# GoodJob GoodJob is a multithreaded, Postgres-based, ActiveJob backend for Ruby on Rails. **Inspired by [Delayed::Job](https://github.com/collectiveidea/delayed_job) and [Que](https://github.com/que-rb/que), GoodJob is designed for maximum compatibility with Ruby on Rails, ActiveJob, and Postgres to be simple and performant for most workloads.** - **Designed for ActiveJob.** Complete support for [async, queues, delays, priorities, timeouts, and retries](https://edgeguides.rubyonrails.org/active_job_basics.html) with near-zero configuration. - **Built for Rails.** Fully adopts Ruby on Rails [threading and code execution guidelines](https://guides.rubyonrails.org/threading_and_code_execution.html) with [Concurrent::Ruby](https://github.com/ruby-concurrency/concurrent-ruby). - **Backed by Postgres.** Relies upon Postgres integrity and session-level Advisory Locks to provide run-once safety and stay within the limits of `schema.rb`. - **For most workloads.** Targets full-stack teams, economy-minded solo developers, and applications that enqueue less than 1-million jobs/day. For more of the story of GoodJob, read the [introductory blog post](https://island94.org/2020/07/introducing-goodjob-1-0). ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'good_job' ``` And then execute: ```bash $ bundle install ``` ## Usage 1. Create a database migration: ```bash $ bin/rails g good_job:install ``` Run the migration: ```bash $ bin/rails db:migrate ``` 1. Configure the ActiveJob adapter: ```ruby # config/application.rb config.active_job.queue_adapter = :good_job ``` By default, using `:good_job` is equivalent to manually configuring the adapter: ```ruby # config/environments/development.rb config.active_job.queue_adapter = GoodJob::Adapter.new(execution_mode: :inline) # config/environments/test.rb config.active_job.queue_adapter = GoodJob::Adapter.new(execution_mode: :inline) # config/environments/production.rb config.active_job.queue_adapter = GoodJob::Adapter.new(execution_mode: :external) ``` 1. Queue your job πŸŽ‰: ```ruby YourJob.set(queue: :some_queue, wait: 5.minutes, priority: 10).perform_later ``` 1. In production, the scheduler is designed to run in its own process: ```bash $ bundle exec good_job ``` Configuration options available with `help`: ```bash $ bundle exec good_job help start Usage: good_job start Options: [--max-threads=N] # Maximum number of threads to use for working jobs (default: ActiveRecord::Base.connection_pool.size) [--queues=queue1,queue2(;queue3,queue4:5;-queue1,queue2)] # Queues to work from. Separate multiple queues with commas; exclude queues with a leading minus; separate isolated execution pools with semicolons and threads with colons (default: *) [--poll-interval=N] # Interval between polls for available jobs in seconds (default: 1) Start job worker ``` 1. Optimize execution to reduce congestion and execution latency. By default, GoodJob creates a single thread execution pool that will execute jobs from any queue. Depending on your application's workload, job types, and service level objectives, you may wish to optimize execution resources; for example, providing dedicated execution resources for transactional emails so they are not delayed by long-running batch jobs. Some options: - Multiple execution pools within a single process: ```bash $ bundle exec good_job --queues=transactional_messages:2;batch_processing:1;-transactional_messages,batch_processing:2;* --max-threads=5 ``` This configuration will result in a single process with 4 isolated thread execution pools. Isolated execution pools are separated with a semicolon (`;`) and queue names and thread counts with a colon (`:`) - `transactional_messages:2`: execute jobs enqueued on `transactional_messages` with up to 2 threads. - `batch_processing:1` execute jobs enqueued on `batch_processing` with a single thread. - `-transactional_messages,batch_processing`: execute jobs enqueued on _any_ queue _excluding_ `transactional_messages` or `batch_processing` with up to 2 threads. - `*`: execute jobs on any queue on up to 5 threads, as configured by `--max-threads=5` For moderate workloads, multiple isolated thread execution pools offers a good balance between congestion management and economy. Configuration can be injected by environment variables too: ```bash $ GOOD_JOB_QUEUES="transactional_messages:2;batch_processing:1;-transactional_messages,batch_processing:2;*" GOOD_JOB_MAX_THREADS=5 bundle exec good_job ``` - Multiple processes; for example, on Heroku: ```procfile # Procfile # Separate dyno types worker: bundle exec good_job --max-threads=5 transactional_worker: bundle exec good_job --queues=transactional_messages --max-threads=2 batch_worker: bundle exec good_job --queues=batch_processing --max-threads=1 # Combined multi-process dyno combined_worker: bundle exec good_job --max-threads=5 & bundle exec good_job --queues=transactional_messages --max-threads=2 & bundle exec good_job --queues=batch_processing --max-threads=1 & wait -n ``` Running multiple