require_relative '../spec_helper.rb' require 'bitcoin/script' describe "Bitcoin::Script OPCODES" do before do @script ="") @script.class.instance_eval { attr_accessor :stack, :stack_alt } @script.stack << "foobar" end def op(op, stack) @script.stack = stack @script.send("op_#{op}") @script.stack end it "should do OP_NOP" do @script.op_nop @script.stack.should == ["foobar"] end it "should do OP_DUP" do @script.op_dup @script.stack.should == ["foobar", "foobar"] end it "should do OP_SHA256" do @script.op_sha256 @script.stack.should == [["c3ab8ff13720e8ad9047dd39466b3c8974e592c2fa383d4a3960714caef0c4f2"].pack("H*")] end it "should do OP_SHA1" do @script.op_sha1 @script.stack.should == [["8843d7f92416211de9ebb963ff4ce28125932878"].pack("H*")] end it "should do OP_HASH160" do @script.op_hash160 @script.stack.should == [["f6c97547d73156abb300ae059905c4acaadd09dd"].pack("H*")] end it "should do OP_RIPEMD160" do @script.op_ripemd160 @script.stack.should == [["a06e327ea7388c18e4740e350ed4e60f2e04fc41"].pack("H*")] end it "should do OP_HASH256" do @script.op_hash256 @script.stack.should == [["3f2c7ccae98af81e44c0ec419659f50d8b7d48c681e5d57fc747d0461e42dda1"].pack("H*")] end it "should do OP_TOALTSTACK" do @script.op_toaltstack @script.stack.should == [] @script.stack_alt.should == ["foobar"] end it "should do OP_FROMALTSTACK" do @script.instance_eval { @stack_alt << "barfoo" } @script.op_fromaltstack @script.stack.should == ["foobar", "barfoo"] @script.stack_alt.should == [] end it "should do OP_TUCK" do @script.instance_eval { @stack += ["foo", "bar"] } @script.op_tuck @script.stack.should == ["foobar", "bar", "foo", "bar"] end it "should do OP_SWAP" do @script.instance_eval { @stack << "barfoo" } @script.op_swap @script.stack.should == ["barfoo", "foobar"] end it "should do OP_BOOLAND" do op(:booland, [0, 0]).should == [0] op(:booland, [0, 1]).should == [0] op(:booland, [1, 0]).should == [0] op(:booland, [1, 1]).should == [1] end it "should do OP_ADD" do op(:add, [0, 1]).should == [1] op(:add, [3, 4]).should == [7] op(:add, [5,-4]).should == [1] end it "should do OP_SUB" do op(:sub, [2, 3]).should == [1] op(:sub, [1, 9]).should == [8] op(:sub, [3, 1]).should == [-2] end it "should do OP_GREATERTHANOREQUAL" do op(:greaterthanorequal, [1, 2]).should == [1] op(:greaterthanorequal, [2, 2]).should == [1] op(:greaterthanorequal, [2, 1]).should == [0] end it "should do OP_DROP" do @script.op_drop @script.stack.should == [] end it "should do OP_EQUAL" do op(:equal, [1,2]).should == [0] op(:equal, [1,1]).should == [1] end it "should do OP_VERIFY" do op(:verify, [1]).should == [] op(:verify, [0]).should == [0] end it "should do OP_EQUALVERIFY" do op(:equalverify, [1,2]).should == [0] @script.invalid?.should == true op(:equalverify, [1,1]).should == [] @script.invalid?.should == false end it "should do OP_0" do @script.op_0 @script.stack.should == ["foobar", ""] end it "should do OP_1" do @script.op_1 @script.stack.should == ["foobar", 1] end it "should do OP_MIN" do [ [4, 5], [5, 4], [4, 4] ].each{|s| @script.instance_eval { @stack = s } @script.op_min @script.stack.should == [4] } end it "should do OP_MAX" do [ [4, 5], [5, 4], [5, 5] ].each{|s| @script.instance_eval { @stack = s } @script.op_max @script.stack.should == [5] } end it "should do op_2over" do @script.instance_eval { @stack = [1,2,3,4] } @script.op_2over @script.stack.should == [1,2,3,4,1,2] end it "should do op_2swap" do @script.instance_eval { @stack = [1,2,3,4] } @script.op_2swap @script.stack.should == [3,4,1,2] end it "should do op_ifdup" do @script.instance_eval { @stack = [1] } @script.op_ifdup @script.stack.should == [1,1] @script.instance_eval { @stack = ['a'] } @script.op_ifdup @script.stack.should == ['a','a'] @script.instance_eval { @stack = [0] } @script.op_ifdup @script.stack.should == [0] end it "should do op_1negate" do @script.instance_eval { @stack = [] } @script.op_1negate @script.stack.should == [ -1 ] end it "should do op_depth" do @script.instance_eval { @stack = [] } @script.op_depth @script.stack.should == [0] @script.instance_eval { @stack = [1,2,3] } @script.op_depth @script.stack.should == [1,2,3,3] end it "should do OP_CHECKSIG" do @script.stack = ["bar", "foo"] verify_callback = proc{|pubkey,signature,type| pubkey .should == "foo" signature.should == "ba" type .should == "r".ord true } @script.op_checksig(verify_callback).should == [1] @script.stack = ["bar", "foo"] verify_callback = proc{ true } @script.op_checksig(verify_callback).should == [1] @script.stack = ["bar", "foo"] verify_callback = proc{ false } @script.op_checksig(verify_callback).should == [0] @script.stack = ["foo"] verify_callback = proc{ false } @script.op_checksig(verify_callback).should == nil pubkey = ["04324c6ebdcf079db6c9209a6b715b955622561262cde13a8a1df8ae0ef030eaa1552e31f8be90c385e27883a9d82780283d19507d7fa2e1e71a1d11bc3a52caf3"].pack("H*") signature = ["304402202c2fb840b527326f9bbc7ce68c6c196a368a38864b5a47681352c4b2f416f7ed02205c4801cfa8aed205f26c7122ab5a5934fcf7a2f038fd130cdd8bcc56bdde0a00"].pack("H*") hash_type = [1].pack("C") signature_data = ["20245059adb84acaf1aa942b5d8a586da7ba76f17ecb5de4e7543e1ce1b94bc3"].pack("H*") @script.stack = [signature + hash_type, pubkey] verify_callback = proc{|pub,sig,hash_type| pub .should == pubkey sig .should == signature hash_type.should == 1 hash = signature_data Bitcoin.verify_signature( hash, sig, pub.unpack("H*")[0] ) } @script.op_checksig(verify_callback).should == [1] @script.stack = [signature + hash_type, pubkey] verify_callback = proc{|pub,sig,hash_type| hash = "foo" + signature_data Bitcoin.verify_signature( hash, sig, pub.unpack("H*")[0] ) } @script.op_checksig(verify_callback).should == [0] @script.stack = [signature + hash_type, pubkey] verify_callback = proc{|pub,sig,hash_type| hash = signature_data Bitcoin.verify_signature( hash, "foo", pub.unpack("H*")[0] ) } @script.op_checksig(verify_callback).should == [0] @script.stack = [signature + hash_type, pubkey] verify_callback = proc{|pub,sig,hash_type| hash = signature_data Bitcoin.verify_signature( hash, sig, "foo" ) } @script.op_checksig(verify_callback).should == [0] # Bitcoin::Key API key =; key.generate sig = (key.sign("foobar") + "\x01").unpack("H*")[0] script = Bitcoin::Script.from_string("#{sig} #{} OP_CHECKSIG"){|pk, sig, hash_type| k = nil, pk.unpack("H*")[0] k.verify("foobar", sig) }.should == true script.stack.should == [] end def run_script(string, hash) script = Bitcoin::Script.from_string(string) do |pk, sig, hash_type| k = nil, pk.unpack("H*")[0] k.verify(hash, sig) rescue false end == true end it "should do OP_CHECKMULTISIG" do k1 =; k1.generate k2 =; k2.generate k3 =; k3.generate sig1 = (k1.sign("foobar") + "\x01").unpack("H*")[0] sig2 = (k2.sign("foobar") + "\x01").unpack("H*")[0] sig3 = (k3.sign("foobar") + "\x01").unpack("H*")[0] script = "0 #{sig1} #{sig2} 2 #{} #{} 2 OP_CHECKMULTISIG" run_script(script, "foobar").should == true script = "0 #{sig1} #{sig2} 2 #{} #{} #{} 3 OP_CHECKMULTISIG" run_script(script, "foobar").should == true script = "0 #{sig2} #{sig3} 2 #{} #{} #{} 3 OP_CHECKMULTISIG" run_script(script, "foobar").should == true script = "0 #{sig1} #{sig2} #{sig3} 3 #{} #{} #{} 3 OP_CHECKMULTISIG" run_script(script, "foobar").should == true script = "#{sig1} #{sig2} #{sig3} 3 #{} #{} #{} 3 OP_CHECKMULTISIG" # without OP_NOP run_script(script, "foobar").should == true script = "0 #{sig2} 1 #{} #{} 2 OP_CHECKMULTISIG" run_script(script, "foobar").should == true script = "0 #{sig2} OP_TRUE #{} #{} 2 OP_CHECKMULTISIG" run_script(script, "foobar").should == true script = "0 #{sig1} #{sig2} #{sig3} 3 #{} #{} #{} 2 OP_CHECKMULTISIG" run_script(script, "foobar").should == false script = "0 #{sig1} #{sig2} #{sig3} 3 #{} #{} 2 OP_CHECKMULTISIG" run_script(script, "foobar").should == false script = "0 #{sig1} #{sig2} #{sig3} 3 2 #{} 2 OP_CHECKMULTISIG" run_script(script, "foobar").should == false script = "0 #{sig1} #{sig2} #{sig3} 3 0 #{} 2 OP_CHECKMULTISIG" run_script(script, "foobar").should == false script = "0 #{sig1} #{sig2} 2 3 #{} #{} 2 OP_CHECKMULTISIG" run_script(script, "foobar").should == false script = "0 #{sig1} #{sig2} 0 3 #{} #{} 2 OP_CHECKMULTISIG" run_script(script, "foobar").should == false script = "0 #{sig2} f0f0f0f0 2 #{} #{} 2 OP_CHECKMULTISIG" run_script(script, "foobar").should == false script = "0 afafafaf #{sig2} 2 #{} #{} #{} 3 OP_CHECKMULTISIG" run_script(script, "foobar").should == false script = "0 #{sig1} f0f0f0f0 #{sig3} 3 #{} #{} #{} 3 OP_CHECKMULTISIG" run_script(script, "foobar").should == false # # TODO: check signature order; these assertions should fail: # script = "0 #{sig2} #{sig1} 2 #{} #{} #{} 3 OP_CHECKMULTISIG" # run_script(script, "foobar").should == false # script = "0 #{sig3} #{sig2} 2 #{} #{} #{} 3 OP_CHECKMULTISIG" # run_script(script, "foobar").should == false # script = "0 #{sig1} #{sig3} #{sig2} 3 #{} #{} #{} 3 OP_CHECKMULTISIG" # run_script(script, "foobar").should == false end it "should do