain` has been altered. * [#9761]( Update *Backspace* key state in `keystrokeHandler#blockedKeystrokes` when calling `editor.setReadOnly()`. * [#6504]( Fixed: Race condition while loading several `config.customConfig` files. * [#10146]( [Firefox] Empty lines are being removed while `config#enterMode` is `CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR`. * [#10360]( Fixed: ARIA `role="application"` should not be used for dialogs. * [#10361]( Fixed: ARIA `role="application"` should not be used for floating panels. * [#10510]( Introduced unique voice labels to differentiate between different editor instances. * [#9945]( [iOS] Scrolling not possible on iPad. * [#10389]( Fixed: Invalid HTML in the "Text and Table" template. ## CKEditor 4.1.1 * Added new translation: Albanian. * [#10172]( Pressing *Delete*/*Backspace* in an empty table cell moves the cursor to the next/previous cell. * [#10219]( Error thrown when destroying an editor instance in parallel with a mouseup event. * [#10265]( Wrong loop type in the Filebrowser plugin. * [#10249]( Wrong undo/redo states at start. * [#10268]( "Show Blocks" does not recover after switching to source view. * [#9995]( HTML code in `textarea` should not be modified by the `htmlDataProcessor`. * [#10320]( Justify plugin should add elements to the ACF based on current Enter mode. * [#10260]( Fixed: Advanced Content Filter blocks `tabSpaces`. Unified `data-cke-*` attributes filtering. * [#10315]( [Webkit] Undo manager should not record snapshots after a filling character was added/removed. * [#10291]( [Webkit] Space after a filling character should be secured. * [#10330]( [Webkit] The filling character is not removed on `keydown` in specific cases. * [#10285]( Fixed: Styled text pasted from MS Word causes an infinite loop. * [#10131]( Fixed: `undoManager#update` does not refresh the command state. * [#10337]( Fixed: Unable to remove `` using `removeformat`. ## CKEditor 4.1 * [#10192]( Closing lists with Enter key does not work with Advanced Content Filter in several cases. * [#10191]( Fixed allowed content rules unification, so the `filter.allowedContent` property always contains rules in the same format. * [#10224]( Advanced Content Filter does not remove non-empty `` elements anymore. * Minor issues in plugin integration with Advanced Content Filter: * [#10166]( Added transformation from the `align` attribute to `float` style to preserve backward compatibility after the introduction of Advanced Content Filter. * [#10195]( Image plugin no longer registers rules for links to Advanced Content Filter. * [#10213]( Justify plugin is now correctly registering rules to Advanced Content Filter when `config.justifyClasses` is defined. ## CKEditor 4.1 RC * [#9829]( Data and features activation based on editor configuration. Brand new data filtering system that works in 2 modes: * based on loaded features (toolbar items, plugins) - the data will be filtered according to what the editor in its current configuration can handle, * based on `config.allowedContent` rules - the data will be filtered and the editor features (toolbar items, commands, keystrokes) will be enabled if they are allowed. See the `datafiltering.html` sample, [guides](!/guide/dev_advanced_content_filter) and [`CKEDITOR.filter` API documentation](!/api/CKEDITOR.filter). * [#9387]( Reintroduced "Shared Spaces" - the ability to display toolbar and bottom editor space in selected locations and to share them by different editor instances. * [#9907]( Added the `contentPreview` event for preview data manipulation. * [#9713]( Introduced the `sourcedialog` plugin that brings raw HTML editing for inline editor instances. * Included in [#9829]( Introduced new events, `toHtml` and `toDataFormat`, allowing for better integration with data processing. See API documentation: [`toHtml`](!/api/CKEDITOR.editor-event-toHtml), [`toDataFormat`](!/api/CKEDITOR.editor-event-toDataFormat). * [#9981]( Added ability to filter `htmlParser.fragment`, `htmlParser.element` etc. by many `htmlParser.filter`s before writing structure to an HTML string. * Included in [#10103]( * Introduced the `editor.status` property to make it easier to check the current status of the editor. See [API documentation](!