module PublishMyData module SparqlProcessing extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do rescue_from PublishMyData::SparqlQueryExecutionException, :with => :show_sparql_execution_message rescue_from PublishMyData::SparqlQueryReservedVariablesException, :with => :reserved_variables rescue_from Tripod::SparqlQueryMissingVariables, :with => :missing_variables respond_to :html, :csv, :text, :nt, :ttl, :xml, :rdf, :json private def check_format unless request.format head :status => 406 return false end end def build_sparql_query(query_text) @sparql_query =, { :request_format => request.format.to_sym, :interpolations => request.params.clone }) @expected_variables = @sparql_query.expected_variables @interpolations = @sparql_query.interpolations # note: if there are missing variables, then this will be caught by them missing_variables error handler end # process the sparql query, paginating if appropriate def process_sparql_query(sparql_query) if sparql_query.allow_pagination? @pagination_params = SparqlPaginationParams.from_request(request) # if there are pagination paramters, then use them if @pagination_params.per_page && sparql_query_result = sparql_query.paginate(, @pagination_params.per_page) if is_request_html_format? @result_count = sparql_query.as_pagination_query(, @pagination_params.per_page, 1).count @more_pages = (@result_count > @pagination_params.per_page) end # otherwise just execute else sparql_query_result = @sparql_query.execute end else # pagination not allowed - just execute. sparql_query_result = @sparql_query.execute end add_json_p_callback(sparql_query_result) end def respond_with_error respond_to do |format| format.html { render 'publish_my_data/sparql/endpoint' } format.any { render :text => @error_message, :status => 400 } end end def missing_variables(e) @missing_variables = e.missing_variables @expected_variables = e.expected_variables @interpolations = e.received_variables @error_message = e.message respond_with_error end def reserved_variables(e) @reserved_variables_used = e.reserved_variables @expected_variables = e.expected_variables @interpolations = e.interpolations @error_message = e.message respond_with_error end def show_sparql_execution_message(e) @error_message = "There was a syntax error in your query: #{e.message}" respond_with_error end def add_json_p_callback(result) if request.format && request.format.json? params[:callback] ? "#{params[:callback]}(#{result});" : result else result end end end end end