require 'rubygems' require 'rake' require 'rake/tasklib' namespace :db do desc 'Finds indexes your application probably needs' task :indexes => [:environment, :prepare] do indices = @findex.get_indices(:geo, [:name, [:id, :type]], :primary, :reflection, [:type, [:boolean, :date, :datetime, :time]]) @findex.send_indices(indices) end task :prepare do @findex = @findex.generate_migration = ENV['migration'] == 'true' @findex.perform_index = ENV['perform'] == 'true' @findex.tables = ENV['tables'] ? ENV['tables'].split(',').map(&:strip) : nil Dir[File.join(Rails.root, 'app', 'models', '*.rb')].each do |file| load(file) end end namespace :indexes do desc 'Finds unindexed boolean columns' task :boolean => [:environment, :prepare] do @findex.migration_name = 'boolean' @findex.send_indices(@findex.get_indices([:type, [:boolean]])) end desc 'Finds unindexed date, time, and datetime columns' task :datetime => [:environment, :prepare] do @findex.migration_name = 'datetime' @findex.send_indices(@findex.get_indices([:type, [:date, :datetime, :time]])) end desc 'Finds unindexed geo columns' task :geo => [:environment, :prepare] do @findex.migration_name = 'geo' @findex.send_indices(@findex.get_indices(:geo)) end desc 'Prints instructions on how to use rake:db:indexes' task :help do puts '' puts " rake db:indexes will generate a list of indexes your application's database may or may not need." puts '' puts ' To see a list of all indexes it thinks you need, just use rake db:indexes' puts '' puts " You can add migration=true to generate a migration file\n or perform=true to perform the indexing immediately:" puts ' `rake db:indexes migration=true`' puts '' puts ' You can also target specific column types, like so:' [:boolean, :datetime, :geo, :primary, :relationships].each do |type| puts " `rake db:indexes:#{type}`" end puts '' puts ' You can also filter by column names and types, or by whole tables:' puts ' `rake db:indexes:names names=type,state`' puts ' `rake db:indexes:types types=integer,decimal`' puts ' `rake db:indexes tables=users,posts`' puts '' end desc 'Generates a migration file with the recommended indexes' task :migration => :environment do @findex.generate_migration = true @findex.perform_index = false indices = @findex.get_indices(:geo, [:name, [:id, :type]], :primary, :reflection, [:type, [:boolean, :date, :datetime, :time]]) @findex.send_indices(indices) end desc 'Finds unindexed columns matching the names you supply' task :names => [:environment, :prepare] do if ENV['names'] indices = @findex.get_indices([:name, ENV['names'].split(',').map(&:strip).map(&:intern)]) @findex.send_indices(indices) else puts '' puts ' You must pass in a comma-separated collection of names like so' puts ' `rake db:indexes:names names=type,state`' puts '' end end desc 'Performs a migration with the recommended indexes' task :perform => :environment do @findex.generate_migration = false @findex.perform_index = true indices = @findex.get_indices(:geo, [:name, [:id, :type]], :primary, :reflection, [:type, [:boolean, :date, :datetime, :time]]) @findex.send_indices(indices) end desc 'Finds unindexed primary keys' task :primary => [:environment, :prepare] do @findex.migration_name = 'primary' @findex.send_indices(@findex.get_indices(:primary)) end desc 'Finds unindexed relationship foreign keys' task :relationships => [:environment, :prepare] do @findex.migration_name = 'relationship' @findex.send_indices(@findex.get_indices(:reflection)) end desc 'Finds unindexed columns matching the types you supply' task :types => [:environment, :prepare] do if ENV['types'] indices = @findex.get_indices([:type, ENV['types'].split(',').map(&:strip).map(&:intern)]) @findex.send_indices(indices) else puts '' puts ' You must pass in a comma-separated collection of types like so' puts ' `rake db:indexes:types types=integer,decimal`' puts '' end end end end class Findex def check_index(*args) index = args.shift !args.any?{|array| array.any?{|comparison_index| comparison_index == index}} end def collect_indices(indices) indices.collect{|table, columns| [table, columns.sort{|a, b| if a == :id -1 elsif b == :id 1 else (a.is_a?(Array) ?'_') : a.to_s) <=> (b.is_a?(Array) ?'_') : b.to_s) end }]}.sort{|a, b| a[0].to_s <=> b[0].to_s} end def connection @connection ||= ActiveRecord::Base.connection end def get_indices(*args) indices = {} ObjectSpace.each_object(Class) do |model| next unless model.ancestors.include?(ActiveRecord::Base) && model != ActiveRecord::Base && model.table_exists? next if @tables && !@tables.include?