module Nanoc # A Nanoc::Site is the in-memory representation of a nanoc site. It holds # references to the following site data: # # * +pages+ is a list of Nanoc::Page instances representing pages # * +assets+ is a list of Nanoc::Asset instances representing assets # * +page_defaults+ is a Nanoc::PageDefaults instance representing page # defaults # * +asset_defaults+ is a Nanoc::AssetDefaults instance representing asset # defaults # * +layouts+ is a list of Nanoc::Layout instances representing layouts # * +templates+ is a list of Nanoc::Template representing templates # * +code+ is a Nanoc::Code instance representing custom site code # # In addition, each site has a +config+ hash which stores the site # configuration. This configuration hash can have the following keys: # # +output_dir+:: The directory to which compiled pages and assets will be # written. This path is relative to the current working # directory, but can also be an absolute path. # # +data_source+:: The identifier of the data source that will be used for # loading site data. # # +router+:: The identifier of the router that will be used for determining # page and asset representation paths. # # +index_filenames+:: A list of filenames that will be stripped off full # page and asset paths to create cleaner URLs (for # example, '/about/' will be used instead of # '/about/index.html'). The default value should be okay # in most cases. # # A site also has several helper classes: # # * +router+ is a Nanoc::Router subclass instance used for determining page # and asset paths. # * +data_source+ is a Nanoc::DataSource subclass instance used for managing # site data. # * +compiler+ is a Nanoc::Compiler instance that compiles page and asset # representations. # # The physical representation of a Nanoc::Site is usually a directory that # contains a configuration file, site data, and some rake tasks. However, # different frontends may store data differently. For example, a web-based # frontend would probably store the configuration and the site content in a # database, and would not have rake tasks at all. class Site # The default configuration for a site. A site's configuration overrides # these options: when a Nanoc::Site is created with a configuration that # lacks some options, the default value will be taken from # +DEFAULT_CONFIG+. DEFAULT_CONFIG = { :output_dir => 'output', :data_source => 'filesystem', :router => 'default', :index_filenames => [ 'index.html' ] } attr_reader :config attr_reader :compiler, :data_source, :router attr_reader :page_defaults, :asset_defaults attr_reader :pages, :assets, :layouts, :templates, :code # Returns a Nanoc::Site object for the site specified by the given # configuration hash +config+. # # +config+:: A hash containing the site configuration. def initialize(config) # Load configuration @config = DEFAULT_CONFIG.merge(config.clean) # Create data source @data_source_class = Nanoc::DataSource.named(@config[:data_source]) raise[:data_source]) if @data_source_class.nil? @data_source = # Create compiler @compiler = # Load code (necessary for custom routers) load_code # Create router @router_class = Nanoc::Router.named(@config[:router]) raise[:router]) if @router_class.nil? @router = # Initialize data @page_defaults ={}) = self @asset_defaults ={}) = self @pages = [] @assets = [] @layouts = [] @templates = [] end # Loads the site data. This will query the Nanoc::DataSource associated # with the site and fetch all site data. The site data is cached, so # calling this method will not have any effect the second time, unless # +force+ is true. # # +force+:: If true, will force load the site data even if it has been # loaded before, to circumvent caching issues. def load_data(force=false) # Don't load data twice @data_loaded ||= false return if @data_loaded and !force # Load all data @data_source.loading do load_code(force) load_page_defaults load_pages load_asset_defaults load_assets load_layouts load_templates end # Set loaded @data_loaded = true end private # Loads this site's code and executes it. def load_code(force=false) # Don't load code twice @code_loaded ||= false return if @code_loaded and !force # Get code @code = @data_source.code # Fix code if outdated if @code.is_a? String warn_data_source('Code', 'code', false) @code = end # Set site = self # Execute code # FIXME This could be dangerous when using nanoc as a framework # (a separate ruby process should probably be forked, and the code # should only be loaded in this forked process) @code.load # Set loaded @code_loaded = true end # Loads this site's page defaults. def load_page_defaults # Get page defaults @page_defaults = @data_source.page_defaults # Fix page defaults if outdated if @page_defaults.is_a? Hash warn_data_source('PageDefaults', 'page_defaults', false) @page_defaults = end # Set site = self end # Loads this site's pages, sets up page child-parent relationships and # builds each page's list of page representations. def load_pages # Get pages @pages = @data_source.pages # Fix pages if outdated if @pages.any? { |p| p.is_a? Hash } warn_data_source('Page', 'pages', true)! { |p|[:uncompiled_content], p, p[:path]) } end # Set site @pages.each { |p| = self } # Setup child-parent links @pages.each do |page| # Get parent parent_path = page.path.sub(/[^\/]+\/$/, '') parent = @pages.find { |p| p.path == parent_path } next if parent.nil? or page.path == '/' # Link page.parent = parent parent.children << page end # Build page representations @pages.each { |p| p.build_reps } end # Loads this site's asset defaults. def load_asset_defaults # Get page defaults @asset_defaults = @data_source.asset_defaults # Set site = self rescue NotImplementedError @asset_defaults ={}) = self end # Loads this site's assets and builds each asset's list of asset # representations. def load_assets # Get assets @assets = @data_source.assets # Set site @assets.each { |a| = self } # Build asset representations @assets.each { |p| p.build_reps } rescue NotImplementedError @assets = [] end # Loads this site's layouts. def load_layouts # Get layouts @layouts = @data_source.layouts # Fix layouts if outdated if @layouts.any? { |l| l.is_a? Hash } warn_data_source('Layout', 'layouts', true)! { |l|[:content], l, l[:path] || l[:name]) } end # Set site @layouts.each { |l| = self } end # Loads this site's templates. def load_templates # Get templates @templates = @data_source.templates # Fix templates if outdated if @templates.any? { |t| t.is_a? Hash } warn_data_source('Template', 'templates', true)! { |t|[:content], t[:meta].is_a?(String) ? YAML.load(t[:meta]) : t[:meta], t[:name]) } end # Set site @templates.each { |t| = self } end # Raises a warning about an outdated data source method. def warn_data_source(class_name, method_name, is_array) warn( "In nanoc 2.1, DataSource##{method_name} should return #{is_array ? 'an array of' : 'a' } Nanoc::#{class_name} object#{is_array ? 's' : ''}. Future versions will not support these outdated data sources.", 'DEPRECATION WARNING' ) end end end