# Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. require 'grpc' require_relative 'base_test' require_relative 'test_driver' # Unit tests for Google Cloud Logging plugin class GoogleCloudOutputGRPCTest < Test::Unit::TestCase include BaseTest def test_configure_use_grpc setup_gce_metadata_stubs d = create_driver assert_true d.instance.instance_variable_get(:@use_grpc) end def test_user_agent setup_gce_metadata_stubs user_agent = nil # Record user agent when creating a GRPC::Core::Channel. GRPC::Core::Channel.class_eval do old_initialize = instance_method(:initialize) define_method(:initialize) do |url, args, creds| user_agent = args['grpc.primary_user_agent'] old_initialize.bind(self).call(url, args, creds) end end d = create_driver d.instance.send :init_api_client assert_match Regexp.new("#{Fluent::GoogleCloudOutput::PLUGIN_NAME}/" \ "#{Fluent::GoogleCloudOutput::PLUGIN_VERSION}"), \ user_agent end def test_client_error setup_gce_metadata_stubs { GRPC::Core::StatusCodes::CANCELLED => 'Cancelled', GRPC::Core::StatusCodes::UNKNOWN => 'Unknown', GRPC::Core::StatusCodes::INVALID_ARGUMENT => 'InvalidArgument', GRPC::Core::StatusCodes::NOT_FOUND => 'NotFound', GRPC::Core::StatusCodes::PERMISSION_DENIED => 'PermissionDenied', GRPC::Core::StatusCodes::RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED => 'ResourceExhausted', GRPC::Core::StatusCodes::FAILED_PRECONDITION => 'FailedPrecondition', GRPC::Core::StatusCodes::ABORTED => 'Aborted', GRPC::Core::StatusCodes::UNAUTHENTICATED => 'Unauthenticated' }.each_with_index do |(code, message), index| setup_logging_stubs( GRPC::BadStatus.new_status_exception(code, message)) do d = create_driver(USE_GRPC_CONFIG, 'test') # The API Client should not retry this and the plugin should consume the # exception. d.emit('message' => log_entry(0)) d.run end assert_equal 1, @failed_attempts.size, "Index #{index} failed." end end def test_invalid_error setup_gce_metadata_stubs setup_logging_stubs(RuntimeError.new('Some non-gRPC error')) do d = create_driver(USE_GRPC_CONFIG, 'test') # The API Client should not retry this and the plugin should consume the # exception. d.emit('message' => log_entry(0)) d.run end assert_equal 1, @failed_attempts.size end def test_partial_success setup_gce_metadata_stubs setup_prometheus setup_logging_stubs( GRPC::PermissionDenied.new('User not authorized.', PARTIAL_SUCCESS_GRPC_METADATA)) do # The API Client should not retry this and the plugin should consume # the exception. d = create_driver(ENABLE_PROMETHEUS_CONFIG) 4.times do |i| d.emit('message' => log_entry(i.to_s)) end d.run assert_prometheus_metric_value( :stackdriver_successful_requests_count, 1, grpc: true, code: GRPC::Core::StatusCodes::OK) assert_prometheus_metric_value( :stackdriver_failed_requests_count, 0, grpc: true, code: GRPC::Core::StatusCodes::PERMISSION_DENIED) assert_prometheus_metric_value( :stackdriver_ingested_entries_count, 1, grpc: true, code: GRPC::Core::StatusCodes::OK) assert_prometheus_metric_value( :stackdriver_dropped_entries_count, 2, grpc: true, code: GRPC::Core::StatusCodes::INVALID_ARGUMENT) assert_prometheus_metric_value( :stackdriver_dropped_entries_count, 1, grpc: true, code: GRPC::Core::StatusCodes::PERMISSION_DENIED) assert_prometheus_metric_value( :stackdriver_retried_entries_count, 0, grpc: true) end end def test_non_api_error setup_gce_metadata_stubs setup_prometheus setup_logging_stubs( GRPC::InvalidArgument.new('internal client error', PARSE_ERROR_GRPC_METADATA)) do # The API Client should not retry this and the plugin should consume # the exception. d = create_driver(ENABLE_PROMETHEUS_CONFIG) d.emit('message' => log_entry(0)) d.run assert_prometheus_metric_value( :stackdriver_successful_requests_count, 0, grpc: true, code: GRPC::Core::StatusCodes::OK) assert_prometheus_metric_value( :stackdriver_failed_requests_count, 