(model.table_name.to_s) existing_indices = connection.indexes(model.table_name).map{|index| index.columns.length == 1 ? index.columns.first.to_sym : } args.each do |method, options| indices = send("get_model_#{method}_indices", *[model, options, indices, existing_indices].compact) end end collect_indices(indices) end def get_model_geo_indices(model, indices, existing_indices) indices[model.table_name] ||= [] parse_columns(model) do |column, column_name| if column.type == :decimal && =~ /(lat|lng)/ && model.column_names.include?(alternate_column_name =^|_)(lat|lng)($|_)/) { "#{$1}#{$2 == 'lat' ? 'lng' : 'lat'}#{$3}"}) index = [column_name, alternate_column_name.to_sym] indices[model.table_name].push([column_name, alternate_column_name.to_sym]) if check_index(index, indices[model.table_name], existing_indices) end end indices end def get_model_name_indices(model, names, indices, existing_indices) indices[model.table_name] ||= [] parse_columns(model) do |column, column_name| if names.include?(column_name) && check_index(column_name, indices[model.table_name], existing_indices) indices[model.table_name].push(column_name) end end indices end def get_model_primary_indices(model, indices, existing_indices) indices[model.table_name] ||= [] parse_columns(model) do |column, column_name| if column.primary && check_index(column_name, indices[model.table_name], existing_indices) indices[model.table_name].push(column_name) end end indices end def get_model_reflection_indices(model, indices, existing_indices) indices[model.table_name] ||= [] model.reflections.each do |name, reflection| case reflection.macro.to_sym when :belongs_to foreign_key = reflection.primary_key_name.to_sym indices[model.table_name].push(foreign_key) if check_index(foreign_key, indices[model.table_name], existing_indices) when :has_and_belongs_to_many index = [reflection.primary_key_name.to_sym, reflection.association_foreign_key.to_sym] if (table_name = reflection.options[:join_table] || reflection.options['join_table']) && connection.table_exists?(table_name) indices[table_name] ||= [] unless indices[table_name].any?{|existing_index| existing_index == index} || connection.indexes(table_name).map{|join_index| join_index.columns.length == 1 ? join_index.columns.first.to_sym : }.any?{|existing_index| existing_index == index} indices[table_name].push(index) end end end end indices end def get_model_type_indices(model, types, indices, existing_indices) indices[model.table_name] ||= [] parse_columns(model) do |column, column_name| if types.include?(column.type) && check_index(column_name, indices[model.table_name], existing_indices) indices[model.table_name].push(column_name) end end indices end def parse_columns(model) model.columns.each{|column| yield(column,} if block_given? end def send_indices(indices) if @generate_migration require 'rails_generator' migration_path = File.join(RAILS_ROOT, 'db', 'migrate') migration_number = 1 migration_test = "add#{"_#{@migration_name}" if @migration_name}_indexes" Dir[File.join(migration_path, '*.rb')].each do |file| file = File.basename(file) next unless file =~ /^\d+_#{migration_test}(\d+)\.rb$/ migration_number += 1 end migration_name = "#{migration_test}#{migration_number}" Rails::Generator::Base.instance('migration', [migration_name], {:command => :create, :generator => 'migration'}).command(:create).invoke! if migration = Dir[File.join(migration_path, "*#{migration_name}.rb")].first migration_up = [] migration_down = [] indices.sort{|a, b| a[0].to_s <=> b[0].to_s}.each do |table, columns| next if columns.empty? index_up = [] index_down = [] index_up.push("\s\s\s\s# Indices for `#{table}`") index_down.push("\s\s\s\s# Remove indices for `#{table}`") columns.each do |column| index_up.push("\s\s\s\sadd_index :#{table}, #{column.inspect}") index_down.push("\s\s\s\sremove_index :#{table}, #{column.inspect}") end migration_up.push(index_up.join("\n")) migration_down.push(index_down.join("\n")) end migration_contents ="def self.up", "def self.up\n#{migration_up.join("\n\n")}").gsub("def self.down", "def self.down\n#{migration_down.join("\n\n")}"), 'w+') do |file| file.puts migration_contents end end else indices.sort{|a, b| a[0].to_s <=> b[0].to_s}.each do |table, columns| next if columns.empty? puts "\s\s# Indices for `#{table}`" columns.each do |column| if @perform_index ActiveRecord::Migration.add_index(table, column) else puts "\s\sadd_index :#{table}, #{column.inspect}" end end puts '' end end end def generate_migration=(value) @generate_migration = !!value end def perform_index=(value) @perform_index = !!value end def tables=(tables) @tables = tables end def migration_name=(value) @migration_name = value end end