Feature: Grid panel In order to value As a role I want feature @javascript Scenario: UserGrid should correctly display data Given an author exists with first_name: "Vladimir", last_name: "Nabokov" And a book exists with author: that author, title: "Lolita", last_read_at: "2011-12-13", published_on: "2005-01-30" When I go to the BookGrid test page Then I should see "Nabokov, Vladimir" And I should see "12/13/2011" And I should see "01/30/2005" @javascript Scenario: Adding a record via "Add in form" Given I am on the UserGrid test page When I press "Add in form" Then I should see "Add User" When I fill in "First name:" with "Herman" And I fill in "Last name:" with "Hesse" And I press "OK" Then I should see "Herman" And I should see "Hesse" @javascript Scenario: Updating a record via "Edit in form" Given a user exists with first_name: "Carlos", last_name: "Castaneda" When I go to the UserGrid test page And I select first row in the grid And I press "Edit in form" And I fill in "First name:" with "Maxim" And I fill in "Last name:" with "Osminogov" And I press "OK" And I wait for the response from the server Then I should see "Maxim" And I should see "Osminogov" And a user should not exist with first_name: "Carlos" @javascript Scenario: Deleting a record Given a user exists with first_name: "Anton", last_name: "Chekhov" And a user exists with first_name: "Maxim", last_name: "Osminogov" When I go to the UserGrid test page And I select all rows in the grid And I press "Delete" Then I should see "Are you sure?" When I press "Yes" Then I should see "Deleted 2 record(s)" Then a user should not exist with first_name: "Anton" And a user should not exist with first_name: "Maxim" @javascript Scenario: Multi-editing records Given a user exists with first_name: "Carlos", last_name: "Castaneda" And a user exists with first_name: "Herman", last_name: "Hesse" When I go to the UserGrid test page And I select all rows in the grid And I press "Edit in form" And I fill in "First name:" with "Maxim" And I press "OK" And I wait for the response from the server Then the following users should exist: | first_name | last_name | | Maxim | Castaneda | | Maxim | Hesse | But a user should not exist with first_name: "Carlos" @javascript Scenario: Filling out association column with association's virtual method Given an author exists with first_name: "Vladimir", last_name: "Nabokov" And a book exists with title: "Lolita", author: that author When I go to the BookGrid test page Then I should see "Nabokov, Vladimir" And I should see "Lolita" @javascript Scenario: Grid with strong_default_attrs Given an author exists with first_name: "Vladimir", last_name: "Nabokov" And a book exists with title: "Lolita", author: that author And a book exists with title: "Unknown" When I go to the BooksBoundToAuthor test page And I press "Add in form" And I fill in "Title:" with "The Luzhin Defence" And I press "OK" And I should see "The Luzhin Defence" And I should see "Lolita" But I should not see "Unknown" @javascript Scenario: Grid with columns with default values Given an author exists with last_name: "Nabokov" And I am on the BookGridWithDefaultValues test page When I press "Add" Then I should see "Nabokov" And I press "Apply" And I wait for the response from the server Then a book should exist with title: "Lolita", exemplars: 100, digitized: true, author: that author When I press "Add in form" And I press "OK" And I wait for the response from the server Then 2 books should exist with title: "Lolita", exemplars: 100, digitized: true, author: that author @javascript Scenario: Inline editing Given a book exists with title: "Magus", exemplars: 100 When I go to the BookGrid test page And I edit row 1 of the grid with title: "Collector", exemplars: 200 And I press "Apply" And I wait for the response from the server Then the grid should have 0 modified records And a book should exist with title: "Collector", exemplars: 200 But a book should not exist with title: "Magus" @javascript Scenario: Inline editing of association Given an author exists with first_name: "Vladimir", last_name: "Nabokov" And a book exists with title: "Lolita", author: that author And an author exists with first_name: "Herman", last_name: "Hesse" When I go to the BookGrid test page And I expand combobox "author__name" in row 1 of the grid And I wait for the response from the server And I select "Hesse, Herman" in combobox "author__name" in row 1 of the grid And I edit row 1 of the grid with title: "Demian" And I