require 'spec_helper' describe Qa::Authorities::Getty::Ulan do let(:authority) { } describe "#build_query_url" do subject { authority.build_query_url("foo") } it { match(/^http:\/\/vocab\.getty\.edu\//) } end describe "#find_url" do subject { authority.find_url("500026846") } it { eq "" } end describe "#search" do context "authorities" do before do stub_request(:get, /vocab\.getty\.edu.*/) .to_return(body: webmock_fixture("ulan-response.txt"), status: 200) end subject {'whatever') } it "has id and label keys" do expect(subject.first).to eq("id" => '', "label" => "Alan Turner and Associates (British architectural firm, contemporary)") expect(subject.last).to eq("id" => '', "label" => "Warren, Charles Turner (English engraver, 1762-1823)") expect(subject.size).to eq(142) end end end describe "#untaint" do subject { authority.untaint(value) } context "with a good string" do let(:value) { 'Turner' } it { eq 'Turner' } end context "bad stuff" do let(:value) { './"' } it { eq '' } end end describe "#find" do context "using a subject id" do before do stub_request(:get, "") .to_return(status: 200, body: webmock_fixture("getty-ulan-find-response.json")) end subject { authority.find("500026846") } it "returns the complete record for a given subject" do expect(subject['results']['bindings'].size).to eq 880 expect(subject['results']['bindings']).to all(have_key('Subject')) expect(subject['results']['bindings']).to all(have_key('Predicate')) expect(subject['results']['bindings']).to all(have_key('Object')) end end end describe "#request_options" do subject { authority.request_options } it { eq(accept: "application/sparql-results+json") } end describe "#sparql" do context "using a single subject term" do subject { authority.sparql('search_term') } it { eq 'SELECT DISTINCT ?s ?name ?bio { ?s a skos:Concept; luc:term "search_term"; skos:inScheme ; gvp:prefLabelGVP [skosxl:literalForm ?name] ; foaf:focus/gvp:biographyPreferred [schema:description ?bio] ; skos:altLabel ?alt . FILTER regex(?name, "search_term", "i") . } ORDER BY ?name'.gsub(/[\s\n]+/, ' ') } end context "using a two subject terms" do subject { authority.sparql('search term') } it { eq %(SELECT DISTINCT ?s ?name ?bio { ?s a skos:Concept; luc:term "search term"; skos:inScheme ; gvp:prefLabelGVP [skosxl:literalForm ?name] ; foaf:focus/gvp:biographyPreferred [schema:description ?bio] ; skos:altLabel ?alt . FILTER ((regex(?name, "search", "i") || regex(?alt, "search", "i")) && (regex(?name, "term", "i") || regex(?alt, "term", "i"))) . } ORDER BY ?name).gsub(/[\s\n]+/, ' ') } end end end