# encoding: utf-8 require "thread_safe" require "forwardable" module LogStash module StringInterpolation extend self # Floats outside of these upper and lower bounds are forcibly converted # to scientific notation by Float#to_s MIN_FLOAT_BEFORE_SCI_NOT = 0.0001 MAX_FLOAT_BEFORE_SCI_NOT = 1000000000000000.0 CACHE = ThreadSafe::Cache.new TEMPLATE_TAG_REGEXP = /%\{[^}]+\}/ def evaluate(event, template) if template.is_a?(Float) && (template < MIN_FLOAT_BEFORE_SCI_NOT || template >= MAX_FLOAT_BEFORE_SCI_NOT) return ("%.15f" % template).sub(/0*$/,"") end template = template.to_s return template if not_cachable?(template) compiled = CACHE.get_or_default(template, nil) || CACHE.put(template, compile_template(template)) compiled.evaluate(event) end # clear the global compiled templates cache def clear_cache CACHE.clear end # @return [Fixnum] the compiled templates cache size def cache_size CACHE.size end private def not_cachable?(template) template.index("%").nil? end def compile_template(template) nodes = Template.new position = 0 matches = template.to_enum(:scan, TEMPLATE_TAG_REGEXP).map { |m| $~ } matches.each do |match| tag = match[0][2..-2] start = match.offset(0).first nodes << StaticNode.new(template[position..(start-1)]) if start > 0 nodes << identify(tag) position = match.offset(0).last end if position < template.size nodes << StaticNode.new(template[position..-1]) end optimize(nodes) end def optimize(nodes) nodes.size == 1 ? nodes.first : nodes end def identify(tag) if tag == "+%s" EpocNode.new elsif tag[0, 1] == "+" DateNode.new(tag[1..-1]) else KeyNode.new(tag) end end end class Template extend Forwardable def_delegators :@nodes, :<<, :push, :size, :first def initialize @nodes = [] end def evaluate(event) @nodes.collect { |node| node.evaluate(event) }.join end end class EpocNode def evaluate(event) t = event.timestamp raise LogStash::Error, "Unable to format in string \"#{@format}\", #{LogStash::Event::TIMESTAMP} field not found" unless t t.to_i.to_s end end class StaticNode def initialize(content) @content = content end def evaluate(event) @content end end class KeyNode def initialize(key) @key = key end def evaluate(event) value = event[@key] case value when nil "%{#{@key}}" when Array value.join(",") when Hash LogStash::Json.dump(value) else # Make sure we dont work on the refence of the value # The Java Event implementation was always returning a string. "#{value}" end end end class DateNode def initialize(format) @format = format @formatter = org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormat.forPattern(@format) .withZone(org.joda.time.DateTimeZone::UTC) end def evaluate(event) t = event.timestamp raise LogStash::Error, "Unable to format in string \"#{@format}\", #{LogStash::Event::TIMESTAMP} field not found" unless t org.joda.time.Instant.java_class.constructor(Java::long).new_instance( t.tv_sec * 1000 + t.tv_usec / 1000 ).to_java.toDateTime.toString(@formatter) end end end