module Oboe class InstallGenerator < ::Rails::Generators::Base source_root File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'templates') desc "Copies an oboe initializer files to your application." def copy_initializer # Set defaults @tracing_mode = 'through' @sampling_rate = '300000' @verbose = 'false' say "" say set_color "Welcome to the Tracelytics Ruby instrumentation setup.", :green, :bold say "" say "To instrument your Rails application, you have the option to setup sampling strategies here." say "" say "More information on instrumenting Ruby applications can be found here:" say "" while true do say "" say set_color "Tracing Mode", :green say "------------" say "When traces should be initiated for incoming requests. Valid options are 'always'," say "'through' (when the request is initiated with a tracing header from upstream) and 'never'." say "You must set this directive to 'always' in order to initiate tracing." say "" user_tracing_mode = ask set_color "* Tracing Mode? [through]:", :yellow user_tracing_mode.downcase! break if user_tracing_mode.blank? valid = ['always', 'through', 'never'].include?(user_tracing_mode) say set_color "Valid values are 'always', 'through' or 'never'", :red, :bold unless valid if valid @tracing_mode = user_tracing_mode break end end if @tracing_mode == "always" while true do say "" say set_color "Sampling Rate", :green say "-------------" say "This value reflects the number of requests out of every million that will be traced, and must be an integer between 0 and 1000000. Default is 300000 (30%)." say "" user_sampling_rate = ask set_color "* Sampling Rate? [300000]:", :yellow break if user_sampling_rate.blank? valid = user_sampling_rate.to_i.between?(1, 1000000) say set_color "Sampling Rate must be a number between 1 and 1000000", :red, :bold unless valid if valid @sampling_rate = user_sampling_rate.to_i break end end end say "" say "You can change these values in the future by modifying config/initializers/oboe.rb" say "" say "Thanks! Creating initialization file..." say "" template "oboe_initializer.rb", "config/initializers/oboe.rb" end end end