sc_require('ext/string'); sc_require('views/view'); sc_require('views/view/animation'); /** Map to CSS Transforms */ SC.CSS_TRANSFORM_MAP = { rotate: function(val){ return null; }, rotateX: function(val){ if (SC.typeOf(val) === SC.T_NUMBER) val += 'deg'; return 'rotateX('+val+')'; }, rotateY: function(val){ if (SC.typeOf(val) === SC.T_NUMBER) val += 'deg'; return 'rotateY('+val+')'; }, rotateZ: function(val){ if (SC.typeOf(val) === SC.T_NUMBER) val += 'deg'; return 'rotateZ('+val+')'; }, scale: function(val){ if (SC.typeOf(val) === SC.T_ARRAY) val = val.join(', '); return 'scale('+val+')'; } }; SC.View.reopen( /** @scope SC.View.prototype */ { layoutStyleCalculator: null, /** layoutStyle describes the current styles to be written to your element based on the layout you defined. Both layoutStyle and frame reset when you edit the layout property. Both are read only. Computes the layout style settings needed for the current anchor. @property {Hash} @readOnly */ layoutStyle: function() { var props = { layout: this.get('layout'), turbo: this.get('hasAcceleratedLayer'), staticLayout: this.get('useStaticLayout') }; var calculator = this.get('layoutStyleCalculator'); calculator.set(props); return calculator.calculate(); }.property().cacheable() }); SC.View.LayoutStyleCalculator = SC.Object.extend({ _layoutDidUpdate: function(){ var layout = this.get('layout'); if (!layout) { return; } this.dims = SC._VIEW_DEFAULT_DIMS; this.loc = this.dims.length; // loose comparison used instead of (value === null || value === undefined) var right = (this.right = layout.right); this.hasRight = (right != null); var left = (this.left = layout.left); this.hasLeft = (left != null); var top = ( =; this.hasTop = (top != null); var bottom = (this.bottom = layout.bottom); this.hasBottom = (bottom != null); var width = (this.width = layout.width); this.hasWidth = (width != null); var height = (this.height = layout.height); this.hasHeight = (height != null); this.minWidth = ((layout.minWidth === undefined) ? null : layout.minWidth); var maxWidth = (this.maxWidth = (layout.maxWidth === undefined) ? null : layout.maxWidth); this.hasMaxWidth = (maxWidth != null); this.minHeight = (layout.minHeight === undefined) ? null : layout.minHeight; var maxHeight = (this.maxHeight = (layout.maxHeight === undefined) ? null : layout.maxHeight); this.hasMaxHeight = (maxHeight != null); var centerX = (this.centerX = layout.centerX); this.hasCenterX = (centerX != null); var centerY = (this.centerY = layout.centerY); this.hasCenterY = (centerY != null); var borderTop = (this.borderTop = ((layout.borderTop !== undefined) ? layout.borderTop : layout.border) || 0); var borderRight = (this.borderRight = ((layout.borderRight !== undefined) ? layout.borderRight : layout.border) || 0); var borderBottom = (this.borderBottom = ((layout.borderBottom !== undefined) ? layout.borderBottom : layout.border) || 0); var borderLeft = (this.borderLeft = ((layout.borderLeft !== undefined) ? layout.borderLeft : layout.border) || 0); // the toString here is to ensure that it doesn't get px added to it this.zIndex = (layout.zIndex != null) ? layout.zIndex.toString() : null; this.opacity = (layout.opacity != null) ? layout.opacity.toString() : null; this.backgroundPosition = (layout.backgroundPosition != null) ? layout.backgroundPosition : null; this.ret = { marginTop: null, marginLeft: null }; }.observes('layout'), // handles the case where you do width:auto or height:auto and are not using "staticLayout" _invalidAutoValue: function(property){ var error = SC.Error.desc("%@.layout() you cannot use %@:auto if staticLayout is disabled".fmt( this.get('view'), property), "%@".fmt(this.get('view')),-1); SC.Logger.error(error.toString()); throw error ; }, _handleMistakes: function() { var layout = this.get('layout'); // handle invalid use of auto in absolute layouts if(!this.staticLayout) { if (this.width === SC.LAYOUT_AUTO) { this._invalidAutoValue("width"); } if (this.height === SC.LAYOUT_AUTO) { this._invalidAutoValue("height"); } } if (SC.platform.supportsCSSTransforms) { // Check to see if we're using transforms var animations = layout.animate, transformAnimationDuration, key; if (animations) { for(key in animations){ if (SC.CSS_TRANSFORM_MAP[key]) { // To prevent: // this.animate('scale', ...); // this.animate('rotate', ...); // Use this instead // this.animate({ scale: ..., rotate: ... }, ...); if (this._pendingAnimations && this._pendingAnimations['-'+SC.platform.cssPrefix+'-transform']) { throw "Animations of transforms must be executed simultaneously!"; } // Because multiple transforms actually share one CSS property, we can't animate multiple transforms // at different speeds. So, to handle that case, we just force them to all have the same length. // First time around this will never be true, but we're concerned with subsequent runs. if (transformAnimationDuration && animations[key].duration !