#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'test/unit' currentPath = File.dirname(__FILE__) require File.join( currentPath, '../../lib/masterview' ) require File.join( currentPath, '../test_helper' ) class TestTemplate < Test::Unit::TestCase def setup MasterView::IOMgr.erb = MasterView::StringHashMIOTree.new({}, '.rhtml', :logging => true) end def test_attr template = <<-END
foo bar
END expected = { 'foo/bar' => "
foo bar
" } assert_template_result expected, template end def test_attr_erb template = <<-END
foo bar
END expected = { 'foo/bar' => "
\">foo bar
" } assert_template_result expected, template end def test_attr_erb2 template = <<-END
foo bar
END expected = { 'foo/bar' => "
\">foo bar
" } assert_template_result expected, template end def test_multi template = <<-END
foo bar
hello world
END expected = { 'foo/bar' => "
<%= h product[:price] %>
", 'baz/caz' => "
<%= h product[:name] %>
" } assert_template_result expected, template end def test_multi_gen_partial template = <<-END
foo bar
hello world
END expected = { 'foo/bar' => "
<%= h product[:price] %><%= render( :partial => 'baz/caz' ) %>
", 'baz/_caz.rhtml' => "
<%= h product[:name] %>
" } assert_template_result expected, template end def test_replace template = <<-END
foo bar
END expected = { 'foo/bar' => "
<%= h product[:price] %>
" } assert_template_result expected, template end def test_block_and_content template = <<-END
Name:hello world
END expected = { 'foo/bar' => "
<% @products.each do |product| %><% end %>
Name:<%= product.name %>
" } assert_template_result expected, template end def test_form template = <<-END
hello world
END expected = { 'foo/bar' => "
<%= form_tag {:action => 'create'}, :method => \"get\" %>hello world <%= end_form_tag %>
" } assert_template_result expected, template end def test_link_to template = <<-END
Hello World
END expected = { 'foo/bar' => "
<%= link_to 'Hello World', :action => 'show', :id => @product %>
" } assert_template_result expected, template end def test_link_to_if template = <<-END
Previous page
END expected = { 'foo/bar' => "
<%= link_to_if @product_pages.current.previous, 'Previous page', {:page => @product_pages.current.previous } %>
" } assert_template_result expected, template end def test_submit template = <<-END
END expected = { 'foo/bar' => "
<%= submit_tag 'Hello World', :foo => 'bar' %>
" } assert_template_result expected, template end def test_text_field template = <<-END
END expected = { 'foo/bar' => "
<%= text_field 'product', 'price', :maxlength => 21, :size => 10 %>
" } assert_template_result expected, template end def test_hidden_field template = <<-END
END expected = { 'foo/bar' => "
<%= hidden_field 'product', 'price' %>
" } assert_template_result expected, template end def test_password_field template = <<-END
END expected = { 'foo/bar' => "
<%= password_field 'product', 'price', :maxlength => 21, :size => 10 %>
" } assert_template_result expected, template end def test_text_area template = <<-END
END expected = { 'foo/bar' => "
<%= text_area 'product', 'desc', :class => \"foo\", :cols => 21, :disabled => true, :readonly => true, :rows => 10, :style => \"bar\" %>
" } assert_template_result expected, template end def test_example template = <<-END
foo bar
END expected = { 'foo/bar' => "
<%= h product[:price] %>
" } assert_template_result expected, template end def test_import template = <<-END
foo bar
END expected = { } assert_template_result expected, template end def test_import2 template = <<-END
Hello World
END expected = { 'cat/dog' => "
Hello World
" } assert_template_result expected, template end def test_import3 template = <<-END
END expected = { 'egg/flower' => "
", 'foo/bar' => "
" } assert_template_result expected, template end def test_import_render template = <<-END
END expected = { 'foo/bar' => "
Hello <%= render( :partial => 'cat/dog' ) %>
", 'egg/flower' => "
" } assert_template_result expected, template end def test_omit_tag template = <<-END
END expected = { 'foo/bar' => "
" } assert_template_result expected, template end def test_omit_tag_eval template = <<-END
END expected = { 'foo/bar' => "
<% if @hello %>
<% end %>bar<% if @hello %>
<% end %>
" } assert_template_result expected, template end def test_omit_tag_root template = <<-END
hello world
END expected = { 'foo/bar' => " hello world " } assert_template_result expected, template end def test_omit_tag_root_with_children template = <<-END
hello world
END expected = { 'foo/bar' => " hello world" } assert_template_result expected, template end def test_omit_tag_root_with_nested_generate template = <<-END
first layer hello world
END expected = { 'foo/bar' => " first layer ", 'baz/cat' => "hello world" } assert_template_result expected, template end def test_omit_tag_root_with_nested_gen_partial template = <<-END
first layer hello world
END expected = { 'foo/bar' => " first layer <%= render( :partial => 'baz/cat' ) %>", 'baz/_cat.rhtml' => "hello world" } assert_template_result expected, template end # Only simplify elements that are specified in the DTD as being empty, collapsing others can cause parsing # or rendering problems in browsers. Uses constant XHTMLEmptyElementNameSet to find elements that should be # collapsed. # http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/dtds.html#a_dtd_XHTML-1.0-Strict # xhtml-1.0-Strict empty elements are: # base, meta, link, hr, br, param, img, area, input, col def test_simplify_empty_elements template = <<-END