/api/CKEDITOR.editor-property-status). * Default `command` state is now `CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLE`. It will be activated on `editor.instanceReady` or immediately after being added if the editor is already initialized. * [#9796]( Introduced `` as a default tag for strikethrough, which replaces obsolete `` in HTML5. ## CKEditor 4.0.3 * [#10196]( Fixed context menus not opening with keyboard shortcuts when Autogrow is enabled. * [#10212]( [IE7-10] Undo command throws errors after multiple switches between Source and WYSIWYG view. * [#10219]( [Inline editor] Error thrown after calling editor.destroy(). ## CKEditor 4.0.2 * [#9779]( Fixed overriding `CKEDITOR.getUrl` with `CKEDITOR_GETURL`. * [#9772]( Custom buttons in dialog window footer have different look and size (Moono, Kama). * [#9029]( Custom styles added with `styleSet.add()` are displayed in wrong order. * [#9887]( Disable magicline when `editor.readOnly` is set. * [#9882]( Fixed empty document title on `getData()` if set via the Document Properties dialog window. * [#9773]( Fixed rendering problems with selection fields in the Kama skin. * [#9851]( The `selectionChange` event is not fired when mouse selection ended outside editable. * [#9903]( [Inline editor] Bad positioning of floating space with page horizontal scroll. * [#9872]( `editor.checkDirty()` returns `true` when called onload. Removed the obsolete `editor.mayBeDirty` flag. * [#9893]( Fixed broken toolbar when editing mixed direction content in Quirks mode. * [#9845]( Fixed TAB navigation in the Link dialog window when the Anchor option is used and no anchors are available. * [#9883]( Maximizing was making the entire page editable with divarea-based editors. * [#9940]( [Firefox] Navigating back to a page with the editor was making the entire page editable. * [#9966]( Fixed: Unable to type square brackets with French keyboard layout. Changed magicline keystrokes. * [#9507]( [Firefox] Selection is moved before editable position when the editor is focused for the first time. * [#9947]( [Webkit] Editor overflows parent container in some edge cases. * [#10105]( Fixed: Broken sourcearea view when an RTL language is set. * [#10123]( [Webkit] Fixed: Several dialog windows have broken layout since the latest Webkit release. * [#10152]( Fixed: Invalid ARIA property used on menu items. ## CKEditor * Security update: Added protection against XSS attack and possible path disclosure in PHP sample. ## CKEditor 4.0.1 Fixed issues: * [#9655]( Support for IE Quirks Mode in new Moono skin. * Accessibility issues (mainly on inline editor): [#9364](, [#9368](, [#9369](, [#9370](, [#9541](, [#9543](, [#9841](, [#9844]( * Magic-line: * [#9481]( Added accessibility support for Magic-line. * [#9509]( Added Magic-line support for forms. * [#9573]( Magic-line doesn't disappear on `mouseout` in the specific case. * [#9754]( [Webkit] Cut & paste simple unformatted text generates inline wrapper in Webkits. * [#9456]( [Chrome] Properly paste bullet list style from MS-Word. * [#9699](, [#9758]( Improved selection locking when selecting by dragging. * Context menu: * [#9712]( Context menu open destroys editor focus. * [#9366]( Context menu should be displayed over floating toolbar. * [#9706]( Context menu generates JS error in inline mode when editor attached to header element. * [#9800]( Hide float panel when resizing window. * [#9721]( Padding in content of div based editor puts editing area under bottom UI space. * [#9528]( Host page's `box-sizing` style shouldn't influence editor UI elements. * [#9503]( Forms plugin adds context menu listeners only on supported input types. Added support for `tel, email, search` and `url` input types. * [#9769]( Improved floating toolbar positioning in narrow window. * [#9875]( Table dialog doesn't populate width correctly. * [#8675]( Deleting cells in nested table removes outer table cell. * [#9815]( Can't edit dialog fields on editor initialized in jQuery UI modal dialog. * [#8888]( CKEditor dialogs do not show completely in small window. * [#9360]( [Inline editor] Blocks shown for a div stay permanently even after user exists editing the div. * [#9531]( [Firefox & Inline editor] Toolbar is lost when closing format combo by clicking on its button. * [#9553]( Table width incorrectly set when `border-width` style is specified. * [#9594]( Cannot tab past CKEditor when it is in read only mode. * [#9658]( [IE9] Justify not working on selected image. * [#9686]( Added missing contents styles for `
* [#9709]( PasteFromWord should not depend on configuration from other styles.
* [#9726]( Removed color dialog dependency from table tools.
* [#9765]( Toolbar Collapse command documented incorrectly on Accessibility Instructions dialog.
* [#9771]( [Webkit & Opera] Fixed scrolling issues when pasting.
* [#9787]( [IE9] onChange isn't fired for checkboxes in dialogs.
* [#9842]( [Firefox 17] When we open toolbar menu for the first time & press down arrow key, focus goes to next toolbar button instead of menu options.
* [#9847]( Elements path shouldn't be initialized on inline editor.
* [#9853]( `Editor#addRemoveFormatFilter` is exposed before it really works.
* [#8893]( Value of `pasteFromWordCleanupFile` config is now taken from instance configuration.
* [#9693]( Removed "live preview" checkbox from UI color picker.

## CKEditor 4.0

The first stable release of the new CKEditor 4 code line.

The CKEditor JavaScript API has been kept compatible with CKEditor 4, whenever
possible. The list of relevant changes can be found in the [API Changes page of
the CKEditor 4 documentation][1].

[1]:!/guide/dev_api_changes "API Changes"