en: ddr: core: errors: incorrect_resource_class: "%{subject} must be a %{resource_class}" checksum: validation: internal_check_failed: The repository internal checksum validation failed. invalid: "The checksum [%{type}]%{value} is not valid." must_be_stored: Checksum cannot be validated on unstored file. valid: "The checksum [%{type}]%{value} is valid." index: fields: aleph_id: label: "Aleph ID" aspace_id: label: "ArchivesSpace ID" common_model_name: label: Model heading: model doi: label: DOI ead_id: label: "EAD ID" fcrepo3_pid: label: "Fedora 3 PID" id: label: ID heading: id local_id: label: "Local ID" permanent_id: label: "Permanent ID" permanent_url: label: "Permanent URL" resource_model: label: Model heading: model streamable_media_url: label: "Streamable Media URL" created_at: label: "Creation Date" heading: creation_date updated_at: label: "Modification Date" heading: modification_date techmd_color_space: label: "Color Space" heading: color_space techmd_creating_application: label: "Creating Application" heading: creating_application techmd_creation_time: label: "Creation Time" heading: creation_time techmd_file_size: label: "File Size" heading: "file_size" techmd_fits_version: label: "FITS Version" heading: fits_version techmd_fits_datetime: label: "FITS Run At" heading: fits_datetime techmd_format_label: label: "Format Label" heading: format_label techmd_format_version: label: "Format Version" heading: format_version techmd_image_height: label: "Image Height" heading: image_height techmd_image_width: label: "Image Width" heading: image_width techmd_md5: label: MD5 heading: md5 techmd_media_type: label: "Media Type" heading: media_type techmd_modification_time: label: "Modification Time" heading: modification_time techmd_pronom_identifier: label: "PRONOM Unique ID" heading: "pronom_uid" techmd_valid: label: Valid heading: valid techmd_well_formed: label: "Well-formed" heading: well_formed