# https://system.netsuite.com/help/helpcenter/en_US/Output/Help/SuiteCloudCustomizationScriptingWebServices/SuiteTalkWebServices/search.html module NetSuite module Actions class Search include Support::Requests def initialize(klass, options = { }) @klass = klass @options = options end def class_name @class_name ||= if @klass.respond_to? :search_class_name @klass.search_class_name else @klass.to_s.split("::").last end end private def request(credentials={}) # https://system.netsuite.com/help/helpcenter/en_US/Output/Help/SuiteCloudCustomizationScriptingWebServices/SuiteTalkWebServices/SettingSearchPreferences.html # https://webservices.netsuite.com/xsd/platform/v2012_2_0/messages.xsd preferences = NetSuite::Configuration.auth_header(credentials) .update(NetSuite::Configuration.soap_header) .merge( (@options.delete(:preferences) || {}).inject({'platformMsgs:SearchPreferences' => {}}) do |h, (k, v)| h['platformMsgs:SearchPreferences'][k.to_s.lower_camelcase] = v h end ) NetSuite::Configuration .connection({ soap_header: preferences }, credentials) .call (@options.has_key?(:search_id)? :search_more_with_id : :search), :message => request_body end # basic search XML # # # # # # shutterfly.com # # # # # def request_body if @options.has_key?(:search_id) return { 'pageIndex' => @options[:page_index], 'searchId' => @options[:search_id], } end # columns is only needed for advanced search results columns = @options[:columns] || {} criteria = @options[:criteria] || @options # TODO find cleaner solution for pulling the namespace of the record, which is a instance method namespace = if @klass.respond_to?(:search_class_namespace) @klass.search_class_namespace else @klass.new.record_namespace end # extract the class name criteria_structure = {} columns_structure = columns saved_search_id = criteria.delete(:saved) # TODO this whole thing needs to be refactored so we can apply some of the same logic to the # column creation xml criteria.each_pair do |condition_category, conditions| criteria_structure["#{namespace}:#{condition_category}"] = conditions.inject({}) do |h, condition| element_name = "platformCommon:#{condition[:field]}" case condition[:field] when 'recType' # TODO this seems a bit brittle, look into a way to handle this better h[element_name] = { :@internalId => condition[:value].internal_id } when 'customFieldList' # === START CUSTOM FIELD # there isn't a clean way to do lists of the same element # Gyoku doesn't seem support the nice :@attribute and :content! syntax for lists of elements of the same name # https://github.com/savonrb/gyoku/issues/18#issuecomment-17825848 # TODO with the latest version of savon we can easily improve the code here, should be rewritten with new attribute syntax custom_field_list = condition[:value].map do |h| if h[:value].is_a?(Array) && h[:value].first.respond_to?(:to_record) { "platformCore:searchValue" => h[:value].map(&:to_record), :attributes! => { 'platformCore:searchValue' => { 'internalId' => h[:value].map(&:internal_id) } } } elsif h[:value].respond_to?(:to_record) { "platformCore:searchValue" => { :content! => h[:value].to_record, :@internalId => h[:value].internal_id } } else { "platformCore:searchValue" => h[:value] } end end h[element_name] = { 'platformCore:customField' => custom_field_list, :attributes! => { 'platformCore:customField' => { 'scriptId' => condition[:value].map { |h| h[:field] }, 'operator' => condition[:value].map { |h| h[:operator] }, 'xsi:type' => condition[:value].map { |h| "platformCore:#{h[:type]}" } } } } # https://github.com/NetSweet/netsuite/commit/54d7b011d9485dad33504135dfe8153c86cae9a0#commitcomment-8443976 if NetSuite::Configuration.api_version < "2013_2" h[element_name][:attributes!]['platformCore:customField']['internalId'] = h[element_name][:attributes!]['platformCore:customField'].delete('scriptId') end # === END CUSTOM FIELD else if condition[:value].is_a?(Array) && condition[:value].first.respond_to?(:to_record) # TODO need to update to the latest savon so we don't need to duplicate the same workaround above again # TODO it's possible that this might break, not sure if platformCore:SearchMultiSelectField is the right type in every situation h[element_name] = { '@operator' => condition[:operator], '@xsi:type' => 'platformCore:SearchMultiSelectField', "platformCore:searchValue" => { :content! => condition[:value].map(&:to_record), '@internalId' => condition[:value].map(&:internal_id), '@xsi:type' => 'platformCore:RecordRef', '@type' => 'account' } } elsif condition[:value].is_a?(Array) && condition[:type] == 'SearchDateField' # date ranges are handled via searchValue (start range) and searchValue2 (end range) h[element_name] = { '@operator' => condition[:operator], "platformCore:searchValue" => condition[:value].first.to_s, "platformCore:searchValue2" => condition[:value].last.to_s } elsif condition[:value].is_a?(Array) && condition[:operator] == 'between' h[element_name] = { '@operator' => condition[:operator], "platformCore:searchValue" => condition[:value].first.to_s, "platformCore:searchValue2" => condition[:value].last.to_s } else h[element_name] = { :content! => { "platformCore:searchValue" => condition[:value] }, } h[element_name][:@operator] = condition[:operator] if condition[:operator] end end h end end if saved_search_id || !columns_structure.empty? search_structure = { 'searchRecord' => { '@xsi:type' => "#{namespace}:#{class_name}SearchAdvanced", :content! => { "#{namespace}:criteria" => criteria_structure } } } if saved_search_id search_structure['searchRecord']['@savedSearchId'] = saved_search_id end if !columns_structure.empty? search_structure['searchRecord'][:content!]["#{namespace}:columns"] = columns_structure end search_structure else { 'searchRecord' => { :content! => criteria_structure, '@xsi:type' => "#{namespace}:#{class_name}Search" } } end end def response_header @response_header ||= response_header_hash end def response_header_hash @response_header_hash = @response.header[:document_info] end def response_body @response_body ||= search_result end def search_result @search_result = if @response.body.has_key?(:search_more_with_id_response) @response.body[:search_more_with_id_response] else @response.body[:search_response] end[:search_result] end def success? @success ||= search_result[:status][:@is_success] == 'true' end protected def method_name end module Support def self.included(base) base.extend(ClassMethods) end module ClassMethods def search(options = { }, credentials={}) response = NetSuite::Actions::Search.call([self, options], credentials) if response.success? NetSuite::Support::SearchResult.new(response, self) else false end end end end end end end