class JavascriptPage include PageObject text_field(:expression, :id => 'calculator-expression') text_field(:results, :id => 'calculator-result') button(:compute, :value => 'Compute') end def build_url(page) target = ENV['BROWSER'] return "http://localhost:4567/#{page}" if target.nil? or target.include? 'local' "{page}" end Given /^I am on jQuery example page$/ do PageObject.javascript_framework = :jquery @page = @page.navigate_to build_url("jquery.html") end Given /^I am on the Prototype example page$/ do PageObject.javascript_framework = :prototype @page = @page.navigate_to build_url('prototype.html') end When /^I ask to compute "([^\"]*)"$/ do |expression| @page.expression = expression @page.compute end Then /^I should be able to wait for the answer "([^\"]*)"$/ do |answer| @page.wait_for_ajax @page.results.should == answer end Given /^I execute the javascript "([^\"]*)"$/ do |script| @answer = @page.execute_script script end Given /^I execute the javascript "([^\"]*)" with an argument of "([^\"]*)"$/ do |script, arg| @answer = @page.execute_script script, arg end Given /^I execute the javascript "([^\"]*)" with a text field argument$/ do |script| text_field = @page.text_field_element(:id => 'text_field_id') @page.execute_script(script, text_field) end Then /^I should get the answer "([^\"]*)"$/ do |answer| @answer.should == answer.to_i end