1 < 2
END expected = { 'foo/bar' => %q{
}+ %q{

}+ %q{

}+ %q{1 < 2
} } assert_template_result expected, template end def test_keyword_expansion_template_path template = <<-END
hello world
] END expected = { 'one/two_three.rhtml' => "
hello world
" } assert_template_result expected, template, :template_pathname => 'one/two_three.four' end def test_keyword_expansion_template_path_foo_ext begin original_default_extension = MasterView::IOMgr.erb.default_extension MasterView::IOMgr.erb.default_extension = '.foo' template = <<-END
hello world
] END expected = { 'one/two_three.foo' => "
hello world
" } assert_template_result expected, template, :template_pathname => 'one/two_three.four' rescue raise ensure MasterView::IOMgr.erb.default_extension = original_default_extension end end def test_keyword_expansion_template_path_original template = <<-END
hello world
] END expected = { 'one/two_three.four' => "
hello world
" } assert_template_result expected, template, :template_pathname => 'one/two_three.four' end def test_keyword_expansion_controller_action template = <<-END
hello world
END expected = { 'one/two_three' => "
hello world
" } assert_template_result expected, template, :template_pathname => 'one/two_three.four' end def test_keyword_expansion_gen_partial template = <<-END
foo bar
hello world
END expected = { 'foo/bar' => "
<%= h product[:price] %><%= render( :partial => 'one/two_three' ) %>
", 'one/_two_three.rhtml' => "
<%= h product[:name] %>
" } assert_template_result expected, template, :template_pathname => 'one/two_three.four' end def test_image_tag template = <<-END
END expected = { 'foo/bar' => "
<%= image_tag 'cat.jpg' %>
" } assert_template_result expected, template, :template_pathname => 'one/two_three.four' end def test_image_tag_infer_path template = <<-END
END expected = { 'foo/bar' => "
<%= image_tag 'cat.jpg' %>
" } assert_template_result expected, template, :template_pathname => 'one/two_three.four' end def test_image_tag_infer_path_use_src template = <<-END
END expected = { 'foo/bar' => "
<%= image_tag '/myimages/cat.jpg' %>
" } assert_template_result expected, template, :template_pathname => 'one/two_three.four' end def test_image_tag_infer_path_size template = <<-END
END expected = { 'foo/bar' => "
<%= image_tag 'cat.jpg', :size => '20x10' %>
" } assert_template_result expected, template, :template_pathname => 'one/two_three.four' end def test_image_tag_infer_missing_width template = <<-END
END expected = { 'foo/bar' => "
<%= image_tag 'cat.jpg', :height => '10' %>
" } assert_template_result expected, template, :template_pathname => 'one/two_three.four' end def test_image_tag_infer_missing_height template = <<-END
END expected = { 'foo/bar' => "
<%= image_tag 'cat.jpg', :width => '20' %>
" } assert_template_result expected, template, :template_pathname => 'one/two_three.four' end def test_image_tag_infer_path_size_alt template = <<-END
my cat
END expected = { 'foo/bar' => "
<%= image_tag 'cat.jpg', :alt => 'my cat', :size => '20x10' %>
" } assert_template_result expected, template, :template_pathname => 'one/two_three.four' end def test_image_tag_infer_path_alt template = <<-END
my cat
END expected = { 'foo/bar' => "
<%= image_tag 'cat.jpg', :alt => 'my cat' %>
" } assert_template_result expected, template, :template_pathname => 'one/two_three.four' end def test_image_tag_infer_path_class template = <<-END
my cat
END expected = { 'foo/bar' => "
<%= image_tag 'cat.jpg', :alt => 'my cat', :class => 'blue' %>
" } assert_template_result expected, template, :template_pathname => 'one/two_three.four' end def test_javascript_include template = <<-END
END expected = { 'foo/bar' => "
<%= javascript_include_tag 'cat.js' %>
" } assert_template_result expected, template, :template_pathname => 'one/two_three.four' end def test_javascript_include_symbols template = <<-END
END expected = { 'foo/bar' => "
<%= javascript_include_tag :defaults %>
" } assert_template_result expected, template, :template_pathname => 'one/two_three.four' end def test_javascript_include_infer_path template = <<-END
END expected = { 'foo/bar' => "
<%= javascript_include_tag 'cat.js' %>
" } assert_template_result expected, template, :template_pathname => 'one/two_three.four' end def test_javascript_include_infer_path_use_src template = <<-END
END expected = { 'foo/bar' => "
<%= javascript_include_tag '/myjavascripts/cat.js' %>
" } assert_template_result expected, template, :template_pathname => 'one/two_three.four' end end