require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), %w[ .. spec_helper]) describe "History" do it 'should have a ticket' do search_array = ['1:subject'] search_array.extend(Roart::TicketPage) full_ticket = Roart::Ticket.send(:instantiate, {:id => 1, :subject => 'subject', :full => true}) @ticket = Roart::Ticket.send(:instantiate, search_array.to_search_array ).first Roart::History.should_receive(:get_page).and_return('200') history = @ticket.histories history.ticket.should == @ticket end describe 'getting ticket history' do it 'should create the crect URI' do connection = mock('connection', :rest_path => 'REST/1.0/') myclass = mock('class', :connection => connection) ticket = mock(:ticket, :id => 1, :class => myclass) hash = mock(:options_hash, :[] => ticket) Roart::History.should_receive(:default_options).and_return(hash) Roart::History.send(:uri_for, ticket).should == 'REST/1.0/ticket/1/history?format=l' end end describe 'reading history pages' do before do @page =, %w[ .. test_data full_history.txt])).readlines.join @ticket = mock('ticket') Roart::History.should_receive(:get_page).and_return(@page) @histories = Roart::History.default(:ticket => @ticket) end it 'should have the right number of histories' do @histories.size.should == 5 end it 'should have a ticket' do @histories.first.ticket.should == @ticket end it 'should have an id' do == 34725 end it 'should return itself for all' do @histories.all.should == @histories end it 'should return the ticket' do @histories.ticket.should == @ticket end end end