1, grpc: true, code: GRPC::Core::StatusCodes::INVALID_ARGUMENT) assert_prometheus_metric_value( :stackdriver_ingested_entries_count, 0, grpc: true, code: GRPC::Core::StatusCodes::OK) assert_prometheus_metric_value( :stackdriver_dropped_entries_count, 1, grpc: true, code: GRPC::Core::StatusCodes::INVALID_ARGUMENT) assert_prometheus_metric_value( :stackdriver_retried_entries_count, 0, grpc: true) end end def test_server_error setup_gce_metadata_stubs { GRPC::Core::StatusCodes::DEADLINE_EXCEEDED => 'DeadlineExceeded', GRPC::Core::StatusCodes::UNIMPLEMENTED => 'Unimplemented', GRPC::Core::StatusCodes::INTERNAL => 'Internal', GRPC::Core::StatusCodes::UNAVAILABLE => 'Unavailable' }.each_with_index do |(code, message), index| exception_count = 0 setup_logging_stubs( GRPC::BadStatus.new_status_exception(code, message)) do d = create_driver(USE_GRPC_CONFIG, 'test') # The API client should retry this once, then throw an exception which # gets propagated through the plugin d.emit('message' => log_entry(0)) begin d.run rescue GRPC::BadStatus => error assert_equal "#{code}:#{message}", error.message exception_count += 1 end end assert_equal 1, @failed_attempts.size, "Index #{index} failed." assert_equal 1, exception_count, "Index #{index} failed." end end # TODO: The code in the non-gRPC and gRPC tests is nearly identical. # Refactor and remove duplication. # TODO: Use status codes instead of int literals. def test_prometheus_metrics setup_gce_metadata_stubs [ # Single successful request. [false, 0, 1, 1, [1, 0, 1, 0, 0]], # Several successful requests. [false, 0, 2, 1, [2, 0, 2, 0, 0]], # Single successful request with several entries. [false, 0, 1, 2, [1, 0, 2, 0, 0]], # Single failed request that causes logs to be dropped. [true, 16, 1, 1, [0, 1, 0, 1, 0]], # Single failed request that escalates without logs being dropped with # several entries. [true, 13, 1, 2, [0, 0, 0, 0, 2]] ].each do |should_fail, code, request_count, entry_count, metric_values| setup_prometheus (1..request_count).each do setup_logging_stubs( if should_fail GRPC::BadStatus.new_status_exception(code, 'SomeMessage') end) do d = create_driver(USE_GRPC_CONFIG + ENABLE_PROMETHEUS_CONFIG, 'test') (1..entry_count).each do |i| d.emit('message' => log_entry(i.to_s)) end # rubocop:disable Lint/HandleExceptions begin d.run rescue GRPC::BadStatus end # rubocop:enable Lint/HandleExceptions end end successful_requests_count, failed_requests_count, ingested_entries_count, dropped_entries_count, retried_entries_count = metric_values assert_prometheus_metric_value(:stackdriver_successful_requests_count, successful_requests_count, grpc: true, code: 0) assert_prometheus_metric_value(:stackdriver_failed_requests_count, failed_requests_count, grpc: true, code: code) assert_prometheus_metric_value(:stackdriver_ingested_entries_count, ingested_entries_count, grpc: true, code: 0) assert_prometheus_metric_value(:stackdriver_dropped_entries_count, dropped_entries_count, grpc: true, code: code) assert_prometheus_metric_value(:stackdriver_retried_entries_count, retried_entries_count, grpc: true, code: code) end end # This test looks similar between the grpc and non-grpc paths except that when # parsing "105", the grpc path responds with "DEBUG", while the non-grpc path # responds with "100". # # TODO(lingshi) consolidate the tests between the grpc path and the non-grpc # path, or at least split into two tests, one with string severities and one # with numeric severities. def test_severities setup_gce_metadata_stubs expected_severity = [] emit_index = 0 setup_logging_stubs do d = create_driver # Array of pairs of [parsed_severity, expected_severity] [%w(INFO INFO), %w(warn WARNING), %w(E ERROR), %w(BLAH DEFAULT), %w(105 DEBUG), ['', 'DEFAULT']].each do |sev| d.emit('message' => log_entry(emit_index), 