# Add here your search queries # see the detailed Source documentation at http://elastics.github.io/elastics/doc/2-elastics/2-Templating/2-Sources.html # ANCHORS litheral key: it will not be used as template # you can store here fragments of queries to reuse in the templates below ANCHORS: - # this is a a basic template loaded in your class <%= @module_name %> # it defines the 'q' tag. You can check its usage from the rails console by just typing: # >> puts <%= @module_name %>.elastics.doc # You can eventually restrict the doc to a single method by pasing its name: # >> puts <%= @module_name %>.elastics.doc :search # see the detailed doc for this feature at http://elastics.github.io/elastics/doc/2-elastics/4-Self-Documentation.html # the :cleanable_query is a special variable that get cleaned up if contains illegal characters for the Lucene syntax search: - query: query_string: query: <>