require 'uri/generic' require 'active_support/core_ext/module/aliasing' require 'active_support/core_ext/object/blank' require 'active_support/core_ext/hash/indifferent_access' module URI class GID < Generic # URI::GID encodes an app unique reference to a specific model as an URI. # It has the components: app name, model class name, model id and params. # All components except params are required. # # The URI format looks like "gid://app/model_name/model_id". # # Simple metadata can be stored in params. Useful if your app has multiple databases, # for instance, and you need to find out which one to look up the model in. # # Params will be encoded as query parameters like so # "gid://app/model_name/model_id?key=value&another_key=another_value". # # Params won't be typecast, they're always strings. # For convenience params can be accessed using both strings and symbol keys. # # Multi value params aren't supported. Any params encoding multiple values under # the same key will return only the last value. For example, when decoding # params like "key=first_value&key=last_value" key will only be last_value. # # Read the documentation for +parse+, +create+ and +build+ for more. alias :app :host attr_reader :model_name, :model_id, :params class << self # Validates +app+'s as URI hostnames containing only alphanumeric characters # and hyphens. An ArgumentError is raised if +app+ is invalid. # # URI::GID.validate_app('bcx') # => 'bcx' # URI::GID.validate_app('foo-bar') # => 'foo-bar' # # URI::GID.validate_app(nil) # => ArgumentError # URI::GID.validate_app('foo/bar') # => ArgumentError def validate_app(app) parse("gid://#{app}/Model/1").app rescue URI::Error raise ArgumentError, 'Invalid app name. ' \ 'App names must be valid URI hostnames: alphanumeric and hyphen characters only.' end # Create a new URI::GID by parsing a gid string with argument check. # # URI::GID.parse 'gid://bcx/Person/1?key=value' # # This differs from URI() and URI.parse which do not check arguments. # # URI('gid://bcx') # => URI::GID instance # URI.parse('gid://bcx') # => URI::GID instance # URI::GID.parse('gid://bcx/') # => raises URI::InvalidComponentError def parse(uri) generic_components = URI.split(uri) << nil << true # nil parser, true arg_check new(*generic_components) end # Shorthand to build a URI::GID from an app, a model and optional params. # # URI::GID.create('bcx', Person.find(5), database: 'superhumans') def create(app, model, params = nil) build app: app, model_name:, model_id:, params: params end # Create a new URI::GID from components with argument check. # # The allowed components are app, model_name, model_id and params, which can be # either a hash or an array. # # Using a hash: # # 'bcx', model_name: 'Person', model_id: '1', params: { key: 'value' }) # # Using an array, the arguments must be in order [app, model_name, model_id, params]: # #['bcx', 'Person', '1', key: 'value']) def build(args) parts = Util.make_components_hash(self, args) parts[:host] = parts[:app] parts[:path] = "/#{parts[:model_name]}/#{parts[:model_id]}" parts[:query] = URI.encode_www_form(parts[:params]) if parts[:params] super parts end end def to_s # Implement #to_s to avoid no implicit conversion of nil into string when path is nil "gid://#{app}#{path}#{'?' + query if query}" end protected def set_path(path) set_model_components(path) unless defined?(@model_name) && @model_id super end # Ruby 2.2 uses #query= instead of #set_query def query=(query) set_params parse_query_params(query) super end # Ruby 2.1 or less uses #set_query to assign the query def set_query(query) set_params parse_query_params(query) super end def set_params(params) @params = params end private COMPONENT = [ :scheme, :app, :model_name, :model_id, :params ].freeze # Extracts model_name and model_id from the URI path. PATH_REGEXP = %r(\A/([^/]+)/?([^/]+)?\z) def check_host(host) validate_component(host) super end def check_path(path) validate_component(path) set_model_components(path, true) end def check_scheme(scheme) if scheme == 'gid' super else raise URI::BadURIError, "Not a gid:// URI scheme: #{inspect}" end end def set_model_components(path, validate = false) _, model_name, model_id = path.match(PATH_REGEXP).to_a validate_component(model_name) && validate_component(model_id) if validate @model_name = model_name @model_id = model_id end def validate_component(component) return component unless component.blank? raise URI::InvalidComponentError, "Expected a URI like gid://app/Person/1234: #{inspect}" end def parse_query_params(query) Hash[URI.decode_www_form(query)].with_indifferent_access if query end end @@schemes['GID'] = GID end