'severity' => sev[0]) expected_severity.push(sev[1]) emit_index += 1 end d.run end verify_index = 0 verify_log_entries(emit_index, COMPUTE_PARAMS) do |entry| assert_equal_with_default(entry['severity'], expected_severity[verify_index], 'DEFAULT', entry) verify_index += 1 end end def test_struct_payload_non_utf8_log setup_gce_metadata_stubs setup_logging_stubs do d = create_driver d.emit('msg' => log_entry(0), 'normal_key' => "test#{non_utf8_character}non utf8", "non_utf8#{non_utf8_character}key" => 5000, 'nested_struct' => { "non_utf8#{non_utf8_character}key" => \ "test#{non_utf8_character}non utf8" }, 'null_field' => nil) d.run end verify_log_entries(1, COMPUTE_PARAMS, 'jsonPayload') do |entry| fields = get_fields(entry['jsonPayload']) assert_equal 5, fields.size, entry assert_equal 'test log entry 0', get_string(fields['msg']), entry assert_equal 'test non utf8', get_string(fields['normal_key']), entry assert_equal 5000, get_number(fields['non_utf8 key']), entry assert_equal 'test non utf8', get_string(get_fields(get_struct(fields \ ['nested_struct']))['non_utf8 key']), entry assert_equal null_value, fields['null_field'], entry end end def test_non_integer_timestamp setup_gce_metadata_stubs time = Time.now { { 'seconds' => nil, 'nanos' => nil } => nil, { 'seconds' => nil, 'nanos' => time.tv_nsec } => nil, { 'seconds' => 'seconds', 'nanos' => time.tv_nsec } => nil, { 'seconds' => time.tv_sec, 'nanos' => 'nanos' } => \ { 'seconds' => time.tv_sec }, { 'seconds' => time.tv_sec, 'nanos' => nil } => \ { 'seconds' => time.tv_sec } }.each do |input, expected| setup_logging_stubs do d = create_driver @logs_sent = [] d.emit('message' => log_entry(0), 'timestamp' => input) d.run end verify_log_entries(1, COMPUTE_PARAMS) do |entry| assert_equal expected, entry['timestamp'], 'Test with timestamp ' \ "'#{input}' failed for entry: '#{entry}'." end end end private WriteLogEntriesRequest = Google::Logging::V2::WriteLogEntriesRequest WriteLogEntriesResponse = Google::Logging::V2::WriteLogEntriesResponse USE_GRPC_CONFIG = %( use_grpc true ).freeze # Create a Fluentd output test driver with the Google Cloud Output plugin with # grpc enabled. The signature of this method is different between the grpc # path and the non-grpc path. For grpc, an additional grpc stub class can be # passed in to construct the mock used by the test driver. def create_driver(conf = APPLICATION_DEFAULT_CONFIG, tag = 'test', multi_tags = false) conf += USE_GRPC_CONFIG driver = if multi_tags Fluent::Test::MultiTagBufferedOutputTestDriver.new( GoogleCloudOutputWithGRPCMock.new(@grpc_stub)) else Fluent::Test::BufferedOutputTestDriver.new( GoogleCloudOutputWithGRPCMock.new(@grpc_stub), tag) end driver.configure(conf, true) end # Google Cloud Fluent output stub with grpc mock. class GoogleCloudOutputWithGRPCMock < Fluent::GoogleCloudOutput def initialize(grpc_stub) super() @grpc_stub = grpc_stub end def api_client @grpc_stub end end # GRPC logging mock that successfully logs the records. class GRPCLoggingMockService < Google::Cloud::Logging::V2::LoggingServiceV2Client def initialize(requests_received) super() @requests_received = requests_received end def write_log_entries(entries, log_name: nil, resource: nil, labels: nil, partial_success: nil) request = Google::Apis::LoggingV2::WriteLogEntriesRequest.new( log_name: log_name, resource: resource, labels: labels, entries: entries, partial_success: partial_success ) @requests_received << request WriteLogEntriesResponse.new end end # GRPC logging mock that fails and returns server side or client side errors. class GRPCLoggingMockFailingService < Google::Cloud::Logging::V2::LoggingServiceV2Client def initialize(error, failed_attempts) @error = error @failed_attempts = failed_attempts super() end # rubocop:disable Lint/UnusedMethodArgument def