== transformAnimationDuration) { SC.Logger.warn("Can't animate transforms with different durations! Using first duration specified."); animations[key].duration = transformAnimationDuration; } transformAnimationDuration = animations[key].duration; } } } } }, _calculatePosition: function(direction) { var translate = null, turbo = this.get('turbo'), ret = this.ret; var start, finish, size, maxSize, margin, hasStart, hasFinish, hasSize, hasMaxSize, startBorder, startBorderVal, finishBorder, finishBorderVal, sizeNum; if (direction === 'x') { start = 'left'; finish = 'right'; size = 'width'; maxSize = 'maxWidth'; margin = 'marginLeft'; startBorder = 'borderLeft'; finishBorder = 'borderRight'; hasStart = this.hasLeft; hasFinish = this.hasRight; hasSize = this.hasWidth; hasMaxSize = this.hasMaxWidth; } else { start = 'top'; finish = 'bottom'; size = 'height'; maxSize = 'maxHeight'; margin = 'marginTop'; startBorder = 'borderTop'; finishBorder = 'borderBottom'; hasStart = this.hasTop; hasFinish = this.hasBottom; hasSize = this.hasHeight; hasMaxSize = this.hasMaxHeight; } ret[start] = this._cssNumber(this[start]); ret[finish] = this._cssNumber(this[finish]); startBorderVal = this._cssNumber(this[startBorder]); finishBorderVal = this._cssNumber(this[finishBorder]); ret[startBorder+'Width'] = startBorderVal || null; ret[finishBorder+'Width'] = finishBorderVal || null; sizeNum = this[size]; // This is a normal number if (sizeNum >= 1) { sizeNum -= (startBorderVal + finishBorderVal); } ret[size] = this._cssNumber(sizeNum); if(hasStart) { if (turbo) { translate = ret[start]; ret[start] = 0; } // top, bottom, height -> top, bottom if (hasFinish && hasSize) { ret[finish] = null; } } else { // bottom aligned if(!hasFinish || (hasFinish && !hasSize && !hasMaxSize)) { // no top, no bottom ret[start] = 0; } } if (!hasSize && !hasFinish) { ret[finish] = 0; } return translate; }, _calculateCenter: function(direction) { var ret = this.ret, size, center, start, finish, margin, startBorder, startBorderVal, finishBorder, finishBorderVal; if (direction === 'x') { size = 'width'; center = 'centerX'; start = 'left'; finish = 'right'; margin = 'marginLeft'; startBorder = 'borderLeft'; finishBorder = 'borderRight'; } else { size = 'height'; center = 'centerY'; start = 'top'; finish = 'bottom'; margin = 'marginTop'; startBorder = 'borderTop'; finishBorder = 'borderBottom'; } ret[start] = "50%"; startBorderVal = this._cssNumber(this[startBorder]); finishBorderVal = this._cssNumber(this[finishBorder]); ret[startBorder+'Width'] = startBorderVal || null; ret[finishBorder+'Width'] = finishBorderVal || null; var sizeValue = this[size], centerValue = this[center], startValue = this[start]; var sizeIsPercent = SC.isPercentage(sizeValue), centerIsPercent = SC.isPercentage(centerValue, YES); // If > 1 then it should be a normal number value if (sizeValue > 1) { sizeValue -= (startBorderVal + finishBorderVal); } if((sizeIsPercent && centerIsPercent) || (!sizeIsPercent && !centerIsPercent)) { var value = centerValue - sizeValue/2; ret[margin] = (sizeIsPercent) ? Math.floor(value * 100) + "%" : Math.floor(value); } else { // This error message happens whenever height is not set. SC.Logger.warn("You have to set "+size+" and "+center+" using both percentages or pixels"); ret[margin] = "50%"; } ret[size] = this._cssNumber(sizeValue) || 0; ret[finish] = null; }, _calculateTransforms: function(translateLeft, translateTop){ if (SC.platform.supportsCSSTransforms) { // Handle transforms var layout = this.get('layout'); var transformAttribute = SC.platform.domCSSPrefix+'Transform'; var transforms = []; if (this.turbo) { // FIXME: Can we just set translateLeft / translateTop to 0 earlier? transforms.push('translateX('+(translateLeft || 0)+'px)', 'translateY('+(translateTop || 0)+'px)'); // double check to make sure this is needed if (SC.platform.supportsCSS3DTransforms) { transforms.push('translateZ(0px)'); } } // normalizing transforms like rotateX: 5 to rotateX(5deg) var transformMap = SC.CSS_TRANSFORM_MAP; for(var transformName in transformMap) { var