# tdlib-ruby [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/centosadmin/tdlib-ruby.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/centosadmin/tdlib-ruby) ## Description Ruby bindings and client for TDLib (Telegram database library). ## Requirements * Ruby 2.3+ * Compiled [tdlib](https://github.com/tdlib/td) ## Install Add to your gemfile: ```ruby gem 'tdlib-ruby' ``` and run *bundle install*. Or just run *gem install tdlib-ruby* ## Basic example ```ruby require 'tdlib-ruby' TD.configure do |config| config.lib_path = 'path_to_dir_containing_tdlibjson' config.client.api_id = your_api_id config.client.api_hash = 'your_api_hash' end TD::Api.set_log_verbosity_level(1) client = TD::Client.new begin state = nil client.on('updateAuthorizationState') do |update| next unless update.dig('authorization_state', '@type') == 'authorizationStateWaitPhoneNumber' state = :wait_phone end client.on('updateAuthorizationState') do |update| next unless update.dig('authorization_state', '@type') == 'authorizationStateWaitCode' state = :wait_code end client.on('updateAuthorizationState') do |update| next unless update.dig('authorization_state', '@type') == 'authorizationStateReady' state = :ready end loop do case state when :wait_phone p 'Please, enter your phone number:' phone = STDIN.gets.strip params = { '@type' => 'setAuthenticationPhoneNumber', 'phone_number' => phone } client.broadcast_and_receive(params) when :wait_code p 'Please, enter code from SMS:' code = STDIN.gets.strip params = { '@type' => 'checkAuthenticationCode', 'code' => code } client.broadcast_and_receive(params) when :ready @me = client.broadcast_and_receive('@type' => 'getMe') break end end ensure client.close end p @me ``` ## Configuration ```ruby TD.configure do |config| config.lib_path = 'path/to/dir_containing_libtdjson' # libtdson will be searched in this directory (*.so, *.dylib, *.dll are valid extensions). For Rails projects, if not set, will be considered as project_root_path/vendor config.encryption_key = 'your_encryption_key' # it's not required config.client.api_id = 12345 config.client.api_hash = 'your_api_hash' config.client.use_test_dc = true # default: false config.database_directory = 'path/to/db/dir' # default: "#{Dir.home}/.tdlib-ruby/db" config.files_directory = 'path/to/files/dir' # default: "#{Dir.home}/.tdlib-ruby/files" config.client.use_chat_info_database = true # default: true config.use_secret_chats = true # default: true config.use_message_database = true # default: true config.system_language_code = 'ru' # default: 'en' config.device_model = 'Some device model' # default: 'Ruby TD client' config.system_version = '42' # default: 'Unknown' config.application_version = '1.0' # default: '1.0' config.enable_storage_optimizer = true # default: true config.ignore_file_names = true # default: false end ``` ## Advanced You can get rid of large tdlib log with ```ruby TD::Api.set_log_verbosity_level(1) ``` You can also set log file path: ```ruby TD::Api.set_log_file_path('path/to/log_file') ``` Additional options can be passed to client: ```ruby TD::Client.new(database_directory: 'will override value from config', files_directory: 'will override value from config') ``` ## License [MIT](https://github.com/centosadmin/tdlib-ruby/blob/master/LICENSE.txt) ## Authors The gem is designed by [Southbridge](https://southbridge.io)