# Season Season let's you easily query your Models by a specific date/time. ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'season', '~> 0.0.6' ``` And then execute: $ bundle Or install it yourself as: $ gem install season ## Requirements In this first version Season only supports ActiveRecord, but we plan to also support MongoID in a very short period of time. ## Usage Season assumes your models have timestamps columns (created_at and updated_at) and uses these to do its magic. Right now, Season gives you the following helper methods: ```ruby # Include it in your models class User < ActiveRecord::Base include Season::Scopes ... end # And then use it as: # (Time/DateTime/String instances are allowed as arguments) User.created_before(Time.now) User.created_after(DateTime.now) User.created_between(Time.now - 1.week, '31-01-2015') User.updated_before(DateTime.now) User.updated_after('01-01-2015') User.updated_between(Time.now - 1.week, Time.now) ``` They are chainable, so you can also do things like this: ```ruby User.where(id: [1, 2, 3]).created_before(Time.now) User.updated_after('01-01-2015').order(created_at: :asc) ``` ## Configuration The scopes are not included by default in your models. To use them you need to include it yourself: ```ruby class User < ActiveRecord::Base include Season::Scopes ... end ``` If you want them to be available on all of your models by default, add the following code within an initializer - `config/initializers/season.rb`: ```ruby Season.configure do |config| config.include_by_default = true end ``` ## To Do - Tests! - Support other ORMs (Mongoid, 'insert-more-here') - Add Error Handling - Support user-defined date/time columns (through configuration) - Support configuration for enabling/disabling Season for all models ## Contributing 1. Fork it ( https://github.com/joaodiogocosta/season/fork ) 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 5. Create a new Pull Request