stop editing the grid Then I should see "Hesse, Herman" within "#book_grid" When I press "Apply" And I wait for the response from the server Then a book should exist with title: "Demian", author: that author But a book should not exist with title: "Lolita" @javascript Scenario: Inline adding of records Given an author: "Nabokov" exists with first_name: "Vladimir", last_name: "Nabokov" And an author: "Hesse" exists with first_name: "Herman", last_name: "Hesse" When I go to the BookGrid test page And I press "Add" And I expand combobox "author__name" in row 1 of the grid And I wait for the response from the server And I select "Hesse, Herman" in combobox "author__name" in row 1 of the grid And I edit row 1 of the grid with title: "Demian" And I press "Add" And I expand combobox "author__name" in row 2 of the grid And I wait for the response from the server And I select "Nabokov, Vladimir" in combobox "author__name" in row 2 of the grid And I edit row 2 of the grid with title: "Lolita" And I stop editing the grid And I press "Apply" And I wait for the response from the server Then a book should exist with title: "Lolita", author: author "Nabokov" And a book should exist with title: "Demian", author: author "Hesse" @javascript Scenario: Inline adding of records in GridPanel with default values Given an author: "Nabokov" exists with first_name: "Vladimir", last_name: "Nabokov" And an author: "Hesse" exists with first_name: "Herman", last_name: "Hesse" When I go to the BookGridWithDefaultValues test page And I press "Add" And I expand combobox "author__last_name" in row 1 of the grid And I wait for the response from the server And I select "Hesse" in combobox "author__last_name" in row 1 of the grid And I edit row 1 of the grid with title: "Demian" And I stop editing the grid And I press "Apply" And I wait for the response from the server Then a book should exist with title: "Demian", author: author "Hesse" @javascript Scenario: Renderers for association columns should take effect Given an author exists with first_name: "Vladimir", last_name: "Nabokov" And a book exists with title: "Lolita", author: that author When I go to the BookGridWithCustomColumns test page Then I should see "NABOKOV" And I should see "*Vladimir*" @javascript Scenario: Reloading grid data Given a book exists with title: "Magus" When I go to the BookGrid test page And I reload the grid And I reload the grid Then I should not see "Internal Server Error" @javascript Scenario: Advanced search window should be hidable after loading grid panel dynamically second time Given I am on the BookGridLoader test page When I press "Load one" And I wait for the response from the server And I press "Search" And I press "Cancel" When I press "Load two" And I wait for the response from the server When I press "Load one" And I wait for the response from the server And I press "Search" within "#book_grid_loader__book_grid_one" And I wait for the response from the server And I press "Cancel" within "#book_grid_loader__book_grid_one__search_form" Then the "book_grid_loader__book_grid_one__search_form" component should be hidden @javascript Scenario: Column order should be saved across page reloads Given I am on the BookGridWithPersistence test page When I drag "Digitized" column before "Title" And I go to the BookGridWithPersistence test page Then I should see columns in order: "Author name", "Digitized", "Title" @javascript Scenario: I must see total records value Given the following books exist: | title | | Journey to Ixtlan | | Lolita | | Getting Things Done | | Magus | When I go to the BookGridWithPaging test page Then I should see "of 2" within paging toolbar @javascript Scenario: GridPanel with overridden columns Given an author exists with first_name: "Vladimir", last_name: "Nabokov" And a book exists with title: "Lolita", author: that author When I go to the BookGridWithOverriddenColumns test page Then I should see "LOLITA" And I should see "Nabokov, Vladimir" @javascript Scenario: Virtual attributes should not be editable Given a book exists with title: "Some Title" When I go to the BookGridWithVirtualAttributes test page Then the grid's column "In abundance" should not be editable @javascript Scenario: Delete record via an column action Given a book exists with title: "Some Title" When I go to the BookGridWithColumnActions test page And I click the "Delete row" action icon And I press "Yes" Then I should see "Deleted 1 record(s)" And a book should not exist with title: "Some Title"