require 'riak' require 'socket' require 'base64' require 'digest/sha1' require 'riak/util/translation' require 'riak/client/feature_detection' module Riak class Client class ProtobuffsBackend include Util::Translation include Util::Escape include FeatureDetection # Message Codes Enum MESSAGE_CODES = %W[ ErrorResp PingReq PingResp GetClientIdReq GetClientIdResp SetClientIdReq SetClientIdResp GetServerInfoReq GetServerInfoResp GetReq GetResp PutReq PutResp DelReq DelResp ListBucketsReq ListBucketsResp ListKeysReq ListKeysResp GetBucketReq GetBucketResp SetBucketReq SetBucketResp MapRedReq MapRedResp IndexReq IndexResp SearchQueryReq SearchQueryResp ].map {|s| s.intern }.freeze def self.simple(method, code) define_method method do socket.write([1, MESSAGE_CODES.index(code)].pack('NC')) decode_response end end attr_accessor :client attr_accessor :node def initialize(client, node) @client = client @node = node end simple :ping, :PingReq simple :get_client_id, :GetClientIdReq simple :server_info, :GetServerInfoReq simple :list_buckets, :ListBucketsReq # Performs a secondary-index query via emulation through MapReduce. # @param [String, Bucket] bucket the bucket to query # @param [String] index the index to query # @param [String, Integer, Range] query the equality query or # range query to perform # @return [Array] a list of keys matching the query def get_index(bucket, index, query) mr =, index, query) unless mapred_phaseless? mr.reduce(%w[riak_kv_mapreduce reduce_identity], :arg => {:reduce_phase_only_1 => true}, :keep => true) end mapred(mr).map {|p| p.last } end # Performs search query via emulation through MapReduce. This # has more limited capabilites than native queries. Essentially, # only the 'id' field of matched documents will ever be # returned, the 'fl' and other options have no effect. # @param [String] index the index to query # @param [String] query the Lucene-style search query # @param [Hash] options ignored in MapReduce emulation # @return [Hash] the search results def search(index, query, options={}) mr = || 'search', query) unless mapred_phaseless? mr.reduce(%w[riak_kv_mapreduce reduce_identity], :arg => {:reduce_phase_only_1 => true}, :keep => true) end docs = mapred(mr).map {|d| {'id' => d[1] } } # Since we don't get this information back from the MapReduce, # we have to fake the max_score and num_found. { 'docs' => docs, 'num_found' => docs.size, 'max_score' => 0.0 } end # Gracefully shuts down this connection. def teardown reset_socket end private def get_server_version server_info[:server_version] end # Implemented by subclasses def decode_response raise NotImplementedError end def socket @socket ||= new_socket end def new_socket socket =, @node.pb_port) socket.setsockopt(Socket::IPPROTO_TCP, Socket::TCP_NODELAY, true) #TODO: Should we set the client ID here? # set_client_id @client.client_id socket end def reset_socket reset_server_version @socket.close if @socket && !@socket.closed? @socket = nil end UINTMAX = 0xffffffff QUORUMS = { "one" => UINTMAX - 1, "quorum" => UINTMAX - 2, "all" => UINTMAX - 3, "default" => UINTMAX - 4 }.freeze def prune_unsupported_options(req,options={}) unless quorum_controls? [:notfound_ok, :basic_quorum, :pr, :pw].each {|k| options.delete k } end unless pb_head? [:head, :return_head].each {|k| options.delete k } end unless tombstone_vclocks? options.delete :deletedvclock options.delete :vclock if req == :DelReq end unless pb_conditionals? [:if_not_modified, :if_none_match, :if_modified].each {|k| options.delete k } end options end def normalize_quorums(options={}) options.dup.tap do |o| [:r, :pr, :w, :pw, :dw, :rw].each do |k| o[k] = normalize_quorum_value(o[k]) if o[k] end end end def normalize_quorum_value(q) QUORUMS[q.to_s] || q.to_i end end end end