--- title: Roundtrip tagline: themes description: J1 Template Roundtrip - Template Themes tags: [ Page, Roundtrip ] index: [ Template, Roundtrip, Bootstrap, Themes ] categories: [ pages ] permalink: /pages/public/learn/roundtrip/themes/ regenerate: false resources: [] resource_options: - attic: padding_top: 400 padding_bottom: 50 opacity: 0.5 slides: - url: /assets/images/pages/roundtrip/themes-1920x1280-bw.jpg alt: Photo by Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash badge: type: unsplash author: Clem Onojeghuo href: https://unsplash.com/@clemono --- // Enable the Liquid Preprocessor // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- :page-liquid: // Set other global page attributes here // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //:my-asciidoc-attribute: // Load Liquid procedures // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- {% capture set_env_entry_document %}themes/{{site.template.name}}/procedures/global/set_env_entry_document.proc{%endcapture%} // Initialize entry document environmental attributes // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- {% include {{set_env_entry_document}} %} // Load tag, url and data attributes // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- include::{includedir}/attributes.asciidoc[tag=tags] include::{includedir}/attributes.asciidoc[tag=urls] include::{includedir}/attributes.asciidoc[tag=data] // Set local page attributes // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // :images-dir: {imagesdir}/path/to/page/images // Page content // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // Include sub-documents // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ++++ ++++ The themes feature for J1 Template is in a *alpha status* of the template system. Anyway, it makes sense to present what is possible using *different* versions of Bootstrap's CSS styles for a website. == Themes It is expected that many people will change the template for their needs. To really create *unique* websites. Fundamental to do this is are CSS styles defined by Bootstrap. Modifying the CSS styles of link:{bootstrap-home}[Bootstrap, {window}] is not rocket science. But, to be honest, some knowledge is needed of link:{w3org-css-spec}[the CSS technology] to do so. We encourage you to spend some time first on learning CSS. To learn what is the link:{w3schools-css-tutorial}[design base, {window}] of each and every website. Independendly from using Bootstrap or any other CSS framwork. Thanks to the people at link:{bootswatch-home}[Bootswatch, {window}], a great set of already prepared Bootstrap stylesheets in various designs are available at their website. No need to start from the scratch, to re-define all the Bootstrap variables and rebuild the framework files to create a new theme. Many different styles are available. What is already available is at least a good base for your modifications: your unique design. Beside the bunch of different stylesheets at Bootswatch, an link:{bootswatch-api}[integration API, {window}] is available that helps a lot to integrate available designs into a existing site. This API is the base to integrate Bootswatch stylesheets into J1 Template for easy use. Thanks again the people at Bootswatch for this great work. == Apply a theme The base for designing pages using J1 Template is the theme *Uno*, a modern light theme that can be used for many types of websites. And what we mentioned already, web design is not: one size fits all. The theme *Uno* can be seen as good base, a starting point. Combining Uno and a different theme may a fast solution for your site!? You can find all available themes, all stylesheets to be applied to your pages from the menu *Themes*. You're invited to check how a page is changing for their design if other stylesheets, other ideas of web design is used. NOTE: Changing BS-based styles is one thing, changing from one theme to the next at runtime a bit more challanging. For the alpha version of J1 Template, many styles are automatically changed for J1 specific components as well, but *not* all of them for now. Simply select a theme from this menu and a new BS-based stylesheet is automatically applied to your pages. Have fun! == Whats next Hopefully you've enjoyed exploring some of the possibilities J1 offers for managing themes. But much, much more can the J1 do for your website. This was the last place to go for the roundtrip. More details of the most common elements of Bootstrap can be found on the previewer for a theme. Have a look at the link:{previewer-theme}[Theme previewer]. To make things real for your new site, go for *Web in a day*. This tutorial guides you through all the steps how to build a website - your site using Jekyll nd the template system J1. It's really a nice journey to *explore* and *learn* creating a static web. Start your journey from here: link:{kickstarter-web-in-a-day}[Web in a day].