module Gamefic module World # A collection of rules for performing commands. # class Playbook def initialize commands: {}, syntaxes: [], validators: [], disambiguator: nil @commands = commands @syntaxes = syntaxes @validators = validators @disambiguator = disambiguator end # An array of available syntaxes. # # @return [Array] def syntaxes @syntaxes end # An array of available actions. # # @return [Array] def actions @commands.values.flatten end # An array of recognized verbs. # # @return [Array] def verbs @commands.keys end # An array of defined validators. # # @return [Array] def validators @validators end # Get the action for handling ambiguous entity references. # def disambiguator @disambiguator ||= Action.subclass(nil, do |actor, entities| definites = [] entities.each { |entity| definites.push entity.definitely } actor.tell "I don't know which you mean: #{definites.join_or}." end end # Set the action for handling ambiguous entity references. # def disambiguate &block @disambiguator = Action.subclass(nil,, meta: true, &block) @disambiguator end # Add a block that determines whether an action can be executed. # def validate &block @validators.push block end # Get an Array of all Actions associated with the specified verb. # # @param verb [Symbol] The Symbol for the verb (e.g., :go or :look) # @return [Array] The verb's associated Actions def actions_for verb @commands[verb] || [] end # Create an Action that responds to a command. # An Action uses the command argument to identify the imperative verb that # triggers the action. # It can also accept queries to tokenize the remainder of the input and # filter for particular entities or properties. # The block argument contains the code to be executed when the input # matches all of the Action's criteria (i.e., verb and queries). # # @example A simple Action. # respond :salute do |actor| # actor.tell "Hello, sir!" # end # # The command "salute" will respond "Hello, sir!" # # @example An Action that accepts a Character # respond :salute, Use.visible(Character) do |actor, character| # actor.tell "#{The character} returns your salute." # end # # @param verb [Symbol] An imperative verb for the command # @param queries [Array] Filters for the command's tokens # @yieldparam [Gamefic::Actor] # @return [Class] def respond(verb, *queries, &proc) act = Action.subclass verb, *queries, &proc add_action act act end # Create a Meta Action that responds to a command. # Meta Actions are very similar to standard Actions, except the Plot # understands them to be commands that operate above and/or outside of the # actual game world. Examples of Meta Actions are commands that report the # player's current score, save and restore saved games, or list the game's # credits. # # @example A simple Meta Action # meta :credits do |actor| # actor.tell "This game was written by John Smith." # end # # @param verb [Symbol] An imperative verb for the command # @param queries [Array] Filters for the command's tokens # @yieldparam [Gamefic::Actor] # @return [Class] def meta(verb, *queries, &proc) act = Action.subclass verb, *queries, meta: true, &proc add_action act act end # Create an alternate Syntax for an Action. # The command and its translation can be parameterized. # # @example Create a synonym for the Inventory Action. # interpret "catalogue", "inventory" # # The command "catalogue" will be translated to "inventory" # # @example Create a parameterized synonym for the Look Action. # interpret "scrutinize :entity", "look :entity" # # The command "scrutinize chair" will be translated to "look chair" # # @param input [String] The format of the original command # @param translation [String] The format of the translated command # @return [Syntax] the Syntax object def interpret(input, translation) syn =, translation) add_syntax syn syn end # Get an array of actions, derived from the specified command, that the # actor can potentially execute. # The command can either be a single string (e.g., "examine book") or a # list of tokens (e.g., :examine, @book). # # @return [Array] def dispatch(actor, *command) result = [] if command.length > 1 result.concat dispatch_from_params(actor, command[0], command[1..-1]) end if result.empty? result.concat dispatch_from_string(actor, command.join(' ')) end result end # Get an array of actions, derived from the specified command, that the # actor can potentially execute. # The command should be a plain-text string, e.g., "examine the book." # # @return [Array] def dispatch_from_string actor, text result = [] commands = Syntax.tokenize(text, actor.syntaxes) commands.each { |c| available = actions_for(c.verb) available.each { |a| next if a.hidden? o = a.attempt(actor, c.arguments) result.unshift o unless o.nil? } } sort_and_reduce_actions result end # Get an array of actions, derived from the specified verb and params, # that the actor can potentially execute. # # @return [Array] def dispatch_from_params actor, verb, params result = [] available = actions_for(verb) available.each { |a| result.unshift, params) if a.valid?(actor, params) } sort_and_reduce_actions result end # Duplicate the playbook. # This method will duplicate the commands hash and the syntax array so # the new playbook can be modified without affecting the original. # # @return [Playbook] def dup commands: @commands.dup, syntaxes: @syntaxes.dup end def freeze @commands.freeze @syntaxes.freeze end private def add_action(action) @commands[action.verb] ||= [] @commands[action.verb].push action generate_default_syntax action end def generate_default_syntax action user_friendly = action.verb.to_s.gsub(/_/, ' ') args = [] used_names = [] action.queries.each { |c| num = 1 new_name = ":var" while used_names.include? new_name num = num + 1 new_name = ":var#{num}" end used_names.push new_name user_friendly += " #{new_name}" args.push new_name } add_syntax, "#{action.verb} #{args.join(' ')}") unless action.verb.to_s.start_with?('_') end def add_syntax syntax if @commands[syntax.verb] == nil raise "No actions exist for \"#{syntax.verb}\"" end @syntaxes.unshift syntax @syntaxes.uniq! &:signature @syntaxes.sort! { |a, b| if a.token_count == b.token_count # For syntaxes of the same length, length of action takes precedence b.first_word <=> a.first_word else b.token_count <=> a.token_count end } end def sort_and_reduce_actions arr arr.sort_by.with_index{|a, i| [a.rank, -i]}.reverse.uniq(&:class) end end end end