# Requirements # ======================================================================= # Stdlib # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Deps # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- require 'nrser' # Project / Package # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Refinements # ======================================================================= using NRSER # Declarations # ======================================================================= module StateMate; end # Definitions # ======================================================================= class StateMate::StateSet attr_accessor :spec attr_reader :states, :read_values, :states_to_change, :new_values, :written_states, :write_error, :rollback_errors, :changes State = Struct.new :adapter, :key, :directive, :value, :options def self.from_spec spec state_set = self.new state_set.spec = spec unless spec.is_a? Hash raise StateMate::Error::TypeError.new spec, "spec must be a Hash of adapter names to states" end spec.each do |adapter_name, states| adapter = StateMate::Adapters.get adapter_name states = case states when Hash [states] when Array states else raise StateMate::Error::TypeError.new states, <<-BLOCK.unblock each value of the spec needs to be a single state hash or an array or state BLOCK end states.each do |state| unless spec.is_a? Hash raise StateMate::Error::TypeError.new state, "each state needs to be a Hash" end key = nil directives = [] type_name = nil unset_when_false = false # the :unset_when option can be provided to change the directive to # :unset when the option's value is true. # # this is useful for things that should simply unset the key when # turned off instead of setting it to false or something. # unset_when = nil options = state['options'] || {} unless options.is_a? Hash raise TypeError.new binding.erb <<-END options must be a hash, found <%= options.class %>: <%= options.inspect %> state: <%= state.inspect %> END end state.each do |k, v| # normalize to symbols k = k.to_sym if k.is_a? String if k == :key key = v elsif k == :options # pass, dealt with above elsif StateMate::DIRECTIVES.include? k directives << [k, v] elsif k == :type type_name = v elsif k == :unset_when_false unset_when_false = v elsif k == :unset_when unset_when = StateMate.cast 'bool', v else # any other keys are set as options # this is a little convenience feature that avoids having to # nest inside an `options` key unless your option conflicts # with 'key' or a directive. # # check for conflicts if options.key? k raise ArgumentError.new binding.erb <<-END top-level state key #{ k.inspect } was also provided in the options. state: <%= state.inspect %> END end options[k] = v end end directive, value = case directives.length when 0 raise "no directive found in #{ state.inspect }" when 1 directives.first else raise "multiple directives found in #{ state.inspect }" end # handle :unset_when_false option, which changes the operation to # an unset when the *directive value* is explicitly false if unset_when_false && (value === false || ['False', 'false'].include?(value)) directive = :unset value = nil # handle :unset_when, which also changes the operation to :unset # when the option's value is true. elsif unset_when directive = :unset value = nil elsif type_name value = StateMate.cast type_name, value end state_set.add adapter, key, directive, value, options end # state.each end # states.each state_set end # from_spec def initialize @spec = nil @states = [] @read_values = {} @states_to_change = [] @new_values = [] @written_states = [] @write_error = nil # map of states to errors raised when trying to rollback @rollback_errors = {} # report of changes made @changes = {} end def add adapter, key, directive, value, options = {} @states << State.new(adapter, key, directive, value, options) end def execute # find out what needs to be changed @states.each do |state| # read the current value read_value = state.adapter.read state.key, state.options # store it for use in the actual change @read_values[state] = read_value # the test method is the directive with a '?' appended, # like `set?` or `array_contains?` test_method = StateMate.method "#{ state.directive }?" # find out if the state is in sync in_sync = test_method.call state.key, read_value, state.value, state.adapter, state.options # add to the list of changes to be made for states that are # out of sync @states_to_change << state unless in_sync end # if everything is in sync, no changes need to be attempted # reutrn the empty hash of changes return @changes if @states_to_change.empty? # do the change to each in-memory value # this will raise an excption if the operation can't be done for # some reason states_to_change.each do |state| sync_method = StateMate.method state.directive # we want to catch any error and report it begin new_value = sync_method.call state.key, @read_values[state], state.value, state.options rescue Exception => e @new_value_error = e raise StateMate::Error::ValueSyncError.new binding.erb <<-BLOCK an error occured when changing a values: <%= @new_value_error.format %> no changes were attempted to the system, so there is no rollback necessary. BLOCK end # change successful, store the new value along-side the state # for use in the next block @new_values << [state, new_value] end new_values.each do |state, new_value| begin state.adapter.write state.key, new_value, state.options rescue Exception => e @write_error = e rollback raise StateMate::Error::WriteError.new binding.erb <<-BLOCK an error occured when writing new state values: <%= @write_error.format %> <% if @written_states.empty? %> the error occured on the first write, so no values were rolled back. <% else %> <% if @rollback_errors.empty? %> all values were sucessfully rolled back: <% else %> some values failed to rollback: <% end %> <% @written_states.each do |state| %> <% if @rollback_errors[state] %> <% state.key %>: <% @rollback_errors[state].format.indent(8) %> <% else %> <%= state.key %>: rolled back. <% end %> <% end %> <% end %> BLOCK else @written_states << state end # begin / rescue / else end # new_values.each # ok, we made it. report the changes new_values_hash = Hash[@new_values] @written_states.each do |state| @changes[[state.adapter.name, state.key]] = [@read_values[state], new_values_hash[state]] end @changes end # execute private def rollback # go through the writes that were successfully made and try to # reverse them @written_states.reverse.each do |state| # wrap in rescue so that we can record that the rollback failed # for a value and continue begin state.adapter.write state.key, state.value, state.options rescue Exception => e # record when and why a rollback fails to include it in the # exiting exception @rollback_errors[state] = e end end end # rollback end # class StateMate::StateSet