# @title Contributing to Ramaze # Contributing To Ramaze Everybody is welcome to contribute to Ramaze and/or the guide. This guide is meant to be a starting point for those interested in contributing code, writing documentation or advertising Ramaze. A small guide containing details about the general workflow of Github projects can be found [here][workflow]. If you're new to Github/Git it's recommended to read this guide (as well as the various Github help pages). ## Coding Standards * 2 spaces per indentation level for Ruby code. * Document your code as much as you can. * Write Bacon specifications for each change you make, especially when adding new features. * Use Markdown for markup, both when documenting source code as well as when writing pages for the guide. * Code should be hard wrapped at 80 characters. * Variables and methods are ``lower_cased`` while constants such as those used to store version numbers use ``SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE``. An example of this is ``Ramaze::VERSION``. Class names and the like are ``PascalCased``. ## Git Usage and Standards Ramaze uses [Git][git] as it's version control system. In order to contribute to Ramaze using Git there are a few things to keep in mind and a few standards to follow. ### Commit Messages Commit messages should be splitted up in two parts, a short description of the commit in 50 characters or less. This short description should be followed by an empty line which in turn is followed by a long description. The short description can be seen as an Email subject while the long description would be the actual Email body. An example of such a commit message is the following: Moved some chapters around. The chapters on helpers and logging data have been moved to their own file instead of being displayed in the README. Next up is writing the actual documentation on logging data. Signed-off-by: Yorick Peterse Each commit should only contain a related set of changes. If you're adding a feature but found a bug and fixed it it's easier to keep track of changes if the bug and the feature are divided into two separate commits (if possible). This makes it easier to revert certain changes when needed or pick specific commits from a branch (using ``git cherry-pick``). ### Branching When working on code your changes should be made in a separate branch. The name of this branch should be related to the changes you're making and should be short. For example, if you're working on a chapter for the guide you could name it "documentation". Or maybe you're working on a helper, in that case you could name it "example-helper". In the end it doesn't really matter, just keep the length down a bit. Putting your changes in a separate branch makes it easier to manage them and pull them into the main (master) branch. ### Pull Requests Once you've finished working on your changes you should notify us about the changes. The easiest way to do this is to send a pull request on Github. Information about sending and handling pull requests can be found on the [Pull request][pull requests] page on Github. ## Writing Documentation The documentation (both the guides and the API documentation) uses [Markdown][markdown] as its markup engine. All the text should be written in English. Try writing as clear as possible and remove as much spelling/grammar errors as you can find before submitting it to Ramaze. When writing guides (or modifying existing ones) make sure that each line is no longer than 80 characters and that there is no trailing whitespace in the file. If you're using Vim you can configure it to automatically insert characters/words on new lines using the following settings: set nowrap set tw=80 Other editors will have different settings so refer to the documentation of your editor for more information. Linking to classes and methods can be done by wrapping the namespace/method in ``{}``: {Ramaze::VERSION} If you want to link to an internal file you should use the following syntax instead: {file:path/to/file Title}

Keep in mind that the above syntax for linking to files does not work for files located outside of the guide/ directory.

Markdown files should be lower cased, spaces should be replaced with underscores. Examples of this are ``ramaze_command.md`` and ``special_thanks.md``. Just like the Ruby code the text for the guide should be wrapped at 80 characters. ### Testing Documentation After you've made some changes you'll have to test it. Building the documentation can be done in two different ways, either by building the Ramaze only documentation or the documentation of both Ramaze and Innate. Lets assume that you don't have a local copy of Ramaze' Git repository yet, you can add such a copy by running the following Git command: $ git clone git://github.com/Ramaze/ramaze.git Once the cloning process has been completed you'll have to ``cd`` into the "ramaze" directory. If you happen to have RVM installed doing this will most likely trigger a warning about an untrusted .rvmrc file being detected. If you decide to trust this file RVM will load it and automatically install all the required gems (these can be found in the .gems file in the root directory of the repository). If you don't have RVM installed you'll have to install the dependencies of Ramaze yourself, but fear not for it is very easy and only requires you to run the following command: $ rake setup Similar to using RVM this command installs all required gems with a small difference: it only installs what is supported by your platform. For example, on OS X the "localmemcache" gem is not installed since it doesn't support this operating system. Once installed you can build the documentaton using the command ``rake yard``. This command optionally takes a parameter that can be used to specify the path to the **lib** directory of Innate. When specifying this path Innate's documentation will be included as well (this is what we use for ). Of course for this to work you'll need to have a local copy of Innate as well. Assuming you're still in the "ramaze" directory you can get a local copy of Innate by running the following commands: $ cd .. $ git clone git://github.com/Ramaze/innate.git $ cd ramaze Now run the ``rake yard`` task as following: $ rake yard[../innate/lib] Once the documentation has been built (either by including or excluding Innate) you can simply point your browser to the "doc" directory to view it. ## Spreading The Word Maybe you're not familiar with Git or perhaps you just don't have the time to contribute code. In both cases there are things you can do to help Ramaze grow. The easiest way is to just tell people about it. Talk to co-workers, give presentations or just suggest it whenever you think it could be useful for people. If you like to use the Ramaze logo for a presentation or something else you can freely use the official Ramaze logo displayed below. The logo is licensed under a [Creative Commons][cc license] license. The logo comes in two formats, a SVG file and a PNG of which both are displayed below. ![Logo SVG][logo svg] ![Logo PNG][logo png] [git]: http://git-scm.com/ [pull requests]: http://help.github.com/send-pull-requests/ [markdown]: http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/ [cc license]: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ [logo svg]: _static/logo.svg "The logo in SVG format" [logo png]: _static/logo.png "The logo in PNG format" [workflow]: https://github.com/thessaloniki/rb/wiki/Workflow