C0 code coverage information

Generated on Wed Jul 19 17:39:34 EDT 2006 with rcov 0.6.0

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and this: this line is also marked as covered.
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Name Total lines Lines of code Total coverage Code coverage
lib/rfuzz/stats.rb 159 95
  1 # Copyright (c) 2005 Zed A. Shaw 
  2 # You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Ruby.
  3 #
  4 # Additional work donated by contributors.  See http://mongrel.rubyforge.org/attributions.html 
  5 # for more information.
  7 # A very simple little class for doing some basic fast statistics sampling.
  8 # You feed it either samples of numeric data you want measured or you call
  9 # Sampler.tick to get it to add a time delta between the last time you called it.
 10 # When you're done either call sum, sumsq, n, min, max, mean or sd to get 
 11 # the information.  The other option is to just call dump and see everything.
 12 #
 13 # It does all of this very fast and doesn't take up any memory since the samples
 14 # are not stored but instead all the values are calculated on the fly.
 15 module RFuzz
 16   class Sampler
 17     attr_reader :sum, :sumsq, :n, :min, :max
 19     def initialize(name)
 20       @name = name
 21       reset
 22     end
 24     # Resets the internal counters so you can start sampling again.
 25     def reset
 26       @sum = 0.0
 27       @sumsq = 0.0
 28       @last_time = Time.new
 29       @n = 0.0
 30       @min = 0.0
 31       @max = 0.0
 32     end
 34     # Adds a sampling to the calculations.
 35     def sample(s)
 36       @sum += s
 37       @sumsq += s * s
 38       if @n == 0
 39         @min = @max = s
 40       else
 41         @min = s if @min > s
 42         @max = s if @max < s
 43       end
 44       @n+=1
 45     end
 47     # Dump this Sampler object with an optional additional message.
 48     def dump(msg = "", out=STDERR)
 49       out.puts "#{msg}: #{self.to_s}"
 50     end
 52     # Returns a common display (used by dump)
 53     def to_s  
 54     "[%s]: SUM=%0.6f, SUMSQ=%0.6f, N=%0.6f, MEAN=%0.6f, SD=%0.6f, MIN=%0.6f, MAX=%0.6f" % values
 55     end
 57     # An array of the values minus the name: [sum,sumsq,n,mean,sd,min,max]
 58     def values
 59       [@name, @sum, @sumsq, @n, mean, sd, @min, @max]
 60     end
 62     # Class method that returns the headers that a CSV file would have for the
 63     # values that this stats object is using.
 64     def self.keys
 65       ["name","sum","sumsq","n","mean","sd","min","max"]
 66     end
 68     def to_hash
 69       {"name" => @name, "sum" => @sum, "sumsq" => @sumsq, "mean" => mean,
 70         "sd" => sd, "min" => @min, "max" => @max}
 71     end
 73     # Calculates and returns the mean for the data passed so far.
 74     def mean
 75       @sum / @n
 76     end
 78     # Calculates the standard deviation of the data so far.
 79     def sd
 80       # (sqrt( ((s).sumsq - ( (s).sum * (s).sum / (s).n)) / ((s).n-1) ))
 81       begin
 82         return Math.sqrt( (@sumsq - ( @sum * @sum / @n)) / (@n-1) )
 83       rescue Errno::EDOM
 84         return 0.0
 85       end
 86     end
 88     # You can just call tick repeatedly if you need the delta times
 89     # between a set of sample periods, but many times you actually want
 90     # to sample how long something takes between a start/end period.
 91     # Call mark at the beginning and then tick at the end you'll get this
 92     # kind of measurement.  Don't mix mark/tick and tick sampling together
 93     # or the measurement will be meaningless.
 94     def mark
 95       @last_time = Time.now
 96     end
 98     # Adds a time delta between now and the last time you called this.  This
 99     # will give you the average time between two activities.
100     # 
101     # An example is:
102     #
103     #  t = Sampler.new("do_stuff")
104     #  10000.times { do_stuff(); t.tick }
105     #  t.dump("time")
106     #
107     def tick
108       now = Time.now
109       sample(now - @last_time)
110       @last_time = now
111     end
112   end
114   # When registered as the notifier for a client it tracks
115   # the times for each part of the request.  Rather than subclassing
116   # RFuzz::Notifier it uses a method_missing to record the even timings.
117   # 
118   # You can dump it with to_s, or you can access the StatsTracker.stats
119   # hash to read the RFuzz::Sampler objects related to each event.
120   class StatsTracker
121     attr_reader :stats
123     def initialize
124       @stats = {}
125       @error_count = 0
126     end
128     def mark(event)
129       @stats[event] ||= RFuzz::Sampler.new(event)
130       @stats[event].mark
131     end
133     def sample(event)
134       @stats[event].tick
135     end
137     def reset
138       @stats.each {|e,s| s.reset }
139     end
141     def method_missing(event, *args)
142       case args[0]
143       when :begins
144         mark(:request) if event == :connect
145         mark(event)
146       when :ends
147         sample(:request) if event == :close
148         sample(event)
149       when :error
150         sample(:request)
151         @error_count += 1
152       end
153     end
155     def to_s
156       "#{@stats.values.join("\n")}\nErrors: #@error_count"
157     end
158   end
159 end

Generated using the rcov code coverage analysis tool for Ruby version 0.6.0.

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