require "pretender/version" require "active_support" module Pretender class Error < StandardError; end module Methods def impersonates(scope = :user, opts = {}) impersonated_method = opts[:method] || :"current_#{scope}" impersonate_with = opts[:with] || proc { |id| klass = scope.to_s.classify.constantize primary_key = klass.respond_to?(:primary_key) ? klass.primary_key : :id klass.find_by(primary_key => id) } true_method = :"true_#{scope}" session_key = :"impersonated_#{scope}_id" impersonated_var = :"@impersonated_#{scope}" stop_impersonating_method = :"stop_impersonating_#{scope}" # define methods if method_defined?(impersonated_method) || private_method_defined?(impersonated_method) alias_method true_method, impersonated_method else sc = superclass define_method true_method do # TODO handle private methods raise Pretender::Error, "#{impersonated_method} must be defined before the impersonates method" unless sc.method_defined?(impersonated_method) sc.instance_method(impersonated_method).bind(self).call end end helper_method(true_method) if respond_to?(:helper_method) define_method impersonated_method do impersonated_resource = instance_variable_get(impersonated_var) if instance_variable_defined?(impersonated_var) if !impersonated_resource && request.session[session_key] # only fetch impersonation if user is logged in # this is a safety check (once per request) so # if a user logs out without session being destroyed # or stop_impersonating_user being called, # we can stop the impersonation if send(true_method) impersonated_resource =[session_key]) instance_variable_set(impersonated_var, impersonated_resource) if impersonated_resource else # TODO better message warn "[pretender] Stopping impersonation due to safety check" send(stop_impersonating_method) end end impersonated_resource || send(true_method) end define_method :"impersonate_#{scope}" do |resource| raise ArgumentError, "No resource to impersonate" unless resource raise Pretender::Error, "Must be logged in to impersonate" unless send(true_method) instance_variable_set(impersonated_var, resource) # use to_s for Mongoid for BSON::ObjectId request.session[session_key] = ? : end define_method stop_impersonating_method do remove_instance_variable(impersonated_var) if instance_variable_defined?(impersonated_var) request.session.delete(session_key) end end end end ActiveSupport.on_load(:action_controller) do extend Pretender::Methods end ActiveSupport.on_load(:action_cable) do ActionCable::Connection::Base.extend Pretender::Methods end