require 'active_support/core_ext/object/to_query' require 'httparty' require 'builder' require 'date' module Trackerific module Services # Provides package tracking support for USPS. class USPS < Base include HTTParty format :xml base_uri case (ENV['RAILS_ENV'] || 'production') when 'production' then "" else "" end def initialize(options={}) @options = options end # An Array of Regexp that matches valid USPS package IDs # @return [Array, Regexp] the regular expression # @api private def self.package_id_matchers [ /^E\D{1}\d{9}\D{2}$|^9\d{15,21}$/ ] end # Tracks a USPS package # @param [String] package_id the package identifier # @return [Trackerific::Details] the tracking details # @raise [Trackerific::Error] raised when the server returns an error (invalid credentials, tracking package, etc.) # @example Track a package # usps = user_id: 'user' # details = ups.track_package("EJ958083578US") # @api public def track(id) @package_id = id # connect to the USPS shipping API via HTTParty response = self.class.get( env == 'production' ? "/ShippingAPI.dll" : "/ShippingAPITest.dll", query: { :API => 'TrackV2', :XML => build_tracking_xml_request }.to_query ) # raise any errors error = check_response_for_errors(response, :TrackV2) raise error unless error.nil? # get the tracking information from the response tracking_info = response['TrackResponse']['TrackInfo'] events = [] # parse the tracking events out of the USPS tracking info tracking_info['TrackDetail'].each do |d| events << date_of_event(d), description_of_event(d), location_of_event(d) ) end unless tracking_info['TrackDetail'].nil? # return the details tracking_info['ID'], tracking_info['TrackSummary'], events ) end # Gets the city/state of a zipcode - requires access to USPS address APIs # @param [String] zipcode The zipcode to find the city/state for # @return [Hash] { zip: 'the zipcode, 'city: "the city", state: "the state" } # @example Lookup zipcode for Beverly Hills, CA # usps = :user_id => 'youruserid' # city_state = usps.city_state_lookup(90210) # city_state[:city] # => BEVERLY HILLS # city_state[:state] # => CA # city_state[:zip] # => 90210 # @api public def city_state_lookup(zipcode) response = self.class.get( env == 'production' ? "/ShippingAPI.dll" : "/ShippingAPITest.dll", query: { :API => 'CityStateLookup', :XML => build_city_state_xml_request(zipcode) }.to_query ) # raise any errors error = check_response_for_errors(response, :CityStateLookup) raise error unless error.nil? # return the city, state, and zip response = response['CityStateLookupResponse']['ZipCode'] { :city => response['City'], :state => response['State'], :zip => response['Zip5'] } end private def env @rails_env ||= ENV['RAILS_ENV'] || 'production' end # Parses a USPS tracking event, and returns its date # @param [String] event The tracking event to parse # @return [DateTime] The date / time of the event # @api private def date_of_event(event) # get the date out of # Mon DD HH:MM am/pm THE DESCRIPTION CITY STATE ZIP. d = event.split(" ") DateTime.parse(d[0..3].join(" ")) end # Parses a USPS tracking event, and returns its description # @param [String] event The tracking event to parse # @return [DateTime] The description of the event # @api private def description_of_event(event) # get the description out of # Mon DD HH:MM am/pm THE DESCRIPTION CITY STATE ZIP. d = event.split(" ") d[4..d.length-4].join(" ").capitalize end # Parses a USPS tracking event, and returns its location # @param [String] event The tracking event to parse # @return The location of the event # @api private def location_of_event(event) # remove periods, and split by spaces d = event.gsub(".", "").split(" ") l = d[d.length-3, d.length] # => ['city', 'state', 'zip'] # this is the location from the USPS tracking XML. it is not guaranteed # to be completely accurate, since there's no way to know if it will # always be the last 3 words. city = l[0] state = l[1] zip = l[2] # for greater accuracy, we can use the city/state lookup API from USPS if @options[:use_city_state_lookup] l = city_state_lookup(zip) # these will be nil if USPS does not have the zipcode in their database city = l[:city] unless l[:city].nil? state = l[:state] unless l[:state].nil? zip = l[:zip] unless l[:zip].nil? end "#{city}, #{state} #{zip}" end # Checks a HTTParty response for USPS, or HTTP errors # @param [HTTParty::Response] response The HTTParty response to check # @return The exception to raise, or nil # @api private def check_response_for_errors(response, api) # return any HTTP errors return response.error unless response.code == 200 # return a Trackerific::Error if there is an error in the response, or if # the tracking response is malformed return['Error']['Description']) unless response['Error'].nil? return"Tracking information not found in response from server.") if response['TrackResponse'].nil? && api == :TrackV2 return"City / state information not found in response from server.") if response['CityStateLookupResponse'].nil? && api == :CityStateLookup return nil # no errors to report end # Builds an XML city/state lookup request # @param [String] zipcode The zipcode to find the city/state for # @return [String] the xml request # @api private def build_city_state_xml_request(zipcode) xml = "" # set up the Builder builder = => xml) # add the XML header builder.instruct! :xml, :version => "1.0", :encoding => "UTF-8" # build the request builder.CityStateLookupRequest(:USERID => @options[:user_id]) do |request| request.ZipCode(:ID => "5") do |zip| zip.Zip5 zipcode end end end # Builds an XML tracking request # @return [String] the xml request # @api private def build_tracking_xml_request xml = "" # set up the Builder builder = => xml) # build the request builder.TrackRequest(:USERID => @options[:user_id]) do |t| t.TrackID(:ID => @package_id) end # return the XML xml end end end end