stats_for[ @title[all bookmarks] @object[all bookmarks] @command[--bookmarks] @example[ ===== Bookmarks -- Total Bookmarks: 241 -- Total Referenced Bookmarks: 89 -- Total Unreferenced Bookmarks: 155 -- Bookmarks: attribute_intro auto_regeneration c_add c_compile c_config c_help c_init c_outline c_todo cfg cfg_document cfg_filters cfg_ref cmd_ref compile \[...\] -- Referenced Bookmarks: - attribute_intro (1) - auto_regeneration (2) - c_add (2) - c_compile (10) - c_config (6) - c_init (1) - c_outline (1) \[...\] -- Unreferenced Bookmarks: c_help cmd_ref expanded_values extending h_1 h_10 h_102 h_105 h_107 h_109 h_111 h_112 h_114 h_115 h_117 \[...\] ] @remarks[ * All the automatically-generated bookmarks (like headers, starting with @h_@) are included as well. ] ] stats_for[ @title[a single bookmark] @object[a single bookmark (e.g. code[rubydoc])] @command[--bookmark=c_config] @example[ ===== Bookmark 'c_config' (header) -- Defined in: text/ref_commands.glyph -- Referenced in: - text/changelog.glyph (2) - text/getting_started/configuration.glyph (1) - text/troubleshooting/errors_command.glyph (3) ] @remarks[ * Do not prepend the bookmark ID with @#@. ] ]