# K8sCreate Creates a new Managed Kubernetes cluster. knife ionoscloud k8s create (options) ## Available options: --- ### Required options: * name * ionoscloud_username * ionoscloud_password ``` name: --name NAME, -n NAME name of the server (required) version: --version VERSION, -v VERSION the version for the Kubernetes cluster. maintenance_day: --maintenance-day MAINTENANCE_DAY, -d MAINTENANCE_DAY day Of the week when to perform the maintenance. maintenance_time: --maintenance-time MAINTENANCE_TIME, -t MAINTENANCE_TIME time Of the day when to perform the maintenance. ionoscloud_username: --username USERNAME, -u USERNAME your Ionoscloud username (required) ionoscloud_password: --password PASSWORD, -p PASSWORD your Ionoscloud password (required) ``` ## Example knife ionoscloud k8s create --name NAME --version VERSION --maintenance-day MAINTENANCE_DAY --maintenance-time MAINTENANCE_TIME --username USERNAME --password PASSWORD