OP_CHECKHASHVERIFY" do # k1 =; k1.generate k2 =; k2.generate k3 =; k2.generate sig1 = (k1.sign("foobar") + "\x01").unpack("H*")[0] sig2 = (k2.sign("foobar") + "\x01").unpack("H*")[0] sig3 = (k2.sign("foobar") + "\x01").unpack("H*")[0] # scriptSig: [signatures...] OP_CODESEPARATOR 1 [pubkey1] [pubkey2] 2 OP_CHECKMULTISIG # scriptPubKey: [20-byte-hash of {1 [pubkey1] [pubkey2] 2 OP_CHECKMULTISIG} ] OP_CHECKHASHVERIFY OP_DROP script = "1 #{} #{} 2 OP_CHECKMULTISIG" checkhash = Bitcoin.hash160(Bitcoin::Script.binary_from_string(script).unpack("H*")[0]) script = "0 #{sig1} OP_CODESEPARATOR #{script} #{checkhash} OP_CHECKHASHVERIFY OP_DROP" run_script(script, "foobar").should == true script = "1 #{} #{} 2 OP_CHECKMULTISIG" checkhash = Bitcoin.hash160(Bitcoin::Script.binary_from_string(script).unpack("H*")[0]) script = "0 #{sig1} OP_CODESEPARATOR #{script} #{checkhash} OP_NOP2 OP_DROP" # tests OP_NOP2 as OP_CHECKHASHVERIFY run_script(script, "foobar").should == true # invalid checkhashverify script = "1 #{} #{} 2 OP_CHECKMULTISIG" checkhash = Bitcoin.hash160(Bitcoin::Script.binary_from_string(script).unpack("H*")[0]) script = "1 #{} #{} 2 OP_CHECKMULTISIG" script = "0 #{sig1} OP_CODESEPARATOR #{script} #{checkhash} OP_NOP2 OP_DROP" # tests OP_NOP2 as OP_CHECKHASHVERIFY run_script(script, "foobar").should == false # scriptSig: [signature] OP_CODESEPARATOR [pubkey] OP_CHECKSIG # scriptPubKey: [20-byte-hash of {[pubkey] OP_CHECKSIG} ] OP_CHECKHASHVERIFY OP_DROP script = "#{} OP_CHECKSIG" checkhash = Bitcoin.hash160(Bitcoin::Script.binary_from_string(script).unpack("H*")[0]) script = "#{sig1} OP_CODESEPARATOR #{script} #{checkhash} OP_CHECKHASHVERIFY OP_DROP" run_script(script, "foobar").should == true # invalid checkhashverify script = "#{} OP_CHECKSIG" checkhash = Bitcoin.hash160(Bitcoin::Script.binary_from_string(script).unpack("H*")[0]) script = "#{} OP_CHECKSIG" script = "#{sig1} OP_CODESEPARATOR #{script} #{checkhash} OP_CHECKHASHVERIFY OP_DROP" run_script(script, "foobar").should == false # invalid signature in checksig script = "#{} OP_CHECKSIG" checkhash = Bitcoin.hash160(Bitcoin::Script.binary_from_string(script).unpack("H*")[0]) script = "#{sig2} OP_CODESEPARATOR #{script} #{checkhash} OP_CHECKHASHVERIFY OP_DROP" run_script(script, "foobar").should == false end it "should do P2SH" do k1 =; k1.generate sig = (k1.sign("foobar") + "\x01").unpack("H*")[0] inner_script = Bitcoin::Script.from_string("#{} OP_CHECKSIG").raw.unpack("H*")[0] script_hash = Bitcoin.hash160(inner_script) script = Bitcoin::Script.from_string("#{sig} #{inner_script} OP_HASH160 #{script_hash} OP_EQUAL") script.is_p2sh?.should == true run_script(script.to_string, "foobar").should == true run_script(script.to_string, "barbaz").should == false script = Bitcoin::Script.from_string("OP_HASH160 #{script_hash} OP_EQUAL") script.is_p2sh?.should == true run_script(script.to_string, "foobar").should == false address = "3CkxTG25waxsmd13FFgRChPuGYba3ar36B" script = script.type.should == :p2sh end end