write_log_entries(entries, log_name: nil, resource: nil, labels: nil, partial_success: nil) @failed_attempts << 1 begin raise @error rescue # Google::Gax::GaxError will wrap the latest thrown exception as @cause. raise Google::Gax::GaxError, @message end end # rubocop:enable Lint/UnusedMethodArgument end # Set up grpc stubs to mock the external calls. def setup_logging_stubs(error = nil) if error.nil? @requests_sent = [] @grpc_stub = GRPCLoggingMockService.new(@requests_sent) else @failed_attempts = [] @grpc_stub = GRPCLoggingMockFailingService.new(error, @failed_attempts) end yield end # Verify the number and the content of the log entries match the expectation. # The caller can optionally provide a block which is called for each entry. def verify_log_entries(n, params, payload_type = 'textPayload', &block) @requests_sent.each do |request| @logs_sent << { 'entries' => request.entries.map { |entry| JSON.parse(entry.to_json) }, 'labels' => request.labels, 'resource' => request.resource, 'logName' => request.log_name } end verify_json_log_entries(n, params, payload_type, &block) end # Use the right single quotation mark as the sample non-utf8 character. def non_utf8_character [0x92].pack('C*') end # For an optional field with default values, Protobuf omits the field when it # is deserialized to json. So we need to add an extra check for gRPC which # uses Protobuf. # # An optional block can be passed in if we need to assert something other than # a plain equal. e.g. assert_in_delta. def assert_equal_with_default(field, expected_value, default_value, entry) if expected_value == default_value assert_nil field elsif block_given? yield else assert_equal expected_value, field, entry end end # Get the fields of the payload. def get_fields(payload) payload['fields'] end # Get the value of a struct field. def get_struct(field) field['structValue'] end # Get the value of a string field. def get_string(field) field['stringValue'] end # Get the value of a number field. def get_number(field) field['numberValue'] end def get_bool(field) field['boolValue'] end # The null value. def null_value { 'nullValue' => 'NULL_VALUE' } end def http_request_message HTTP_REQUEST_MESSAGE end def source_location_message SOURCE_LOCATION_MESSAGE end def source_location_message2 SOURCE_LOCATION_MESSAGE2 end def expected_operation_message2 # 'last' is a boolean field with false as default value. Protobuf omit # fields with default values during deserialization. OPERATION_MESSAGE2.reject { |k, _| k == 'last' } end # expected: A Ruby hash that represents a JSON object. # e.g.: # { # "file" => "source/file", # "function" => "my_function", # "line" => 18 # } # # actual: A Ruby hash that represents a Proto object. # e.g.: # { # "structValue" => { # "fields" => { # "file" => { # "stringValue" => "source/file" # }, # "function" => { # "stringValue" => "my_function" # }, # "line" => { # "numberValue" => 18 # } # } # } # } # This method has a different implementation at the REST side. def assert_hash_equal_json(expected, actual) error_message = "expected: #{expected}\nactual: #{actual}" assert_true actual.is_a?(Hash), "Expect the actual value to be a hash. #{error_message}" if actual.key?('stringValue') assert_equal expected, get_string(actual), error_message elsif actual.key?('numberValue') assert_equal expected, get_number(actual), error_message elsif actual.key?('boolValue') assert_equal expected, get_bool(actual), error_message elsif actual.key?('structValue') expected_copy = expected.dup get_fields(get_struct(actual)).each do |field_name, nested_actual| assert_hash_equal_json expected_copy[field_name], nested_actual expected_copy.reject! { |k, _| k == field_name } end # Make sure all fields are matched. assert_true expected_copy.empty? else assert_true false, "Unsupported proto format. #{error_message}" end end end