module Refinery module Blog module Admin class PostsController < ::Refinery::AdminController crudify :'refinery/blog/post', order: 'published_at DESC', include: [:translations, :author] before_action :find_all_categories, only: [:new, :edit, :create, :update] before_action :find_all_authors, only: [:new, :edit, :create, :update] before_action :check_category_ids, only: :update def uncategorized @posts =[:page]) end def tags if ActiveRecord::Base.connection.adapter_name.downcase == 'postgresql' op = '~*' wildcard = '.*' else op = 'LIKE' wildcard = '%' end @tags = Refinery::Blog::Post.tag_counts_on(:tags).where( [" #{op} ?", "#{wildcard}#{params[:term].to_s.downcase}#{wildcard}"] ).map { |tag| {:id =>, :value =>}} render :json => @tags.flatten end def create # if the position field exists, set this object as last object, given the conditions of this class. if Refinery::Blog::Post.column_names.include?("position") post_params.merge!({ :position => ((Refinery::Blog::Post.maximum(:position, :conditions => "")||-1) + 1) }) end if (@post = Refinery::Blog::Post.create(post_params)).valid? (request.xhr? ? : flash).notice = t( 'refinery.crudify.created', :what => "'#{@post.title}'" ) unless from_dialog? unless params[:continue_editing] =~ /true|on|1/ redirect_back_or_default(refinery.blog_admin_posts_path) else unless request.xhr? redirect_to :back else render "/shared/message" end end else render :text => "" end else unless request.xhr? render :new else render :partial => "/refinery/admin/error_messages", :locals => { :object => @post, :include_object_name => true } end end end def delete_translation find_post @post.translations.find_by_locale(params[:locale_to_delete]).destroy flash[:notice] = ::I18n.t('delete_translation_success', :scope => '') redirect_to refinery.blog_admin_posts_path end private def post_params params.require(:post).permit(permitted_post_params) end def permitted_post_params [ :title, :body, :custom_teaser, :tag_list, :draft, :published_at, :custom_url, :user_id, :username, :browser_title, :meta_description, :source_url, :source_url_title, :category_ids => [] ] end protected def find_post @post = Refinery::Blog::Post.friendly.joins(:translations).find(params[:id]) end def find_all_categories @categories = Refinery::Blog::Category.all end def find_all_authors @authors = Refinery::Blog.user_class.all if (!Refinery::Blog.user_class.nil? && Refinery::Blog.user_class.column_names.include?('username')) end def check_category_ids params[:post][:category_ids] ||= [] end end end end end