module Spec module Expectations module Should class Base #== and =~ will stay after the new syntax def ==(expected) __delegate_method_missing_to_target "==", "==", expected end def =~(expected) __delegate_method_missing_to_target "=~", "=~", expected end #<, <=, >=, > are all implemented in Spec::Matchers::Be # and will be removed with 0.9 deprecated do def <(expected) __delegate_method_missing_to_target "<", "<", expected end def <=(expected) __delegate_method_missing_to_target "<=", "<=", expected end def >=(expected) __delegate_method_missing_to_target ">=", ">=", expected end def >(expected) __delegate_method_missing_to_target ">", ">", expected end end def default_message(expectation, expected=nil) return "expected #{expected.inspect}, got #{@target.inspect} (using #{expectation})" if expectation == '==' "expected #{expectation} #{expected.inspect}, got #{@target.inspect}" unless expectation == '==' end def fail_with_message(message, expected=nil, target=nil) Spec::Expectations.fail_with(message, expected, target) end def find_supported_sym(original_sym) ["#{original_sym}?", "#{original_sym}s?"].each do |alternate_sym| return alternate_sym.to_s if @target.respond_to?(alternate_sym.to_s) end end deprecated do def method_missing(original_sym, *args, &block) if original_sym.to_s =~ /^not_/ return, *args, &block) end if original_sym.to_s =~ /^have_/ return have.__send__(original_sym.to_s[5..-1].to_sym, *args, &block) end __delegate_method_missing_to_target original_sym, find_supported_sym(original_sym), *args end end end end end end