layoutTransform = layout[transformName]; if(layoutTransform != null) { transforms.push(transformMap[transformName](layoutTransform)); } } this.ret[transformAttribute] = transforms.length > 0 ? transforms.join(' ') : null; } }, _calculateAnimations: function(translateLeft, translateTop){ var layout = this.layout, animations = layout.animate, key; // we're checking to see if the layout update was triggered by a call to .animate if (!animations) { return; } // TODO: Deprecate SC.Animatable if(this.getPath('view.isAnimatable')) { return; } // Handle animations var transitions = [], animation; this._animatedTransforms = []; if (!this._pendingAnimations) { this._pendingAnimations = {}; } var platformTransform = "-" + SC.platform.cssPrefix + "-transform"; // animate({ scale: 2, rotateX: 90 }) // both scale and rotateX are transformProperties // so they both actually are animating the same CSS key, i.e. -webkit-transform if (SC.platform.supportsCSSTransitions) { for(key in animations) { // FIXME: If we want to allow it to be set as just a number for duration we need to add support here animation = animations[key]; var isTransformProperty = SC.CSS_TRANSFORM_MAP[key]; var isTurboProperty = (key === 'top' && translateTop != null) || (key === 'left' && translateLeft != null); if (SC.platform.supportsCSSTransforms && (isTurboProperty || isTransformProperty)) { this._animatedTransforms.push(key); key = platformTransform; } // We're actually storing the css for the animation on layout.animate[key].css animation.css = key + " " + animation.duration + "s " + animation.timing; // If there are multiple transform properties, we only need to set this key once. // We already checked before to make sure they have the same duration. if (!this._pendingAnimations[key]) { this._pendingAnimations[key] = animation; transitions.push(animation.css); } } this.ret[SC.platform.domCSSPrefix+"Transition"] = transitions.join(", "); } else { // TODO: Do it the JS way // For now we're just sticking them in so the callbacks can be run for(key in animations) { this._pendingAnimations[key] = animations[key]; } } delete layout.animate; }, // return "auto" for "auto", null for null, converts 0.XY into "XY%". // otherwise returns the original number, rounded down _cssNumber: function(val){ if (val == null) { return null; } else if (val === SC.LAYOUT_AUTO) { return SC.LAYOUT_AUTO; } else if (SC.isPercentage(val)) { return (val*100)+"%"; } else { return Math.floor(val); } }, calculate: function() { var layout = this.get('layout'), pdim = null, translateTop = null, translateLeft = null, turbo = this.get('turbo'), ret = this.ret, dims = this.dims, loc = this.loc, view = this.get('view'), key, value; this._handleMistakes(layout); // X DIRECTION if (this.hasLeft || this.hasRight || !this.hasCenterX) { translateLeft = this._calculatePosition("x"); } else { this._calculateCenter("x"); } // Y DIRECTION if (this.hasTop || this.hasBottom || !this.hasCenterY) { translateTop = this._calculatePosition("y"); } else { this._calculateCenter("y"); } // these properties pass through unaltered (after prior normalization) ret.minWidth = this.minWidth; ret.maxWidth = this.maxWidth; ret.minHeight = this.minHeight; ret.maxHeight = this.maxHeight; ret.zIndex = this.zIndex; ret.opacity = this.opacity; ret.mozOpacity = this.opacity; ret.backgroundPosition = this.backgroundPosition; this._calculateTransforms(translateLeft, translateTop); this._calculateAnimations(translateLeft, translateTop); // convert any numbers into a number + "px". for(key in ret) { value = ret[key]; if (typeof value === SC.T_NUMBER) { ret[key] = (value + "px"); } } return ret ; }, willRenderAnimations: function(){ if (SC.platform.supportsCSSTransitions) { var view = this.get('view'), layer = view.get('layer'), currentStyle = layer ? : null, newStyle = view.get('layoutStyle'), activeAnimations = this._activeAnimations, activeAnimation, pendingAnimations = this._pendingAnimations, pendingAnimation, animatedTransforms = this._animatedTransforms, transformsLength = animatedTransforms ? animatedTransforms.length : 0, transitionStyle = newStyle[SC.platform.domCSSPrefix+"Transition"], layout = view.get('layout'), key, callback, idx, shouldCancel; if (pendingAnimations) { if (!activeAnimations) activeAnimations = {}; for (key in pendingAnimations) { if (!pendingAnimations.hasOwnProperty(key)) continue; pendingAnimation = pendingAnimations[key]; activeAnimation = activeAnimations[key]; shouldCancel = NO; if (newStyle[key] !