# encoding: UTF-8 require 'gooddata' describe GoodData::Model::ProjectBlueprint do before(:each) do @blueprint = GoodData::Model::ProjectBlueprint.from_json('./spec/data/test_project_model_spec.json') @invalid_blueprint = GoodData::Model::ProjectBlueprint.from_json('./spec/data/blueprint_invalid.json') @repos = @blueprint.find_dataset('repos') @commits = @blueprint.find_dataset('commits') end it "should return the title" do @blueprint.title.should == "RubyGem Dev Week test" end it 'valid blueprint should be marked as valid' do @blueprint.valid?.should == true end it 'valid blueprint should give you empty array of errors' do expect(@blueprint.validate).to be_empty end it 'model should be invalid if it contains more than one anchor' do builder = GoodData::Model::ProjectBuilder.create("my_bp") do |p| p.add_dataset("repos") do |d| d.add_anchor("repo_id") d.add_anchor("repo_id2") d.add_attribute("name") end end bp = GoodData::Model::ProjectBlueprint.new(builder) bp.valid?.should == false errors = bp.validate errors.first.should == {:anchor => 2} errors.count.should == 1 end it 'invalid blueprint should be marked as invalid' do @invalid_blueprint.valid?.should == false end it 'invalid blueprint should give you list of violating references' do errors = @invalid_blueprint.validate errors.size.should == 1 errors.first.should == { type: 'reference', name: 'user_id', dataset: 'users', reference: 'user_id' } end it 'references return empty array if there is no reference' do refs = @blueprint.find_dataset('devs').references expect(refs).to be_empty end it "should be possible to create from ProjectBlueprint from ProjectBuilder in several ways" do builder = GoodData::Model::SchemaBuilder.new("stuff") do |d| d.add_attribute("id", :title => "My Id") d.add_fact("amount", :title => "Amount") end bp1 = GoodData::Model::ProjectBlueprint.new(builder) bp1.valid?.should == true bp2 = builder.to_blueprint bp2.valid?.should == true end it 'should be able to get dataset by name' do ds = @blueprint.find_dataset('devs') expect(ds.name).to eq 'devs' end it 'should throw an error if the dataset with a given name could not be found' do expect { @blueprint.find_dataset('nonexisting_dataset') }.to raise_error end it "should not matter if I try to find a dataset using dataset" do ds = @blueprint.find_dataset('devs') sds = @blueprint.find_dataset(ds) ssds = @blueprint.find_dataset(ds.to_hash) expect(ds).to eq sds expect(ds).to eq ssds end it 'should be able to tell me if ceratain dataset by name is in the blueprint' do @blueprint.dataset?('devs').should be_true end it 'should tell you it has anchor when it does' do @repos.anchor?.should == true end it 'should tell you it does not have anchor when it does not' do @commits.anchor?.should == false end it 'should be able to grab attribute' do pending('UAAA') @repos.labels.size.should == 1 @repos.labels.first.attribute.name.should == 'repo_id' end it 'anchor should have labels' do pending('UAAA') @repos.anchor.labels.first.identifier.should == 'label.repos.repo_id' end it 'attribute should have labels' do pending('UAAA') @repos.attributes.first.labels.first.identifier.should == 'label.repos.department' end it 'commits should have one fact' do pending('UAAA') @commits.facts.size.should == 1 end it 'Anchor on repos should have a label' do pending('UAAA') @repos.anchor.labels.size.should == 2 end it 'should not have a label for a dataset without anchor with label' do pending('UAAA') @commits.anchor.should == nil # @commits.to_schema.anchor.labels.empty?.should == true end it 'should be able to provide wire representation' do @blueprint.to_wire end it 'invalid label is caught correctly' do builder = GoodData::Model::ProjectBuilder.create("my_bp") do |p| p.add_date_dimension("committed_on") p.add_dataset("repos") do |d| d.add_anchor("repo_id") d.add_label("name", :reference => "invalid_ref") end end bp = GoodData::Model::ProjectBlueprint.new(builder) bp.valid?.should == false errors = bp.validate errors.count.should == 1 end it "should return attributes form all datasets" do @blueprint.attributes.count.should == 1 end it "should return facts form all datasets" do @blueprint.facts.count.should == 1 end it "should return labels form all datasets" do @blueprint.labels.count.should == 2 end it "should return labels form all datasets" do @blueprint.attributes_and_anchors.count.should == 3 end it "should be able to add datasets on the fly" do builder = GoodData::Model::SchemaBuilder.new("stuff") do |d| d.add_attribute("id", :title => "My Id") d.add_fact("amount", :title => "Amount") end dataset = builder.to_blueprint @blueprint.datasets.count.should == 3 @blueprint.add_dataset(dataset) @blueprint.datasets.count.should == 4 end it "should be able to remove dataset by name" do @blueprint.datasets.count.should == 3 @blueprint.remove_dataset!('repos') @blueprint.datasets.count.should == 2 end it "should be able to remove dataset by reference" do @blueprint.datasets.count.should == 3 dataset = @blueprint.find_dataset('repos') @blueprint.remove_dataset!(dataset) @blueprint.datasets.count.should == 2 end it "should be able to serialize itself to a hash" do ser = @blueprint.to_hash ser.is_a?(Hash) ser.keys.should == [:title, :datasets, :date_dimensions] end it "should be able to tell you whether a dataset is referencing any others including date dimensions" do referenced_datasets = @blueprint.referenced_by('commits') referenced_datasets.count.should == 3 end it "should be able to find star centers - datasets that are not referenced by any other - these are typical fact tables" do centers = @blueprint.find_star_centers centers.count.should == 1 centers.first.name.should == 'commits' end it "should be able to return all attributes or anchors that can break metrics computed in the context of given dataset" do attrs = @blueprint.can_break('commits') attrs.count.should == 3 pending("At least those from the same dataset should be able to break") attrs = @blueprint.can_break('devs') attrs.count.should == 1 end it "should be able to merge models" do additional_blueprint = GoodData::Model::ProjectBlueprint.from_json("./spec/data/additional_dataset_module.json") @blueprint.datasets.count.should == 3 @blueprint.merge!(additional_blueprint) @blueprint.datasets.count.should == 4 end it "should be merging in the additive matter. Order should not matter." do builder = GoodData::Model::ProjectBuilder.create("my_bp") do |p| p.add_date_dimension("created_on") p.add_dataset("stuff") do |d| d.add_anchor("repo_id") d.add_label("name", :reference => "invalid_ref") end end dataset = builder.to_blueprint merged1 = @blueprint.merge(dataset) merged2 = dataset.merge(@blueprint) end it "should generate manifest" do m = GoodData::Model::ToManifest.to_manifest(@blueprint.to_hash) end end