require 'twitter/basic_user' require 'twitter/creatable' require 'twitter/exceptable' module Twitter class User < Twitter::BasicUser PROFILE_IMAGE_SUFFIX_REGEX = /_normal(\.gif|\.jpe?g|\.png)$/ include Twitter::Creatable include Twitter::Exceptable attr_reader :connections, :contributors_enabled, :default_profile, :default_profile_image, :description, :favourites_count, :follow_request_sent, :followers_count, :friends_count, :geo_enabled, :is_translator, :lang, :listed_count, :location, :name, :notifications, :profile_background_color, :profile_background_image_url, :profile_background_image_url_https, :profile_background_tile, :profile_link_color, :profile_sidebar_border_color, :profile_sidebar_fill_color, :profile_text_color, :profile_use_background_image, :protected, :statuses_count, :time_zone, :url, :utc_offset, :verified alias favorite_count favourites_count alias favoriters_count favourites_count alias favorites_count favourites_count alias favourite_count favourites_count alias favouriters_count favourites_count alias follower_count followers_count alias friend_count friends_count alias status_count statuses_count alias translator is_translator alias translator? is_translator? alias tweet_count statuses_count alias tweets_count statuses_count alias update_count statuses_count alias updates_count statuses_count # @return [Array] def description_urls @description_urls ||= Array(@attrs[:entities][:description][:urls]).map do |entity| Twitter::Entity::Url.fetch_or_new(entity) end end # Return the URL to the user's profile banner image # # @param size [String, Symbol] The size of the image. Must be one of: 'mobile', 'mobile_retina', 'web', 'web_retina', 'ipad', or 'ipad_retina' # @return [String] def profile_banner_url(size=:web) insecure_url([@attrs[:profile_banner_url], size].join('/')) if profile_banner_url? end # Return the secure URL to the user's profile banner image # # @param size [String, Symbol] The size of the image. Must be one of: 'mobile', 'mobile_retina', 'web', 'web_retina', 'ipad', or 'ipad_retina' # @return [String] def profile_banner_url_https(size=:web) [@attrs[:profile_banner_url], size].join('/') if profile_banner_url? end def profile_banner_url? !@attrs[:profile_banner_url].nil? end alias profile_banner_url_https? profile_banner_url? # Return the URL to the user's profile image # # @param size [String, Symbol] The size of the image. Must be one of: 'mini', 'normal', 'bigger' or 'original' # @return [String] def profile_image_url(size=:normal) insecure_url(profile_image_url_https(size)) if profile_image_url? end # Return the secure URL to the user's profile image # # @param size [String, Symbol] The size of the image. Must be one of: 'mini', 'normal', 'bigger' or 'original' # @return [String] def profile_image_url_https(size=:normal) # The profile image URL comes in looking like like this: # # It can be converted to any of the following sizes: # # # resize_profile_image_url(@attrs[:profile_image_url_https], size) if profile_image_url? end def profile_image_url? !@attrs[:profile_image_url_https].nil? end alias profile_image_url_https? profile_image_url? # @return [Twitter::Tweet] def status @status ||= fetch_or_new_without_self(Twitter::Tweet, @attrs, :status, :user) end def status? !@attrs[:status].nil? end private def insecure_url(url) url.sub(/^https/i, 'http') end def resize_profile_image_url(url, size) url.sub(PROFILE_IMAGE_SUFFIX_REGEX, profile_image_suffix(size)) end def profile_image_suffix(size) if :original == size.to_sym "\\1" else "_#{size}\\1" end end end end