== (currentStyle ? currentStyle[key] : null)) shouldCancel = YES; // if we have a new animation (an animation property has changed), cancel current if (activeAnimation && (activeAnimation.duration !== pendingAnimation.duration || activeAnimation.timing !== pendingAnimation.timing)) { shouldCancel = YES; } if (shouldCancel && activeAnimation) { if (callback = activeAnimation.callback) { if (transformsLength > 0) { for (idx=0; idx < transformsLength; idx++) { this.runAnimationCallback(callback, null, animatedTransforms[idx], YES); } this._animatedTransforms = null; } else { this.runAnimationCallback(callback, null, key, YES); } } this.removeAnimationFromLayout(key, YES); } activeAnimations[key] = pendingAnimation; } } this._activeAnimations = activeAnimations; this._pendingAnimations = null; } }, didRenderAnimations: function(){ if (!SC.platform.supportsCSSTransitions) { var key, callback; // Transitions not supported for (key in this._pendingAnimations) { callback = this._pendingAnimations[key].callback; if (callback) this.runAnimationCallback(callback, null, key, NO); this.removeAnimationFromLayout(key, NO, YES); } this._activeAnimations = this._pendingAnimations = null; } }, runAnimationCallback: function(callback, evt, propertyName, cancelled) { var view = this.get('view'); if (callback) { if (SC.typeOf(callback) !== SC.T_HASH) { callback = { action: callback }; } callback.source = view; if (! { = this; } } SC.View.runCallback(callback, { event: evt, propertyName: propertyName, view: view, isCancelled: cancelled }); }, transitionDidEnd: function(evt) { var propertyName = evt.originalEvent.propertyName, animation, idx; animation = this._activeAnimations ? this._activeAnimations[propertyName] : null; if (animation) { if (animation.callback) { // Charles says this is a good idea SC.RunLoop.begin(); // We're using invokeLater so we don't trigger any layout changes from the callbacks until the animations are done if (this._animatedTransforms && this._animatedTransforms.length > 0) { for (idx=0; idx < this._animatedTransforms.length; idx++) { this.invokeLater('runAnimationCallback', 1, animation.callback, evt, this._animatedTransforms[idx], NO); } } else { this.invokeLater('runAnimationCallback', 1, animation.callback, evt, propertyName, NO); } SC.RunLoop.end(); } this.removeAnimationFromLayout(propertyName, YES); } }, removeAnimationFromLayout: function(propertyName, updateStyle, isPending) { if (updateStyle) { var layer = this.getPath('view.layer'), updatedCSS = [], key; for(key in this._activeAnimations) { if (key !== propertyName) { updatedCSS.push(this._activeAnimations[key].css); } } // FIXME: Not really sure this is the right way to do it, but we don't want to trigger a layout update if (layer) {[SC.platform.domCSSPrefix+"Transition"] = updatedCSS.join(', '); } } var layout = this.getPath('view.layout'), idx; if (propertyName === '-'+SC.platform.cssPrefix+'-transform' && this._animatedTransforms && this._animatedTransforms.length > 0) { for(idx=0; idx < this._animatedTransforms.length; idx++) { delete layout['animate' + SC.String.capitalize(this._animatedTransforms[idx])]; } this._animatedTransforms = null; } delete layout['animate' + SC.String.capitalize(propertyName)]; if (!isPending) { delete this._activeAnimations[propertyName]; } } }); SC.CoreView.runCallback = function(callback)/** @scope SC.View.prototype */{ var additionalArgs = SC.$A(arguments).slice(1), typeOfAction = SC.typeOf(callback.action); // if the action is a function, just try to call it. if (typeOfAction == SC.T_FUNCTION) { callback.action.apply(, additionalArgs); // otherwise, action should be a string. If it has a period, treat it // like a property path. } else if (typeOfAction === SC.T_STRING) { if (callback.action.indexOf('.') >= 0) { var path = callback.action.split('.') ; var property = path.pop() ; var target = SC.objectForPropertyPath(path, window) ; var action = target.get ? target.get(property) : target[property]; if (action && SC.typeOf(action) == SC.T_FUNCTION) { action.apply(target, additionalArgs); } else { throw 'SC.runCallback could not find a function at %@'.fmt(callback.action) ; } // otherwise, try to execute action direction on target or send down // responder chain. // FIXME: Add support for additionalArgs to this // } else { // SC.RootResponder.responder.sendAction(callback.action,, callback.source, callback.source.get("pane"), null, callback.source); } } }; SC.View.runCallback = SC.CoreView.runCallback;