module Padrino module Generators ## # Defines the generator for creating a new admin app. # class AdminApp < Thor::Group # Add this generator to our padrino-gen Padrino::Generators.add_generator(:admin, self) # Define the source template root and themes. def self.source_root; File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)); end # Defines the "banner" text for the CLI. def self.banner; "padrino-gen admin"; end # Defines the theme names for admin based on available. def self.themes; Dir[File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/templates/assets/stylesheets/themes/*"].map { |t| File.basename(t) }.sort; end # Include related modules include Thor::Actions include Padrino::Generators::Actions include Padrino::Generators::Admin::Actions desc "Description:\n\n\tpadrino-gen admin generates a new Padrino Admin application" class_option :skip_migration, :aliases => "-s", :default => false, :type => :boolean class_option :app, :aliases => "-a", :desc => "The model destination path", :default => '.', :type => :string class_option :root, :desc => "The root destination", :aliases => '-r', :default => ".", :type => :string class_option :destroy, :aliases => '-d', :default => false, :type => :boolean class_option :theme, :desc => "Your admin theme: (#{self.themes.join(", ")})", :default => "default", :type => :string class_option :renderer, :aliases => '-e', :desc => "Rendering engine (erb, haml)", :type => :string class_option :admin_model, :aliases => '-m', :desc => "The name of model for access controlling", :default => 'Account', :type => :string # Copies over the Padrino base admin application def create_admin self.destination_root = options[:root] if in_app_root? unless supported_orm.include?(orm) say "<= At the moment, Padrino only supports #{supported_orm.join(" or ")}. Sorry!", :yellow raise SystemExit end unless self.class.themes.include?(options[:theme]) say "<= You need to choose a theme from: #{self.class.themes.join(", ")}", :yellow raise SystemExit end tmp_ext = options[:renderer] || fetch_component_choice(:renderer) unless supported_ext.include?(tmp_ext.to_sym) say "<= Your are using '#{tmp_ext}' and for admin we only support '#{supported_ext.join(', ')}'. Please use -e haml or -e erb or -e slim", :yellow raise SystemExit end store_component_choice(:admin_renderer, tmp_ext) self.behavior = :revoke if options[:destroy] empty_directory destination_root("admin") directory "templates/app", destination_root("admin") directory "templates/assets", destination_root("public", "admin") template "templates/", destination_root("admin/app.rb") append_file destination_root("config/apps.rb"), "\nPadrino.mount(\"Admin\").to(\"/admin\")" insert_middleware 'ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::ConnectionManagement', 'admin' if [:mini_record, :activerecord].include?(orm) account_params = [ options[:admin_model].underscore, "name:string", "surname:string", "email:string", "crypted_password:string", "role:string", "-a=#{options[:app]}", "-r=#{options[:root]}" ] account_params << "-s" if options[:skip_migration] account_params << "-d" if options[:destroy] Padrino::Generators::Model.start(account_params) column =, :type) columns = [:id, :name, :surname, :email].map { |col| } column_fields = [ { :name => :name, :field_type => :text_field }, { :name => :surname, :field_type => :text_field }, { :name => :email, :field_type => :text_field }, { :name => :password, :field_type => :password_field }, { :name => :password_confirmation, :field_type => :password_field }, { :name => :role, :field_type => :text_field } ] admin_app =[options[:admin_model].underscore], :root => options[:root], :destroy => options[:destroy]) admin_app.default_orm =[:admin_model].underscore, orm, columns, column_fields) admin_app.invoke_all template "templates/account/#{orm}", destination_root(options[:app], "models", "#{options[:admin_model].underscore}.rb"), :force => true if File.exist?(destination_root("db/seeds.rb")) run "mv #{destination_root('db/seeds.rb')} #{destination_root('db/seeds.old')}" end template "templates/account/", destination_root("db/seeds.rb") empty_directory destination_root("admin/controllers") empty_directory destination_root("admin/views") empty_directory destination_root("admin/views/base") empty_directory destination_root("admin/views/layouts") empty_directory destination_root("admin/views/sessions") template "templates/#{ext}/app/base/_sidebar.#{ext}.tt", destination_root("admin/views/base/_sidebar.#{ext}") template "templates/#{ext}/app/base/index.#{ext}.tt", destination_root("admin/views/base/index.#{ext}") template "templates/#{ext}/app/layouts/application.#{ext}.tt", destination_root("admin/views/layouts/application.#{ext}") template "templates/#{ext}/app/sessions/new.#{ext}.tt", destination_root("admin/views/sessions/new.#{ext}") model_singular = options[:admin_model].underscore model_plural = model_singular.pluralize add_project_module model_plural require_dependencies('bcrypt-ruby', :require => 'bcrypt') gsub_file destination_root("admin/views/#{model_plural}/_form.#{ext}"), "f.text_field :role, :class => :text_field", " :role, :options => access_control.roles" gsub_file destination_root("admin/controllers/#{model_plural}.rb"), "if #{model_singular}.destroy", "if #{model_singular} != current_account && #{model_singular}.destroy" return if self.behavior == :revoke instructions = [] instructions << "Run 'bundle install'" instructions << "Run 'padrino rake ar:migrate'" if orm == :activerecord instructions << "Run 'padrino rake dm:auto:upgrade'" if orm == :datamapper instructions << "Run 'padrino rake seed'" instructions << "Visit the admin panel in the browser at '/admin'"! { |i| " #{instructions.index(i)+1}) #{i}" } say say "="*65, :green say "The admin panel has been mounted! Next, follow these steps:", :green say "="*65, :green say instructions.join("\n") say "="*65, :green say else say "You are not at the root of a Padrino application! (config/boot.rb not found)" end end end # AdminApp end # Generators end # Padrino