# encoding: utf-8 # WizRft: A gem for exporting Word Documents in ruby # using the Microsoft Rich Text Format (RTF) Specification # Copyright (C) 2015 by sgzhe@163.com module WizRtf class Image JPEG_SOF_BLOCKS = [0xC0, 0xC1, 0xC2, 0xC3, 0xC5, 0xC6, 0xC7, 0xC9, 0xCA, 0xCB, 0xCD, 0xCE, 0xCF] PIC_TYPE = {png: :pngblip, jpg: :jpegblip, bmp: :pngblip, gif: :pngblip} def initialize(file) begin @img = IO.binread(file) @width, @height = self.size rescue Exception => e STDERR.puts "** error parsing #{file}: #{e.inspect}" end end def type png = Regexp.new("\x89PNG".force_encoding("binary")) jpg = Regexp.new("\xff\xd8\xff\xe0\x00\x10JFIF".force_encoding("binary")) jpg2 = Regexp.new("\xff\xd8\xff\xe1(.*){2}Exif".force_encoding("binary")) @type = case @img when /^GIF8/ :gif when /^#{png}/ :png when /^#{jpg}/ :jpg when /^#{jpg2}/ :jpg when /^BM/ :bmp else :unknown end end def size case self.type when :gif @img[6..10].unpack('SS') when :png @img[16..24].unpack('NN') when :bmp d = @img[14..28] d.unpack('C')[0] == 40 ? d[4..-1].unpack('LL') : d[4..8].unpack('SS') when :jpg d = StringIO.new(@img) section_marker = 0xff # Section marker. d.seek(2) # Skip the first two bytes of JPEG identifier. loop do marker, code, length = d.read(4).unpack('CCn') fail "JPEG marker not found!" if marker != section_marker if JPEG_SOF_BLOCKS.include?(code) #@bits, @height, @width, @channels = d.read(6).unpack("CnnC") return d.read(6).unpack('CnnC')[1..2].reverse end d.seek(length - 2, IO::SEEK_CUR) end end end def render(io) io.group do io.cmd '*' io.cmd 'shppict' io.group do io.cmd :pict io.cmd PIC_TYPE[@type] io.cmd :picscalex, 99 io.cmd :picscaley, 99 io.cmd :picw, @width io.cmd :pich, @height io.write "\n" @img.each_byte do |b| hex_str = b.to_s(16) hex_str.insert(0,'0') if hex_str.length == 1 io.write hex_str end io.write "\n" end end if @img end end end