module Capsaicin module Service module LSB DEFAULT_ACTIONS = %w(status start stop restart) # Check for the existance of a generic LSB initscript. def lsb?(id, basedir="/etc/init.d") files.exists? "#{basedir}/#{id.to_s.split(':').last}" end # Defines a recipe to control a generic LSB service. # def lsb(id,*args) options = Hash===args.last ? args.pop : {} basedir = options.delete(:basedir) svc_name = id.to_s svc_desc = next_description(:reset) || (svc_name.capitalize unless options.delete(:hide)) svc_actions = DEFAULT_ACTIONS svc_actions += args.pop if Array === args.last namespace id do svc_id = Symbol === id ? id.to_s : id.split(':').last desc "#{svc_desc}: #{SVC_ACTION_CAPTIONS[:status]}" if svc_desc task :default, options do status end svc_cmd = do case basedir when String; basedir + '/' + svc_id when NilClass; '/etc/init.d/' + svc_id when Symbol; fetch(basedir) + '/' + svc_id when Proc; end end svc_actions.each do |svc_action| svc_action = svc_action.intern if String === svc_action desc "#{svc_desc}: #{SVC_ACTION_CAPTIONS[svc_action]}" if svc_desc task svc_action, options do _run_method = basedir ? fetch(:run_method, :run) : :sudo send(_run_method, "#{} #{svc_action}") end end instance_eval { yield } if block_given? end end end end end