import { API_OPERATIONS, get, post } from 'foremanReact/redux/API'; import { stopInterval, withInterval } from 'foremanReact/redux/middlewares/IntervalMiddleware'; import { REX_JOB_INVOCATIONS_KEY, REX_FEATURES } from './RemoteExecutionConstants'; import { foremanApi } from '../../../../services/api'; import { errorToast, renderRexJobStartedToast } from '../../../../scenes/Tasks/helpers'; import { ERRATA_SEARCH_QUERY } from './ErrataTab/HostErrataConstants'; import { TRACES_SEARCH_QUERY } from './TracesTab/HostTracesConstants'; import { PACKAGE_SEARCH_QUERY } from './PackagesTab/YumInstallablePackagesConstants'; import { PACKAGES_SEARCH_QUERY, SELECTED_UPDATE_VERSIONS } from './PackagesTab/HostPackagesConstants'; // PARAM BUILDING export const buildHostSearch = ({ hostname, hostSearch }) => { let result = hostSearch ?? `name ^ (${hostname})`; if (result === '') { // user has selected all hosts result = 'set? name'; // the name field is NOT NULL, so this will match all hosts } return result; }; export const baseParams = (options) => { const { feature, hostname, hostSearch, descriptionFormat, inputs = {}, } = options; const search = buildHostSearch({ hostname, hostSearch }); return ({ job_invocation: { feature, inputs, description_format: descriptionFormat, search_query: search, }, }); }; const runCommandParams = ({ hostname, command }) => baseParams({ hostname, inputs: { command }, feature: REX_FEATURES.RUN_COMMAND, }); const uploadProfileParams = ({ hostname }) => baseParams({ hostname, inputs: {}, feature: REX_FEATURES.KATELLO_UPLOAD_PROFILE, }); // used when we know the package name const katelloPackageInstallParams = ({ hostname, packageName }) => baseParams({ hostname, inputs: { package: packageName }, feature: REX_FEATURES.KATELLO_PACKAGE_INSTALL, }); // used when we know package Id(s) const katelloPackageInstallBySearchParams = ({ hostname, hostSearch, search, descriptionFormat, }) => baseParams({ hostname, hostSearch, inputs: { [PACKAGE_SEARCH_QUERY]: search }, feature: REX_FEATURES.KATELLO_PACKAGE_INSTALL_BY_SEARCH, descriptionFormat, }); const katelloPackageRemoveParams = ({ hostname, packageName }) => baseParams({ hostname, inputs: { package: packageName }, feature: REX_FEATURES.KATELLO_PACKAGE_REMOVE, }); const katelloPackageRemoveBySearchParams = ({ hostname, hostSearch, search, descriptionFormat, }) => baseParams({ hostname, hostSearch, inputs: { [PACKAGES_SEARCH_QUERY]: search }, feature: REX_FEATURES.KATELLO_PACKAGES_REMOVE_BY_SEARCH, descriptionFormat, }); const katelloPackageUpdateParams = ({ hostname, packageName, descriptionFormat }) => baseParams({ hostname, inputs: { package: packageName }, feature: REX_FEATURES.KATELLO_PACKAGE_UPDATE, descriptionFormat, }); const katelloPackagesUpdateParams = (options) => { // this doesn't use baseParams so looks different from the others const { hostname, search, hostSearch, versions, descriptionFormat, } = options; const searchQuery = buildHostSearch({ hostname, hostSearch }); return ({ job_invocation: { feature: REX_FEATURES.KATELLO_PACKAGES_UPDATE_BY_SEARCH, inputs: { [PACKAGES_SEARCH_QUERY]: search, [SELECTED_UPDATE_VERSIONS]: versions ?? [] }, search_query: searchQuery, description_format: descriptionFormat, }, }); }; const katelloTracerResolveParams = ({ hostname, search }) => baseParams({ hostname, inputs: { [TRACES_SEARCH_QUERY]: search }, feature: REX_FEATURES.KATELLO_HOST_TRACER_RESOLVE, }); const katelloHostErrataInstallParams = ({ hostname, hostSearch, search, descriptionFormat, }) => baseParams({ hostname, hostSearch, inputs: { [ERRATA_SEARCH_QUERY]: search }, feature: REX_FEATURES.KATELLO_HOST_ERRATA_INSTALL_BY_SEARCH, descriptionFormat, }); const katelloModuleStreamActionsParams = ({ hostname, action, moduleSpec }) => baseParams({ hostname, inputs: { action, module_spec: moduleSpec }, feature: REX_FEATURES.KATELLO_HOST_MODULE_STREAM_ACTION, }); const showRexToast = response => renderRexJobStartedToast(; // JOB POLLING const pollJobKey = key => `${key}_POLL_REX_JOB`; export const getJob = (key, jobId, handleSuccess) => get({ key, url: foremanApi.getApiUrl(`/job_invocations/${jobId}`), handleSuccess, }); export const startPollingJob = ({ key, jobId, handleSuccess, interval = 1000, }) => withInterval(getJob(pollJobKey(key), jobId, handleSuccess), interval); export const stopPollingJob = ({ key }) => stopInterval(pollJobKey(key)); // JOB INVOCATIONS export const runCommand = ({ hostname, command, handleSuccess }) => post({ type: API_OPERATIONS.POST, key: REX_JOB_INVOCATIONS_KEY, url: foremanApi.getApiUrl('/job_invocations'), params: runCommandParams({ hostname, command }), handleSuccess: (response) => { showRexToast(response); if (handleSuccess) handleSuccess(response); }, errorToast, }); export const uploadProfile = ({ hostname, handleSuccess }) => post({ type: API_OPERATIONS.POST, key: REX_JOB_INVOCATIONS_KEY, url: foremanApi.getApiUrl('/job_invocations'), params: uploadProfileParams({ hostname }), handleSuccess: (response) => { showRexToast(response); if (handleSuccess) handleSuccess(response); }, errorToast, }); export const installPackage = ({ hostname, packageName, handleSuccess }) => post({ type: API_OPERATIONS.POST, key: REX_JOB_INVOCATIONS_KEY, url: foremanApi.getApiUrl('/job_invocations'), params: katelloPackageInstallParams({ hostname, packageName }), handleSuccess: (response) => { showRexToast(response); if (handleSuccess) handleSuccess(response); }, errorToast, }); export const installPackageBySearch = ({ hostname, hostSearch, search, descriptionFormat, }) => post({ type: API_OPERATIONS.POST, key: REX_JOB_INVOCATIONS_KEY, url: foremanApi.getApiUrl('/job_invocations'), params: katelloPackageInstallBySearchParams({ hostname, hostSearch, search, descriptionFormat, }), handleSuccess: showRexToast, errorToast, }); export const removePackage = ({ hostname, packageName }) => post({ type: API_OPERATIONS.POST, key: REX_JOB_INVOCATIONS_KEY, url: foremanApi.getApiUrl('/job_invocations'), params: katelloPackageRemoveParams({ hostname, packageName }), handleSuccess: showRexToast, errorToast, }); export const removePackagesBySearch = ({ hostname, hostSearch, search, descriptionFormat, }) => post({ type: API_OPERATIONS.POST, key: REX_JOB_INVOCATIONS_KEY, url: foremanApi.getApiUrl('/job_invocations'), params: katelloPackageRemoveBySearchParams({ hostname, hostSearch, search, descriptionFormat, }), handleSuccess: showRexToast, errorToast, }); export const updatePackage = ({ hostname, packageName }) => post({ type: API_OPERATIONS.POST, key: REX_JOB_INVOCATIONS_KEY, url: foremanApi.getApiUrl('/job_invocations'), params: katelloPackageUpdateParams({ hostname, packageName }), handleSuccess: showRexToast, errorToast, }); export const updatePackages = ({ hostname, hostSearch, search, versions, descriptionFormat, }) => post({ type: API_OPERATIONS.POST, key: REX_JOB_INVOCATIONS_KEY, url: foremanApi.getApiUrl('/job_invocations'), params: katelloPackagesUpdateParams({ hostname, search, hostSearch, versions, descriptionFormat, }), handleSuccess: showRexToast, errorToast, }); export const resolveTraces = ({ hostname, search }) => post({ type: API_OPERATIONS.POST, key: REX_JOB_INVOCATIONS_KEY, url: foremanApi.getApiUrl('/job_invocations'), params: katelloTracerResolveParams({ hostname, search }), handleSuccess: showRexToast, errorToast, }); export const installErrata = ({ hostname, hostSearch, search, descriptionFormat, }) => post({ type: API_OPERATIONS.POST, key: REX_JOB_INVOCATIONS_KEY, url: foremanApi.getApiUrl('/job_invocations'), params: katelloHostErrataInstallParams({ hostname, search, hostSearch, descriptionFormat, }), handleSuccess: showRexToast, errorToast, }); export const moduleStreamAction = ({ hostname, action, moduleSpec }) => post({ type: API_OPERATIONS.POST, key: REX_JOB_INVOCATIONS_KEY, url: foremanApi.getApiUrl('/job_invocations'), params: katelloModuleStreamActionsParams({ hostname, action, moduleSpec }), handleSuccess: showRexToast, errorToast, });