processes can optimize for CPU performance at the expense of greater memory and system resource usage. _Keep in mind, queue operations and management is an advanced discipline. This stuff is complex, especially for heavy workloads and unique processing requirements. Good job πŸ‘_ ### Error handling, retries, and reliability GoodJob guarantees that a completely-performed job will run once and only once. GoodJob fully supports ActiveJob's built-in functionality for error handling, retries and timeouts. Writing reliable, transactional, and idempotent `ActiveJob#perform` methods is outside the scope of GoodJob. #### Error handling By default, if a job raises an error while it is being performed, _and it bubbles up to the GoodJob backend_, GoodJob will be immediately re-perform the job until it finishes successfully. - `Exception`-type errors, such as a SIGINT, will always cause a job to be re-performed. - `StandardError`-type errors, by default, will cause a job to be re-performed, though this is configurable: ```ruby # config/initializers/good_job.rb GoodJob.reperform_jobs_on_standard_error = true # => default ``` To report errors that _do_ bubble up to the GoodJob backend, assign a callable to `GoodJob.on_thread_error`. For example: ```ruby # config/initializers/good_job.rb # With Sentry (or Bugsnag, Airbrake, Honeybadger, etc.) GoodJob.on_thread_error = -> (exception) { Raven.capture_exception(exception) } ``` ### Retrying jobs ActiveJob can be configured to retry an infinite number of times, with an exponential backoff. Using ActiveJob's `retry_on` will ensure that errors do not bubble up to the GoodJob backend: ```ruby class ApplicationJob < ActiveJob::Base retry_on StandardError, wait: :exponentially_longer, attempts: Float::INFINITY # ... end ``` When specifying a limited number of retries, care must be taken to ensure that an error does not bubble up to the GoodJob backend because that will result in the job being re-performed: ```ruby class ApplicationJob < ActiveJob::Base retry_on StandardError, attempts: 5 do |_job, _exception| # Log error, etc. # You must implement this block, otherwise, # Active Job will re-raise the error. # Do not re-raise the error, otherwise # GoodJob will immediately re-perform the job. end # ... end ``` GoodJob can be configured to allow omitting `retry_on`'s block argument and implicitly discard un-handled errors: ```ruby # config/initializers/good_job.rb # Do NOT re-perform a job if a StandardError bubbles up to the GoodJob backend GoodJob.reperform_jobs_on_standard_error = false ``` When using an exception monitoring service (e.g. Sentry, Bugsnag, Airbrake, Honeybadger, etc), the use of `rescue_on` may be incompatible with their ActiveJob integration. It's safest to explicitly wrap jobs with an exception reporter. For example: ```ruby class ApplicationJob < ActiveJob::Base retry_on StandardError, wait: :exponentially_longer, attempts: Float::INFINITY around_perform do |_job, block| block.call rescue StandardError => e Raven.capture_exception(e) raise end # ... end ``` ActiveJob's `discard_on` functionality is supported too. #### ActionMailer retries Using a Mailer's `#deliver_later` will enqueue an instance of `ActionMailer::DeliveryJob` which inherits from `ActiveJob::Base` rather than your applications `ApplicationJob`. You can use an initializer to configure retries on `ActionMailer::DeliveryJob`: ```ruby # config/initializers/good_job.rb ActionMailer::DeliveryJob.retry_on StandardError, wait: :exponentially_longer, attempts: Float::INFINITY # With Sentry (or Bugsnag, Airbrake, Honeybadger, etc.) ActionMailer::DeliveryJob.around_perform do |_job, block| block.call rescue StandardError => e Raven.capture_exception(e) raise end ``` #### Timeouts Job timeouts can be configured with an `around_perform`: ```ruby class ApplicationJob < ActiveJob::Base JobTimeoutError = Class.new(StandardError) around_perform do |_job, block| # Timeout jobs after 10 minutes Timeout.timeout(10.minutes, JobTimeoutError) do block.call end end end ``` ### Configuring job execution threads GoodJob executes enqueued jobs using threads. There is a lot than can be said about [multithreaded behavior in Ruby on Rails](https://guides.rubyonrails.org/threading_and_code_execution.html), but briefly: - Each GoodJob execution thread requires its own database connection, which are automatically checked out from Rails’s connection pool. _Allowing GoodJob to schedule more threads than are available in the database connection pool can lead to timeouts and is not recommended._ - The maximum number of GoodJob threads can be configured, in decreasing precedence: 1. `$ bundle exec good_job --max_threads 4` 2. `$ GOOD_JOB_MAX_THREADS=4 bundle exec good_job` 3. `$ RAILS_MAX_THREADS=4 bundle exec good_job` 4. Implicitly via Rails's database connection pool size (`ActiveRecord::Base.connection_pool.size`) ### Executing jobs async / in-process GoodJob is able to run "async" in the same process as the webserver (e.g. `bin/rail s`). GoodJob's async