begin require 'active_support/core_ext/class/attribute_accessors' rescue require 'active_support' end require 'omniauth/oauth' module OmniAuth module Strategies # Authenticate to Code School utilizing OAuth 2.0 and retrieve # basic user information. # # @example Basic Usage # use OmniAuth::Strategies::CodeSchool, 'client_id', 'client_secret' class CodeSchool < OAuth2 cattr_accessor :base_uri # @param [Rack Application] app standard middleware application parameter # @param [String] client_id the application id as [registered on Facebook]( # @param [String] client_secret the application secret as registered on Facebook # @option options [String] :scope ('email,offline_access') comma-separated extended permissions such as `email` and `manage_pages` def initialize(app, client_id = nil, client_secret = nil, options = {}, &block) super(app, :code_path, client_id, client_secret, { :site => self.class.base_uri.presence || "http://localhost:3000", :authorize_path => "/oauth/authorize", :access_token_path => "/oauth/token" }, options, &block) end def request_phase options[:response_type] ||= "code" super end def callback_phase options[:grant_type] ||= 'authorization_code' super end def user_data @data ||= MultiJson.decode(@access_token.get('/api/v1/user.json', {}, {}))['user'] end # memoize the client or else setting up Faraday stubs does not work def client @_client ||= super end def user_info { 'nickname' => user_data["twitter_name"], 'email' => (user_data["email"] if user_data["email"]), 'first_name' => user_data["name"].split(" ").first, 'last_name' => user_data["name"].split(" ").last, 'name' => user_data['name'] } end def auth_hash OmniAuth::Utils.deep_merge(super, { 'uid' => user_data['id'], 'user_info' => user_info, 'extra' => {'user_hash' => user_data} }) end end CodePath = CodeSchool # for backward compatiblity end end