describe 'WebSocketRails.Channel:', -> beforeEach -> @dispatcher = new class WebSocketRailsStub new_message: -> true dispatch: -> true trigger_event: (event) -> true state: 'connected' _conn: connection_id: 12345 @channel = new WebSocketRails.Channel('public', @dispatcher) sinon.spy @dispatcher, 'trigger_event' afterEach -> @dispatcher.trigger_event.restore() describe '.bind', -> it 'should add a function to the callbacks collection', -> test_func = -> @channel.bind 'event_name', test_func expect(@channel._callbacks['event_name'].length).toBe 1 expect(@channel._callbacks['event_name']).toContain test_func describe '.trigger', -> describe 'before the channel token is set', -> it 'queues the events', -> @channel.trigger 'someEvent', 'someData' queue = @channel._queue expect(queue[0].name).toEqual 'someEvent' expect(queue[0].data).toEqual 'someData' describe 'when channel token is set', -> it 'adds token to event metadata and dispatches event', -> @channel._token = 'valid token' @channel.trigger 'someEvent', 'someData' expect(@dispatcher.trigger_event.calledWith(['someEvent',{token: 'valid token', data: 'someData'}])) describe '.destroy', -> it 'should destroy all callbacks', -> event_callback = -> true @channel.bind('new_message', @event_callback) @channel.destroy() expect(@channel._callbacks).toEqual {} describe 'when this channel\'s connection is still active', -> it 'should send unsubscribe event', -> @channel.destroy() expect(@dispatcher.trigger_event.args[0][0].name).toEqual 'websocket_rails.unsubscribe' describe 'when this channel\'s connection is no more active', -> beforeEach -> @dispatcher._conn.connection_id++ it 'should not send unsubscribe event', -> @channel.destroy() expect(@dispatcher.trigger_event.notCalled).toEqual true describe 'public channels', -> beforeEach -> @channel = new WebSocketRails.Channel('forchan', @dispatcher, false) @event = @dispatcher.trigger_event.lastCall.args[0] it 'should trigger an event containing the channel name', -> expect( 'forchan' it 'should trigger an event containing the correct connection_id', -> expect(@event.connection_id).toEqual 12345 it 'should initialize an empty callbacks property', -> expect(@channel._callbacks).toBeDefined() expect(@channel._callbacks).toEqual {} it 'should be public', -> expect(@channel.is_private).toBeFalsy describe 'channel tokens', -> it 'should set token when event_name is websocket_rails.channel_token', -> @channel.dispatch('websocket_rails.channel_token', {token: 'abc123'}) expect(@channel._token).toEqual 'abc123' it "should refresh channel's connection_id after channel_token has been received", -> # this is needed in case we would init the channel connection # just before the connection has been established @channel.connection_id = null @channel.dispatch('websocket_rails.channel_token', {token: 'abc123'}) expect(@channel.connection_id).toEqual @dispatcher._conn.connection_id it 'should flush the event queue after setting token', -> @channel.trigger 'someEvent', 'someData' @channel.dispatch('websocket_rails.channel_token', {token: 'abc123'}) expect(@channel._queue.length).toEqual(0) describe 'private channels', -> beforeEach -> @channel = new WebSocketRails.Channel('forchan', @dispatcher, true) @event = @dispatcher.trigger_event.lastCall.args[0] it 'should trigger a subscribe_private event when created', -> expect( 'websocket_rails.subscribe_private' it 'should be private', -> expect(@channel.is_private).toBeTruthy