execution mode offers benefits of economy by not requiring a separate job worker process, but with the tradeoff of increased complexity. Async mode can be configured in two ways: - Directly configure the ActiveJob adapter: ```ruby # config/environments/production.rb config.active_job.queue_adapter = GoodJob::Adapter.new(execution_mode: :async, max_threads: 4, poll_interval: 30) ``` - Or, when using `...queue_adapter = :good_job`, via environment variables: ```bash $ GOOD_JOB_EXECUTION_MODE=async GOOD_JOB_MAX_THREADS=4 GOOD_JOB_POLL_INTERVAL=30 bin/rails server ``` Depending on your application configuration, you may need to take additional steps: - Ensure that you have enough database connections for both web and job execution threads: ```yaml # config/database.yml pool: <%= ENV.fetch("RAILS_MAX_THREADS", 5).to_i + ENV.fetch("GOOD_JOB_MAX_THREADS", 4).to_i %> ``` - When running Puma with workers (`WEB_CONCURRENCY > 0`) or another process-forking webserver, GoodJob's threadpool schedulers should be stopped before forking, restarted after fork, and cleanly shut down on exit. Stopping GoodJob's scheduler pre-fork is recommended to ensure that GoodJob does not continue executing jobs in the parent/controller process. For example, with Puma: ```ruby # config/puma.rb before_fork do GoodJob::Scheduler.instances.each { |s| s.shutdown } end on_worker_boot do GoodJob::Scheduler.instances.each { |s| s.restart } end on_worker_shutdown do GoodJob::Scheduler.instances.each { |s| s.shutdown } end ``` GoodJob is compatible with Puma's `preload_app!` method. ### Migrating to GoodJob from a different ActiveJob backend If your application is already using an ActiveJob backend, you will need to install GoodJob to enqueue and perform newly created jobs _and_ finish performing pre-existing jobs on the previous backend. 1. Enqueue newly created jobs on GoodJob either entirely by setting `ActiveJob::Base.queue_adapter = :good_job` or progressively via individual job classes: ```ruby # jobs/specific_job.rb class SpecificJob < ApplicationJob self.queue_adapter = :good_job # ... end ``` 1. Continue running executors for both backends. For example, on Heroku it's possible to run [two processes](https://help.heroku.com/CTFS2TJK/how-do-i-run-multiple-processes-on-a-dyno) within the same dyno: ```procfile # Procfile # ... worker: bundle exec que ./config/environment.rb & bundle exec good_job & wait -n ``` 1. Once you are confident that no unperformed jobs remain in the previous ActiveJob backend, code and configuration for that backend can be completely removed. ### Monitoring and preserving worked jobs GoodJob is fully instrumented with [`ActiveSupport::Notifications`](https://edgeguides.rubyonrails.org/active_support_instrumentation.html#introduction-to-instrumentation). By default, GoodJob will delete job records after they are run, regardless of whether they succeed or not (raising a kind of `StandardError`), unless they are interrupted (raising a kind of `Exception`). To preserve job records for later inspection, set an initializer: ```ruby # config/initializers/good_job.rb GoodJob.preserve_job_records = true ``` It is also necessary to delete these preserved jobs from the database after a certain time period: - For example, in a Rake task: ```ruby GoodJob::Job.finished(1.day.ago).delete_all ``` - For example, using the `good_job` command-line utility: ```bash $ bundle exec good_job cleanup_preserved_jobs --before-seconds-ago=86400 ``` ## Contributing Contributions are welcomed and appreciated πŸ™ - Review the [Prioritized Project Backlog](https://github.com/bensheldon/good_job/projects/1). - Open a new Issue or contribute to an [existing Issue](https://github.com/bensheldon/good_job/issues). Questions or suggestions are fantastic. - Participate according to our [Code of Conduct](https://github.com/bensheldon/good_job/projects/1). ### Gem development To run tests: ```bash # Clone the repository locally $ git clone git@github.com:bensheldon/good_job.git # Set up the local environment $ bin/setup # Run the tests $ bin/rspec ``` This gem uses Appraisal to run tests against multiple versions of Rails: ```bash # Install Appraisal(s) gemfiles $ bundle exec appraisal # Run tests $ bundle exec appraisal bin/rspec ``` For developing locally within another Ruby on Rails project: ```bash # Within Ruby on Rails directory... $ bundle config local.good_job /path/to/local/git/repository # Confirm that the local copy is used $ bundle install # => Using good_job 0.1.0 from https://github.com/bensheldon/good_job.git (at /Users/You/Projects/good_job@dc57fb0) ``` ### Releasing Package maintainers can release this gem by running: ```bash # Sign into rubygems $ gem signin # Add a .env file with the following: # CHANGELOG_GITHUB_TOKEN= # Github Personal Access Token # Update version number, changelog, and create git commit: $ bundle exec rake release[minor] # major,minor,patch # ..and follow subsequent directions. ``` ## License The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).